Bridge by NeuralPlay – NeuralPlay, LLC

Bridge by NeuralPlay

Bridge by NeuralPlay

Experience one of the top-rated Free games on the App Store, Bridge by NeuralPlay! Developed by the innovative team at NeuralPlay, LLC, this Card game provides a unique gaming experience like no other. With a content rating of 4+, it’s perfect for a wide range of players. Since its initial release on 23rd January 2021, the game has seen numerous updates, with the latest version launched on 30th October 2023.

Are you a fan of Card, games? Then Bridge by NeuralPlay is right up your alley! You won’t be able to resist its appeal.

User Ratings of Bridge by NeuralPlay

Over 3,393 players have rated Bridge by NeuralPlay. Join them and share your thoughts!

How Much Does Bridge by NeuralPlay Cost?

Good news! You can download Bridge by NeuralPlay on your iOS device absolutely free!

Bridge by NeuralPlay Release Date

Eager to know when Bridge by NeuralPlay first graced the App Store? It was launched on 23rd January 2021.

When Was Bridge by NeuralPlay Last Updated?

The latest version of Bridge by NeuralPlay was updated on 30th October 2023, ensuring a more enjoyable gaming experience for all players.

Where Can I Download Bridge by NeuralPlay?

To get started with Bridge by NeuralPlay, head over to the official Apple App Store.


A Glimpse into Bridge by NeuralPlay

Play rubber bridge, Chicago bridge, duplicate teams, or practice bidding and play.

Just learning bridge? Follow along and learn with bidding and play hints. Tap a bid and the AI will show an explanation. Optionally, the AI will check your bids and plays against its own and show the differences.

For experienced players, our unique double dummy solver allows us to provide six levels of computer AI play.

Bidding system support includes:

  • Standard American Yellow Card (SAYC, five card majors)
  • 2/1 Game Forcing
  • ACOL (four card majors, weak notrump)
  • Precision
    Bidding system customization is supported. For example, you may choose to use Roman Key Card Blackwood.

Features include:

  • Claim the remaining tricks and NeuralPlay’s double dummy solver will verify your claim.
  • Bidding and play hints. Uncertain of what to bid or play? See what the computer would do!
  • Bid and play checker. Compare your bid or play with the computer’s as you play!
  • Bidding explanations. Tap a bid for an explanation. See explanations for other possible bids in the sequence.
  • Replay hand. Start the hand over and try a different bid or line of play.
  • Play review. At the end of the hand, use play review to step through the play trick by trick or card by card.
  • Double dummy solver. Play review will calculate the double dummy solution. Compare your result to the optimal result.
  • Custom hand characteristics. Play deals with your desired distribution and point count.
  • Bidding Assistant. Enter a bidding sequence to get explanations of the bids.
  • Share Hand. Create a link to a hand and send it to a friend or yourself to analyze or play later.
  • PBN file support. Share your play using the PBN file format.
  • Play predealt deals from PBN files.
  • Play from any direction. Instead of playing from south, you may switch and play any hand of the deal.
  • View all hands during play or bidding.
  • Detailed statistics.
  • Undo.

Play modes include:

  • Rubber bridge.
  • Chicago bridge. Support for both rubber style (honor bonuses given, partscores carry forward) and duplicate style scoring (no honor bonus, partscores do not carry forward).
  • Bidding practice. Bidding only. Learn by bidding with your AI partner and comparing your bidding with the AI’s.
  • Play practice. Play only. The computer AI will bid the deal automatically, you play the contract.

Supported bidding conventions include: Stayman, Jacoby Transfers, Takeout Doubles, Negative Doubles, New Minor Forcing, Fourth Suit Forcing, Jacoby Two Notrump, Michaels Cuebid, Unusual Two Notrump, Blackwood, Gerber, Strong Two Clubs, Weak Twos, Landy, and Cappelletti (Hamilton)

What’s New in the Latest Update?

Find out what’s new in the latest version of Bridge by NeuralPlay updated on 30th October 2023:

  • UI improvements.
  • AI play and bidding improvements.
  • Added support for splinter bids by opener.
  • Added support for the Unusual vs Unusual convention.
  • Added black background choice and a dark gray card back for a dark mode.

User Reviews on Bridge by NeuralPlay

Looking for more information? Read a comprehensive review of Bridge by NeuralPlay below:

Love playing bridge. Wish there was a play-people-on-the-internet feature. Just wanted to report an obscure bug. When playing duplicate at level 4, and after a 5heart bid from North following Blackwood from a hand with 2 aces the program suggests a 6 heart response because it incorrectly counts the number of aces as 3 instead 4. 5 hearts means the North hand has 2 aces,. So, Souths 2 plus Norths 2 is 4 aces which the suggestion feature incorrectly counts. This has happened to us twice, which should tell you how much we like the program. A lot! But still a bug to fix.

