Escape If You Can Walkthrough

Escape If You Can Level 8

Escape If You Can Level 8

Escape If You Can Level 8 for iPhone, iPad, Android with Explanation and screenshot for this room and all the items.

  1. Check the typing machine on the right.
  2. Reveal the hints from the machine and a piece of paper on the right.
  3. Now check the painting on the wall, and slide it to the right. Reveal another hint from here.
  4. Now move the other side of the room, check the globe and reveal another hints.
  5. Now check the painting above the firebox and reveal another hints.
  6. Now move back to the other side.
  7. Tap the box on the left side, change it to correct color by following the hints.
  8. Collect a key from it use key to open the cabinet below it to collect fire extinguisher.
  9. Collect a screwdriver from the other cabinet on the left.
  10. Now move to another side, use fire extinguisher on the fire and check a key from inside.
  11. Now use screwdriver to unscrew and collect the key.
  12. Now tap the book rack on the left and set the logo to correct one, collect a pencil.
  13. Now tap the small book rack on the right, tap the book by correct answer.
  14. Use the key to open the painting on the right and collect a cog.
  15. Now back to the other side, check behind the photo on the left and collect a cog.
  16. Now use pencil to draw the book beside the typing machine and reveal a group of code.
  17. Now tap the lift control panel, tap and change the code.
  18. Place the cog and the door will open after you done correctly.


The game Escape If You Can contains 9 levels, you are in the level 8. If you found out that the answer or solution is not accurate, please leave comment below, we will update to you as soon as possible.

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