
Last updated on June 7th, 2023 at 05:45 am



Afterplace is one of the best $6.99 to play game in the App Store.
Developed by Evan Kice, Afterplace is a Role Playing game with a content rating of 12+.
It was released on 9th December 2022 with the latest update 28th April 2023

Whether you are a fan of Role Playing, Adventure, games, you will find this game interesting and will absolutely like it.


174 people have rated 1.1.23

You can download the game Afterplace from APP STORE.


Afterplace is an adventurous indie game for mobile devices. It’s a huge open world, full of hidden secrets, treasures, and creatures. You’ll run around the woods, fight monsters, and talk to ostensibly shady characters! All from your pocket! Be warned though – you never know what the forest might be hiding, and not all trails are paved. Labyrinths and dungeons are tucked away in the most concealed nooks. There are no waypoints in Afterplace. You’ll have to forge your own path.

Afterplace has been designed from the ground up to be a fast, fluid, beautiful experience for mobile. There are no virtual buttons. You can move and attack by touching anywhere. You can tap objects directly to interact or attack, or use two thumbs like a traditional controller. The game will adapt dynamically to your play style. Pick up and set down the game at your own pace, it will always save your progress. Afterplace is made to feel like a full-fledged indie adventure game that fits in your pocket.

About the Author:
Afterplace is made by one person, Evan Kice. A former software engineer from Austin TX, Evan quit his job (to the dismay of his friends and family) and has been working full time on Afterplace since early 2019. The initial game released in December of 2022, but Evan plans on continuing to support and polish the game when he can!

Updated on 28th April 2023

  • Fixed text bubble sizing at end of game
  • Fixed initial bun dialog sometimes breaking
  • Tutorials are now touch or controller based
  • Tutorials no longer appear over settings menu
  • Can now only get woods map if you ask

Afterplace Reviews

This is a special game. And when we say that, we dont intend to compare it with other phone games. Just in general, this is an excellent, very special game. Its well worth the asking price. Given how much we enjoyed it, we would have paid more. If youre considering it, we encourage you to take the plunge.

We have never laughed and smiled more at a mobile game than with this. All of the characters and their dialogue feel unique and, despite the tiny sprites, convey emotion incredibly well. Some characters are also adorable little scrunkly scrimblos. :) The writing so far is silly but not overly silly. Just silly enough to occasionally give you a chuckle without derailing the immersion. Not too dissimilar to a certain popular game maker game. The visuals are simple and pleasant, and doors are always marked in a certain manner so you dont miss them, while secrets are way less obvious and are fun to look for. The music and ambiance make for a very chill experience, and ramp up for the combat. The only issues we had was the music cutting out in the Library, and the menu buttons occasionally not registering taps. So far everything else works fine. (possibly fixed now) The new landscape mode is a welcome addition, and feels way more comfortable for a game like this.

This is a game for: people who like Legend of Zelda games, especially if your favorites are the top-down early games people who like to explore in games fans of eldritch/cosmic themes people who like games unique worlds/settings Pros: gorgeous art. We love the way it plays with the medium of 2D pixel games AMAZING writing. Seriously. It made us laugh. It made us really sit there and think sometimes. It made us sad. Can’t express how much we adore the writing here. Complex story themes thought-out worldbuilding decent accessibility features (can’t overstate how often that’s overlooked in 1-dev indie titles tho so kudos!) controller support if touch controls don’t work for you game runs beautifully and always picks up RIGHT where you were cost is upfront so there are no microtransactions or ads to slow you down. Cons: combat is simplistic in design but can be difficult to execute properly. Thankfully, the accessibility features make that a non-issue. The game has controller support, but since it’s vertical, anyone with attachable controllers (like a Backbone) has to use touch controls no guide or quest list to track where you need to go or what to do. For some this may be a pro, but we often found myself lost as to where to go. Or lost in general. But that’s a ‘me’ thing. OVERALL this game is well worth its cost. Honestly, we think it’s worth more than that, but we understand it’s difficult to get a game that costs upfront to sell on the App Store. We highly recommend!

We’ve never been a defender of mobile games, but the way Afterplace was made feels the exact same quality as indie games on PC/Console – and its now one of our favorite! Theres no way to describe how immersed we were on our first playthrough. The art, sound design, music, and especially the character design/humor does so much for it. The controls are really intuitive, and the combat is really fun and engaging. Took a bit to get used to – probably bc Im used to using a physical controller – but we never felt confused or frustrated with the controls like we do in other phone games. Absolutely a must-play, and we hope to see more games like this! Will be following Evan on his future endeavors.

