Blobiverse – Virtual Life – Maxim Chipeev

Blobiverse – Virtual Life

Blobiverse - Virtual Life

Experience one of the top-rated Free games on the App Store, Blobiverse – Virtual Life! Developed by the innovative team at Maxim Chipeev, this Simulation game provides a unique gaming experience like no other. With a content rating of 4+, it’s perfect for a wide range of players. Since its initial release on 12th December 2011, the game has seen numerous updates, with the latest version launched on 10th March 2023.

Are you a fan of Simulation, Role Playing, games? Then Blobiverse – Virtual Life is right up your alley! You won’t be able to resist its appeal.

User Ratings of Blobiverse – Virtual Life

Over 570 players have rated Blobiverse – Virtual Life. Join them and share your thoughts!

How Much Does Blobiverse – Virtual Life Cost?

Good news! You can download Blobiverse – Virtual Life on your iOS device absolutely free!

Blobiverse – Virtual Life Release Date

Eager to know when Blobiverse – Virtual Life first graced the App Store? It was launched on 12th December 2011.

When Was Blobiverse – Virtual Life Last Updated?

The latest version of Blobiverse – Virtual Life was updated on 10th March 2023, ensuring a more enjoyable gaming experience for all players.

Where Can I Download Blobiverse – Virtual Life?

To get started with Blobiverse – Virtual Life, head over to the official Apple App Store.


A Glimpse into Blobiverse – Virtual Life

Blobiverse is a universe in your pocket. Blobs. Remember. EVERYTHING. You are their God and have the ultimate power. But Blobiverse is about more than that. It’s about the little Blobs who are smart, brave…and cute!

[!!] Ever seen ZERO-player games?

Do a lot—or do nothing! Strike fear into blobs or make them smile! Or play it like an idle game…then they’ll live their own life!

[!!] EVERY Blob has their own friends & enemies, likes & dislikes, and memory & language (Blobian).

  • Help your blobs! Or don’t…
  • Simulate life in a MASSIVE world anywhere you go!
  • Calm and peaceful gameplay?
  • Change the world…or not?!
  • Do fun Quests & watch blobs evolve!
  • The Baker blob bakes cheese. See for yourself…

Will you be an Evil god? Or a Good one? How will YOUR blobs remember you?


Witness your mortal Blobs forage, hunt, socialize, and explore in a massive world where they seek trade, wage war, and settle distant lands.

Watch closely! Your humble followers are true people. Every blob has a powerful memory—they can gossip about events (or blobs), discuss the weather…or vote for a new mayor.

  • Form a Godly relationship with your followers, love them as your own children or strike fear into their hearts! Be careful, Blobs remember everything you do!

  • Blobs progress from primitive tribes to powerful kingdoms.

  • Many unique professions, from the hardy blacksmith to the adventurous ranger.

  • Customize your followers with unique names and a variety of funny and personalized faces.

  • Unlock amazing content with the fun new Quest system and hundreds of levels.

  • Create vast worlds with THOUSANDS of creatures!


  • Become a part of an active, safe, and friendly community.
  • Suggest new features for Blobiverse and make an impact!


What’s New in the Latest Update?

Find out what’s new in the latest version of Blobiverse – Virtual Life updated on 10th March 2023:

  • iPhone 14 Pro/Max support
  • Blobs learn to walk around (not through) obstacles.
  • New blob faces!
  • Fixed faction flowers not spawning.
  • Raccoons learn to graciously accept your cheese.
  • Hats don’t fly way overhead when blobs carry them.
  • New, faster world generation system.
  • Lots of optimizations and other improvements!

User Reviews on Blobiverse – Virtual Life

Looking for more information? Read a comprehensive review of Blobiverse – Virtual Life below:

Okay, our only problem is that the game wont let us complete the ghost town quest.

  1. Do you get houses in the game? 2. Can they start families (not in a suspicious way) 3. Can you grow crops 4. How do you get different faces 5. Lastly can they die of certain causes?

Thank you for still working on it. This is our favorite game!