The Bridge App is outstanding. Dont like the efforts to sell other games. So gave it a 3 instead of a 5.

The computer doesnt give you many winning games. No points to bid!

Opponent opens with one diamond. We bid 1 spade, partner bids two spades (suit established). We bid 3 diamonds, helper suit, looking for either 3 spades or 4 spades and partner passes, leaving us in a useless suit. Im not that experienced but even Bridge Baron can handle that convention.

If not adds in between round, it would have been enjoyable game.

New to bridge and its very easy to learn playing this the way we want to learn. Seeing a computer beat us, bid differently, or take tricks a different way is helpful. Also – seeing what bids generally mean is helpful too.

Terrific game and free. Well programmed compared to competition. In addition, offers tremendous help for neophyte bridge players.

We wish there were more documentation on their website to explain the features, but we do like this app. We particularly like the autobid feature, which makes it possible to focus just on playing the hand, without worrying about the bidding. Often times we see that the AI would have gotten a better score than we did, but we cant find a way to see how the AI would have played it. The app does show an alternative solution, but it often times doesnt have as high a score as the AI made. And the alternative solution often time has a different lead!

It is confusing for us when Im about to play a hand. The Trump is not moved to the left hand side and our hand is not lined up with the dummies hand. It becomes confusing and hard to apply. Please make that change.

We are a fairly new bridge player, and this app is really helping us to advance our skills. You can select the player level for your opponent, obtain hints automatically or when asked or never, and you can replay hands and also go back to previous moves to correct them, or understand the meaning of various bids. Thanks to the creators for putting out such a wonderful app!

NeuralPlay Bridge has been steadily improving, and now plays a strong game on level 6. Wide variety of options including duplicate play. Very clean, uncluttered interface, with jumbo card selection for those of us who are visually impaired. Plays at lightning speed, so you can get quite in a few duplicate hands played in a relatively short time. Very reasonable cost. Highly recommended.

This is a terrible game of bridge . Never get hands that are even able to bid on . We would give it zero stars if we could.

Some of the suggested bids are ludicrous. It occasionally prompts us to promise a stopper in a suit where we have worthless doubleton. This morning, though, North made a bid promising 6 cards in the suit and had 3, 7 high. The hand did have 6 card suit but it was diamonds, not hearts Mostly it does pretty well. Play is a another can of worms; the suggested plays frequently make no sense at all.

We downloaded this app to learn how to play bridge vs. AI. Within a couple days, the App turned our partner into a 2 year old that made ridiculous bids and horrendous card play. Im guessing its due to two possibilities: 1. The AI hates to lose or 2. The creators want us to get so frustrated we delete the app after a week and go out and find a real person to play with. Both are true.

We play with the hints on and am surprised at how often it prompts us to play trump unnecessarily. But our bidding is improving significantly. Lately we’ve been super-focused on bidding. Some things Id love to see as options: Force the final bid to a particular point – for example a 4s that we really wanted to replay as 3nt. Sometimes we can redo the bidding and trick it, but not always. Bid and then just display all the hands. Preference deals to favor majors, minors, or nt. Also, would love to see what you guys could do with a cribbage game. :) Edit – doh. Scroll down and theres bidding practice that already does one of the things we wanted. Its like you read our mind! Im serious about wanting you guys to do cribbage, though. :)

No stress, many options, teaches us. We’ve tried other bridge games, but always come back. We paid for the app but probably owe more bc we play it daily.

This app is almost like playing duplicate bridge in real time.

So much fun. Lots of help to learn. Ads unobtrusive until out of the blue they included audio! Oh well phone should be on silent in movie anyway. Still great and ads still way too loud. Dont play while killing time at the library.

Great app, excellent way to improve you bridge skills.

It would give you an AI review of how you played the hand. That would be worth paying extra dollars!

The bids from north are sometimes interesting. Especially when it decides to go to a small slam, there seems to be no way to find a normal bod that will stop it. We guess any of our partners do that every so often. The more interesting thing is that the hands that south receives seem to be very strongly slanted towards lower points. Instead of counting the points, we counted the number of hands that were above or below 10 points. Slightly more than 70% of souths hands were 9 points or lower (over 100 hands). It should be 50%. It makes things challenging, but often watching east and west play can get boring. Especially if you wanna play rubber, you know youll lose it very often because you are always defending.

Really like the new play from here feature. Now we can try alternative plays to see if they work better for us, without altering the score by replaying the hand. Also the program often changed its strategy when we replayed a hand, so we couldnt test our plays against the original strategy. Sometimes we would hit replay repeatedly, trying to get back to the original strategy. But now we dont have to do that, Also, if we question the AI solution to a hand, we can try playing it differently at any point and see if it works. However it does annoy us that the AI solutions have the players playing their high cards too easily, especially in second position . The declarer doesnt have to decide whether to take a finesse if he knows his opponents will play their highest card when he leads a suit.