If you are looking for a game that gives feels like Undertale, exploration like Yume Nikki, and story like something all of its own, this game is it. It feels like this game was made by a kindred spirit of the kid d that likes to go through a game to find all the little secrets. Also, thank you so much for including the invincible setting without penalty, we know some might feel like thats cheating, but it personally made it way more accessible and enjoyable. Thank you for making this game!

So many things we love about this game. Theres very little direction, and the figure it out yourself approach really makes it feel like your own unique adventure. Every time we thought we had seen it all we would find something surprising and new to explore. As someone who tends to quit games when they get too challenging, we were so glad to see an invisible mode as a toggle-able option. Story, characters, gameplay, all great and well executed. 10/10 game. Cheers.

We looooove the little fox Joxxi! He/She is soooo cute.

Just beat this game after buying it last week, and was so pleasantly surprised. The visuals are incredible, the controls are easy enough, and the story and dialogue was next level. Id even say exceptional. This game was made by one individual, so, understandably, there were a few things that left us with an itch that had not been scratched, but was teased at. For instance, the combat & weapon system. In an ideal world you would have been able to buy a variety of weapons from the weapon store that eventually appears, with different specs (dagger= speed but lacks damage, great sword=damage, lacks speed, etc). And having the option for ranged weapons would have added a fun element as well, we believe. We think any critiques we could have really are a compliment: this game is so good that it leaves you wanting MORE. We wish the mushroom forest was a whole world, we wish treasure chests gave more than just coins, we wish you gained exp from fights to level up and adjust stats. But none of these things were the point of Afterlife. In the end, the point was to be engrossed in a beautiful world, and to traverse a rich story about loss and how to move forward in it. For that reason this game deserves a solid 5/5. Great work.

We were incredibly impressed by the design of Afterplace. Art, music, level design, progression, storyits all a cut above, nuanced, sophisticated, and continually surprising. A truly incredible effort, much less from only one person. Id strongly recommend Afterplace to anyone who appreciates games as art.

Played this game the second TouchArcade recommended it and we loved it. So much reminded us of reading every heart a doorway. This game has a wonderful, insightful heart, is beautiful, and is so rewarding to play.

One of the best gaming experiences and stories we’ve ever played. A truly beautiful game that will stick around in our memory for a very long time. We couldnt recommend this game enough. All of the reviews on here already say this enough, but play it. You wont regret it.

Massive link to the past vibes with undertale humor. Music is great, peaceful while exploring, intense during boss fights. Difficulty isnt too hard, but challenging enough to be satisfying. The story mystery is slowly revealed as youre exploring this big Alice in wonderland forest. We absolutely adored this game.

Took us back to Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. This game has such a beautiful design. Artwork, music, storyline. Definitely got hard at some points and had a lot of unexpected turns. Theres somethings that are missing that leads us to believe theres a sequel on the way. We hope so! Thank you for your work on this project, well done and look forward to seeing more of your work!

This is fun and the humor is great. We hope this is a big success for you!

So simple but so much fun. Lots of fun surprises. Would love to see more added to the game!

Loved, loved this game. Great writing, humor, pacing, characters, visuals. Perfect game for a little Zelda-esq escapism. Only thing we wanted was MORE. Please make more games like this.

It is very rare to see a full-fledged indie game for mobile. Mobile players are usually condemned to long delayed updates and bad ports. Almost every rpg on the App Store is a pay-to-win gacha game. Not so with Afterplace. This is a complete indie game built for mobile, with controller support, and designed for portrait mode. (Some people are complaining about this. Its a specific part of the design, not a bug :/ ) Its a good-looking game thats designed well. Its entirely open worldthere are very few maps and no teleport points. This may be a con for some, and if so, maybe this game isnt for you. There is not a quest log, but there is a bird to talk to who will tell you where you should go. (Hes at the peak where you can see the Big Sword. Dont tell anyone we told you.) All the NPCs are amazing. They have long, funny dialogues that really flesh out their personality. The game does get confusing or difficult at times. The difficult can be fixed with the accessibility function. It removes damage and does not affect the story or ending at all. The confusing parts can be solved by making a mapyou know, with a pencil. Or just use your amazing memory, thats fine too. We could find our way around pretty well after a couple hours. We had trouble with a few things, both of which are probably specific to us. Some of the enemies or parts of the story are kind of creepy. Like strange dark creature chasing you around the screen creepy. You get used to it, but it gives such a feeling of unease. Thats what the rating means by mild horror/fear themes we guess. The storys also a littleout there. If you like extradimensional weirdness and slight existential quandaries, go for it. Even if you dont, its fun anyways. Overall, we would recommend this game. We had fun with it, and would play it again. This is Evan Kices first game, and its a full-fledged indie game for mobile! Great job, Evan. Im excited to see what you do next!