Our only problem is the new village quest it wont work even after we saw the workbench be put up maybe its just for iPhone 11 or something.

Theres a bug we like to call ignorance so say if a blob from a random town built say a well they would start getting stoned and putting it on top of the frame for the well you think another blood probably not even a minute later would finish it but nope they completely ignore it and when we deleted that one well they built another one and yet again, they never finished making it you can give the stone they wont touch it. Its extremely annoying. Annoying because we just want to see our blob city grow.

Its so annoying, especially since you cant turn it of. We dont want to do the dumb walk though we wanna play the game. We understand that a tutorial is important but is shouldnt be forced with no way to get rid of the pop ups.

We love the idea and the design of this game. The only problem is it is crashing on the wise nomads.

This is quite literally our dream game. We love it so much. Just watching our little blobs form their own societies, farm, hunt, talk to each other.. Its just really fascinating. Thank you to the developer for making the perfect game!

Blobiverse is so fun! There are rarely any ads! We give it a 5-star because it is so a-MAZE-ing! Get it? A-MAZE-ing? Maze? Its fine if you dont. Keep up the good work!

We were way younger when we first got this game, and to see it still going good is something that brightens our day, keep working on the game, maxim!

We loved this game we used to play it before but then we quit because it got boring but we installed it again it has gotten better and we love the new house. The only thing is that we dont want to wait for a day for the missions.

We absolutely love this game and love watching the blobs create new things, this is one of our comfort games and we cant wait to see more updates<3.

This game is awesome! It has cute and colorful graphics.

So this is our second review and dev ples read this pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease so we thought like what if they can get married or have jobs or like have a crush pr something like that it would be so cool but we relized that ours have little hearts when just two are with each other or maybe they can have kids please read this dev please theses arent bugs or anything.

This app is awesome. There is nothing wrong as far as we can see. Perfectly safe for all ages and fun. It is just plain rocking!

We absolutely love this game but we wish there would be more updates. Its the perfect game to mess around with, set the pre-stages and let loose. Let us work on it!

It is better then minecraft even. But there is one thing not in minecraft vehicles. That would be a really cool because welp dont really know it would just be super nice.

Maybe access to all animals and first person mode and also civilizations should be able to attack each other.

We LOVE this games and its super fun and addicting but is it just us or when you get a certain number of blobs it all freezes? We got so tired of it we deleted the game and we were downloading it again when we thought to address the issue. The game is the best not to mention adorable. It is also just what the makers say it is! Each blob literally has a personality but all are amazed at what you do. The yellow blob city (which is near our capital got) in a fight with two blobs from the capital city resulting in a mini-blob war. Its perfect! One more problem we thought to address, the issue of could you not push people as much to join the kingdom on YouTube? We literally tried it and the quest was STILL THERE! Its super annoying and pushy. If possible would you also allow us to earn the ability to add wolves sooner? We want an enemy thats NOT the undead in fact, wolves should come first. Thanks for reading! We love the game, but implore you to update it.

Can You Make A Village Info Button? We Would Like To See our Village’s Resources And Statistics.

Hi we are a player of the game and we like Battle games so could yall add other tribes and a diplomacy system and armys that wold be great! Thank you.

Really fun civilization simulator, a minor nitpick we have is the water textures arent aligned with each other, otherwise no problems.

Every few year this game pops into our head, and seeing it was remastered a year ago brings joy to us. We remember getting this game a year after it originally came out, and since then off and on again we think on it. We thank the developers for not giving up on the game that we’ve loved this past nine years.

We played this game a long time ago, glad to see its still up and runnin.

We love the game so much it is so kole and fun and our nam is Royce.

The gameplay is so fun! We think you should add it so you can chose the color of the blob.

We find way too much entertainment in watching these creatures build, we keep finding myself back on the game just to watch them.

Its such an amazing game with such an amazing vision its everything we’ve literally like wanted since we were a baby, it needs more polish and more features n more stuff but its actively being worked on and the community is AMAZING. Max has an amazing personality n is able to manage the community perfectly. Unrelated to the game but we thought id throw it in :)

We used to play this game a long time ago. But just now we got bored and remembered this game and re-downloaded it. Please dont ever stop or delete this game, we love it.

