Can You Steal It Walkthrough

Can You Steal It Stage 9

Can You Steal It Stage 9

This is the walkthrough for Can You Steal It Stage 9 Solutions, Cheats, Answers for iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle, iPod Touch and other device by Monkey Robber.

What is the solution for Can You Steal It Stage 9 ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. Collect a remote from the sofa.
  2. Check the ipod and remember the word LOVE.
  3. Now tap LOVE into the disc player.
  4. Tap the black color box on the floor and collect a disc from inside.
  5. Insert the disc into the player.
  6. Now use remote to turn on the television.
  7. Check the screen and remember the clue.
  8. Now tap the dancing board on the floor.
  9. Tap left, up, down and right.
  10. Now tap the television and read another clue, remember 280.
  11. Now remember the color from the picture in the middle.
  12. Tap the brown color box on the floor.
  13. Change the color to yellow, blue, green and tap in 280.
  14. Open and collect the card.

Some people are looking for these:

  • Can You Steal It walkthrough stage 9
  • Can You Steal It Level 9
  • Can You Steal It cheat Stage 9

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