This is the best action RPG we’ve played since Links Awakening. Wow, Im loving it. Its funny without trying to hard, the combat is varied and engaging, and the pixel art is truly gorgeous. Some areas were so beautifully and artfully done, we thought about trying to get a screen grab so we could make a set of prints to put it. Our only gripe is frame rate. We dont have a 120 refresh rate capable phone but it can do 60 and this feels like it must be something like 24. Its hard to play at this refresh rate these days. We’ve been spoiled we guess. It was a struggle to play the first half hour of the game because it made us feel sluggish in combat. We really hope this can be patched later. Still, even with that issue, we cant put this game down. Its really wonderful. The developer (I heard its just a one person operation) brilliant. If you find this review, even if your sensitive to low refresh rates, download this anyway. Its worth adjusting for.

Seems pretty good so far, however there is a mouse who claims to have met us on a bridge, when in fact we did not see any bridges nor meet any mice before entering his residence. Also, we were able to ask him about a big sword, which we could not have possibly known about due to seeing no swords of notable size before talking to him. 0/10 no logical continuity, literally unplayable.

There are very few games that we write reviews for. Afterplace is taking going up on the Hall of Fame for one of our favorite gaming experiences of all time. We went into this download unassuming. We left with our heartwrenched and our jaw dropped. The entire experience of Afterplace, from start to finish, was a rollercoaster of perfection. Sound design, world design, game design, mystery, story, exploration, gameplay, Dialogue. Everything in Afterplace hit the mark for what we would review a 5/5. Our only wish ONLY. WISH. Is that we could have MORE. We’ll be eagerly waiting your next game Evan. No matter how long it takes, we’re sure the next project of yours is going to be another hit. Thank you for such a wonderful experience, we thoroughly enjoyed it.

This game is a true gem and it is WILD to us it only has double digit review numbers as we are writing this!!! If you like LoZ/Undertale this is perfect but still awesome and unique from both of those. So many crazy moments of discovery and areas where we thought this place is huge it cant possibly keep going and then it does. Give it a moment, everyone should be talking about and playing this game. 10/10.

What an excellent game. Beautiful sprite work, animation dripping with personality, charming and instantly lovable characters and the story! Starts off unassuming, with a hint of intrigue, and quickly becomes enthralling and touching. We got the sense that the choices we were presented with were significant and meaningful. While Im a little disappointed in how quickly we were able to finish the story, its definitely for the best that the pacing is so tight and deliberate. Any dead air or bloat to the experience would likely have been for the worse. We think the gameplay is also overall great. Mechanically very simple and straightforward, we love how delightfully spammable the basic attack is. Enemies and encounters were never complex, yet still demanded focus and a thoughtful approach most of the time, the final handful of fights being especially ambitious and spectacular! Our only points of criticism are as follows (minor spoilers for point 2) 1) we wish there were like a slider in the settings to increase input sensitivity. While play felt fine overall, there were numerous occasions where Id miss a dodge due to our swipe just not being registered, and we similarly found it pretty hard to microwalk for exploration and combat purposes. We feel like the ability to increase input sensitivity would remedy this, but at the end of the day this was a minor point of frustration. 2) we feel like the reveal of User 0s identity should have been hinted at more intentionally? To us the reveal was surprising, but it was mostly confusing. Im sure there was much we missed in our playthrough, but this development felt like it came out of nowhere when maybe it was intended to be harder-hitting All in all though, we absolutely adore this game. It was worth every penny, despite our minor grievances, and Im definitely gonna have a hard time shutting up about it to our friends lol. Cheers Evan, excellent work!

Evan. Thank you for making this incredible game! We dont ever write reviews, but we felt very compelled to say thank you for undoubtedly many many hours of hard work. The story is great and left a very heartfelt impression on us, the level design surprises you in ways you dont imagine, the controls are smooth. Thank you again. Worth every penny!

What a treasure of a game. The character designs are expressive and cute. The story and secrets are captivating. Multiple times we were baffled at how one person could pour so much talent into a game like this. You owe it to yourself to buy this game. $7 USD well spent!