Awesome game, we like how you can just watch the blobs evolve and multiply. But we wish they could evolve more.

We like it but its not very good like that is maybe good? But its okay.

This is a very good game in general but we have no idea how to get more leaves and unlock stuff but thats prolly us being a idiot.

When we started to play this game we thought it was so fun but when we got in the game there was a few bugs like this one bug that would not let you progress in the quest books please fix this someday we really progress through the game it seems so fun Im going to try to re-re-download the game so we can try it one more time thank you for reading this and please fix this.

Playing on iPhone 14 Pro Max and the game crashes often s. Other than that its fun!

We just downloaded this game and they have no instructions. No matter how hard we tried we coundt find out how to do anything, except spawn cow,pigs, and rocks. You should really add instructions.

Annoying tutorial that will NOT go away, limited options and not at all what we were looking for. Slow paced and fairly pointless.

Created two villages then they went to war over a rock 100/10.

Playing this game since 1.01Im glad to see that this game is still aliveAlso could you make it so different blob tribe fight each other or have wars.

Played this way back in 2016, glad to know its been growing, redownloading it right now. Hope it still as good as it was before.

We love this app its cute and fun, we like it so much we want to purchase the other worlds and stuff but the app wont let us. It also crashes every now and then.

Been playing this game for a very long time. The only thing we wish that you all would add is start a war or a end wars button.

We think blobs should have traits, like one blob is more strong, or friendly, or are a kleptomaniac, for example, and the blobs NEED to be able to tame dogs, also make so that you can place land down. But this game is great all in all its a pretty good game, and no surplus ads, which is an automatic win from us.

We have been playing this game since before the remastered update. We love the update! The blobs are so cute and the game has so much for depth. We just have 2 suggestions: 1. Make the blob villages fight each other 2. Add more recreational structures in their village, like have them build parks or ice cream shops or something-just seeing them build houses and farms gets boring Thank you for updating the game and not letting it die! Its our favorite.


New update, review Updated: we are more enjoying it now that it seems to have ceased its crashing fits, we can now understand the 10$ unlock but given we didnt fully under its purpose to start with, we now wish we had a way to turn off all unlocked items for times we just want to level & unlock like a setting toggle for set worlds. Im glad the 10$ will help the developers make the game bigger its not a bad game, quite cute we like seeing the blobs interact. Would like to see maybe in future updates, cats, dogs, pre generated ruins or villages of like non believers already in place on map, maybe the ability for blobs to build boats would be neat a well. Maybe for a way future update a way to build roads/paths & different homes like to simulate the growth of a village the homes get larger or More designed. For more crops sugar & cocoa to make chocolates for the blobs to maybe win over another blob? A blob maker like one that lets you create any colored blobs then use them in a new world. A world that starts off small but the rest is hidden by a un passable fog that as you build & level your blobs can set out to explore those hidden areas. A paid iAP or free update to let us make our own world layout however big or small. A day & night system & a weather system be a neat thing to see.

Okay so the game is cute and all and is fun but we like terrorizing stuff yes you can spawn that umm monster thing to kill the blobs but we want more like 2 things. 1. Wars we want a thing in the settings that allows us to make the blobs have wars reps with each other it has to be in the settings as a on and off feature because SOME PEOPLE DONT WANT A WAR THAT HAS BRUTAL CASUALTIES TO BLOB LIFE IN BLOB WORLD WAR 2 OR BWW2 THE MOST BRUTAL DEATHS IN BWW2 WERE CAUSED BY THE GERMAN LEADER AT THE TIME Adolf blobler if you want to learn more go on google and search www. BWW2historydon. Com.

We really like the game, its nice.

We played the game before the big update and we liked it and now we love it!… One problem tho. The quest that seas to go to your YouTube Channel is not completing even tho Im subscribed. Help.

More pages for Blobiverse – Virtual Life – Maxim Chipeev