Bidding and play by robots quite dumb.

Very weird bidding. Hard to know what partner, as well as East/west mean by their bids.

Really liked this app but lately the bidding is so wrong it has become difficult to play. Hope an update is in the works, until then IM looking for another app 11/22. After updates .. Even worse.. Our favorite app has become unplayable. Bidding is wretched. We opened 1H, app responded 3H.. Their hand 8 points and 2Hearts. This is more the norm than the exception. Ill be searching for a new bridge buddy.

Where can one find a Bridge game that isnt rigged to cheat? The opponents always know much more than is possible in a real game. And, do it consistently.

The bidding engine really stinksNorth frequently departs from standard or even rational calls. The AI bots play quite poorly on the highest expert setting and often fail to make even routine contracts or offer best (or even) reasonable defense. If North werent a bot, we would have reached across the table and strangled him long ago. Best engine for bidding and play is FunBridge. Its not free but well worth the $80 a year for unlimited play in many modes.

This has gotten much worse. There is no consistency it bidding, play, or process.

We uninstalled this due to extremely inappropriate ads. We probably would have purchased this app but was too offended to proceed.

Terrible bidding Terrible play Horrendous duplicate bridge engine cannot reach same result even when both hands played by computer.

This is a very challenging game. When playing it, we’ve learned that most of our finesses will fail. Further, the opponents bid up to force us to fail. The deck, distribution, and high card points all go to the opponents. Its tough to win and your partners bid is vexing and overly aggressive. Oftentimes the game requires one to be totally crafty or one should expect to lose very frequently! JAH.

Sometimes the bidding makes no sense, like jump shifting into a suit with no power or few in that suit. Great for playing hands, though!

Your ads will not let us return to the game (outbrain ad)

We have been playing bridge for 50 plus years. We also have a fairly good grasp of statistical analysis. The east/ west hands are, for the majority, ridiculously powerful. Can we possibly get those hands instead. The disparity makes us ignore the ads. Psy. D.

The graphics are great. But, often the bidding by partner is not accurate and is misleading. We would buy this if it was accurate. Is there a way to submit inaccurate deals?

The robot seldom leads to the suit that we bid.

Had learned bridge as a kid but not played for many years and never knew the bidding conventions. This is a great way to learn!

We have played duplicate bridge for years and have used Bridge Baron to keep up our skills. We were hoping this app would be more instructive and adaptable. For starters, we would prefer to arrange the cards in our hand like we do when we actually play, this app does not accommodate that. When we dont understand a bid our partner has made we would like to ask but there is no way to do that. When the opponents play the hand better than we do we would like to see the play so we may learn. We find this app frustrating and limiting as a result.

We liked the app, but the third time we had to uninstall to exit an ad, we left the app uninstalled.

You will Never finesse. We never bother to bid just pass no matter your hand. Deleting this game. Not worth our time.

We just got an ad that would not let us refuse the offer. Had to delete the app. This company is all about ads their games are not worth the bother.

We gave this app a 3 star because of the bidding is not the normal rules for bidding/ responding that we have learned over the years. Many times your partner really does not have enough points to open or respond but they do anyway. It has made us hesitant to even open/ respond to anything or just play by what is in our hand. We like the way this app is set-up. No real people to wait on and you can just skip a game if you do not like the way it is going. Also, most of times the hints are helpful.

This is the best bridge app we’ve tried so far as a beginner. The play matches most tutorials you will find online.

This app is great for practicing bridge and learning bidding. We just wish it were interactive playing with friends.

Nice -laying but you need to learn the rules.

We enjoy the game this app is better than ones out there for iPhone but there is a tendency AI over bidding. To illustrate, we from South with 13 pts open with 1C north with 1 card club suit bids 3C. South bids 4C, N raises to 5C. Hope App tech can fix AI anomaly.

We are no expert but this app plays a very credible game. We have won 48% of hands played on level 5 and 6, but the app counts ties as wins so Im doing worse than that. We have played 600 hands and have not noticed reneges or anything completely wrong. Bots may bid or play unexpectedly but thats what people do too. What makes bridge great is that there are times where theres no obvious move. We will say the bots SAYC bidding is pretty good (I dont know all the conventions myself), but the card play seems a little weak. Im now playing level 6 all the time and we dont think we’ve ever seen the bot duck a trick even when its pretty clear it should. It seems finesses lose more than they should because second hand seems to play high whenever possible. Every dice or card game app we’ve ever seen get reviews accusing the app of rigging the randomness. Generally speaking, why would a developer put in effort like that to make an inferior product that makes people mad? The beauty of bridge is that you can play duplicate and randomness is not a factor. Sometimes our teammates make dumb plays on the other table, but thats real life too.

Suddenly the computer is making all the bids, including ours. We have changed nothing.

More pages for Bridge by NeuralPlay – NeuralPlay, LLC