We have downloaded hundreds of iOS games. Literally. Paid for most of them. We’ve been searching for the best of them. This is it. If you want to feel the way you did when you were exploring in BotW, but mobile: this is your game. If you want the creativity and cleverness of Fez, but without taking itself so seriously, this is your game. If you want the care and attention to detail of Stardew Valley, but without the grind, this is your game. If every developer was Evan Kice, mobile gaming would be so much more than it is. Bravo!

This hidden gem is oozing with charm, its so incredibly detailed and wonderfully rich. Thank you for this, Evan.

We’ve been looking for this game for so long! We’ve tried so many others, and none were just right like this one. We wish we had paid twice as much just to encourage this guy to make more. Its funny. Its adventurous. Its great! Thank you to the developer, you made an incredible game!

As a hobbyist game dev, we find this game interesting, inspiring, and well done. A good mechanic is that the drinks are very fun to buy from the vending machine. As a person, (I’m definitely a person, not a machine in disguise) we find this title warm and inviting, odd and intriguing, funny and beautiful. We especially like the vending machines. We imagine that if we were a vending machine playing this game (I am totally human though) we would really appreciate the representation and the broad spectrum of good and bad vending machines. I, as a human, (NOT a sentient dispenser of various snacks and liquids) want to go use a vending machine now, then we will play more of this game. 10/5 stars. (Btw most vending machines will take credit cards now so don’t worry about bringing cash to the next vending machine you see. Though personally we love cash and imagine that vending machines like cash and coins more because they taste better then credit cards.)

Loved the game so much! We dont write reviews, but a game THIS good with so little recognition? Definitely underrated. We hope more more people check it out.

We just completed the game and we loved the storyline. It was such a fun and adventurous game. One thing we do recommend is making a restart button at the end so we can play it again. Thank you.

What a great and clever little game.

Evan if youre reading this, thank you so much for making this game. We loved every bit of it. It really gave us the feeling that everything we did was discovering a secret. Many times Id think, how is it possible that we NEEDED to do this to advance? It feels like we found a secret! Our journey felt like our own, and was so fun and so cool. Our only complaint about this game would be that by the end, we felt like there were some plot points that we didnt fully understand. Mainly, the time period between a long time ago, and when the game starts, from the main characters perspective. We feel like maybe we could figure it out if we replayed and explored some more? But we hope this game gets really popular and some YouTuber just explains it to us we loved this game.

From the beginning of the game through the end of the final credits, Afterplace is a pure delight. The sense of exploration and mystery as you uncover the strange world is amazing. The gameplay is great for casual mobile sittings, it seems to save your game every time you enter a new screen. Even the final boss is such a different experience from everything that has come before. Unbelievably impressive game from a single developer.

Organic and intuitive storytelling. Challenging, rewarding, and capitulating. A must have!!! About 10+/- hrs of gameplay. This game does not hold your hand but it is very fun to learn about the world progressively. It is a game of its own and does not play like a clone. This is truly a gem!!!

…. Write a full review until we’ve played more of the game. We refuse to play anymore of this game until a land- scape mode is added. Why am we writing in this narrow column? We don’t know. Why don’t they add landscape? If they add a landscape mode then we’ll update our review, add more stars and make use of all this space. We know it’s not a perfect analogy but please, please just add landscape. Thanks.

This game kinda changed our life. It breathes new life into the mobile gaming world. Dont be mislead by the simple graphics, the gameplay and story are some of the most substantive we’ve played in a long while. Starts off kinda fantasy and then gets rather deep. Very slow burn but worth the play. We especially love that you can turn off damage for the hard bosses (Unlike Elden Ring).

Its been very rare that we get to experience a story-driven game -and thats almost certainly what this game is- without any preconceived notions. Undertale, a game which is similar to this in some ways, suffered immensely from this in our opinion -Its hard to get an unbiased idea of these sorts of story-driven games when millions of other people are giving their own opinions on it, even if thats just through fanart. If you want to experience a story-driven game before it becomes popular, this is probably, no, almost certainly your best opportunity. The writing is overall a blast, and we were pleased by some of its more abstract ideas. Is the surreal explored to its fullest extent in this game? Not quite, but its still a core component. But the fact this is a mobile game Wow! Its unbelievable! Seeing this sort of game on the phone market is a sign of hope for entrepreneurial game developers not seen in years! If there is one thing we would want to change, we really, really hope they add more than one save file. We’ve completed the game once, and while we did so rather thoroughly, we did miss some things. We cannot re-experience the game until we delete our previous save, which we are reluctant to do. Also, the combat could use some work. The final boss was not a challenge, from how we fought it at least. Overall rating – 9.5/10 – +0.5 for bringing new life to mobile gaming. Absolutely brilliant work, Evan!

This game brought us to tears at points. Not only is the story line have so much depth, but the characters each have their own backstories and plot that you have to work for. This game can only be described as a cinematic masterpiece. The artwork is breathtaking. The soundtrack is beautiful. The gameplay keeps you on the edge of your seat right up until the very end. Undertale would have nothing on this game. We were never disappointed for a single second since the moment we picked Afterplace up. It was absolutely worth every cent, and you can bet your money that we will absolutely recommend Afterplace to everyone we know. This game needs way more recognition for the hidden gem that it is.

We are not one to usually review games, but Afterplace quickly impressed us! The smooth and simple controls are nice, the graphics are cute, the music decent, but the story and the characters take the prize! This game left us wanting more! The story and characters bring you in and make you want know more about them and their past and where in the universe are we, and where did we come from? Great game! Hopefully more to come a sequel or anything this developer will hopefully make another game!

This game has much more depth than we expected it to have when playing. Highly recommend.

We grew up with Atari and Nintendo (Im that old). This reminds us of the best adventure and rogue type games, only better because its 2023 and we like mystery and puzzles (theres a bit of a puzzle and a lot of mystery). This has a lot going for it – the graphics are cute and retro. Lots of humorous items and dialogue. The story is kind of touching and we found myself caring about the characters, so the story is very good. The story is odd enough without being ridiculous and difficult to understand, which is a tough balance to achieve we think. We like that you need to earn coins to upgrade things, but we wish it was clear how to switch between items (last house on the left in the town). When the game was over, we wished there was a way to free play and re-explore the world. We worked hard and invested time so starting over being our only option to play more was kind of a bummer. 2 things Id love to see – a way to continue playing (as we mentioned) and a mini-map for the screen. We could see the mini-map kind of making some things too easy, but that library is maze-like. Maybe just a library map? We find myself wondering what we missed in the library even after completing the game. Love this game. Im super picky about games we spend time and money in, and Im glad we found this one.

Is this not intended for iPad? Try holding an iPad Pro 12 in portrait Hidden setting? Im sure the game is great.

This has been the most enjoyable game we have played on IOS in a long time. If youre a Zelda style of game fan, then this is right up your alley. The mechanics are amazing, the fighting gradually gets harder (is actually difficult at the end), the story line is magical. This game had us wanting to play all the time and to find every hidden gem. We wish we could rate it higher and wipe our mind clean so we could play it again for the first time.

Honestly, we dont normally write reviews; but this game was such a standout hidden gem that we cant believe its not getting more attention. Thoroughly recommend.

Afterplace is not just the best rpg we have played on our phone, it is also one of the best rpgs we have ever played- comparable to Undertale imo. This is a fantastic game with a lot of charm to it, we wholeheartedly hope the developer continues to make these games. The combat, while simple in terms of what the player can do is made interesting by the variety of enemies. The ability to collect upgrades is welcome, the characters are memorable and interesting, the bosses are very cool and enjoyable to fight- if a bit difficult at times. At 6.99 dollars, we got our money’s worth with a 10-12 hour adventure.

Could easily see this selling for $60 on the Switch. Fantastic game. Its so good that we had to give it 5 stars, and we’ve never reviewed an app on the App Store before. Reminds us of Legend of Zelda with the puzzles and combat, Earthbound with the funky characters, and Stardew Valley with the chill vibes. 11/10, incredible game.

Overall the game is amazing, we love the idea of how an NPC explains ways to beat the monster that killed you. We beat the game and its stuck on the end scene. Besides thst its perfect.

Im enjoying this game VERY much. Congratulations indie game creator, on a job well done.

Let us preface that we despise leaving reviews for things, but this game was absolutely worth it. We played it nonstop over the last few days. The story is great and unfolds as you travel. The dialogue with characters is entertaining and the gameplay itself is challenging but fun. We were genuinely sad when we finished it, only because we wanted more. Very impressed and have already had other friends download it and are loving it.

If there is any justice in this world, this game will be the next Undertale, Omari, Lisa, etc. What an absolute surprise out of nowhere. The gameplay is tight and simple, the worldbuilding and story is constantly surprising and engaging, and the way it combines humor and dialogue into the gameplay is incredible. There were several times we were in tears and could not stop laughing out loud at how unbelievably funny it was. Buy this game. Just do it.

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