Dear Reader Answers

Dear Reader Flatland Chapter 10 Answers

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These are the Answers for Dear Reader Flatland Chapter 10 with Cheats, Solutions including Challenge Words for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV with screenshots for you to solve the levels easier. This game is developed by Local No. 12.

What is the solution for Dear Reader Flatland Chapter 10 Answers ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. It is a Law of Nature with us that a male child shall have one more side than his father, so that each generation shall rise (as a rule) one step in the scale of development and nobility. Thus the son of a Square is a Pentagon; the son of a Pentagon, a Hexagon; and so on.
  2. But this rule applies not always to the Tradesmen, and still less often to the Soldiers, and to the Workmen; who indeed can hardly be said to deserve the name of human Figures, since they have not all their sides equal. With them therefore the Law of Nature does not hold; and the son of an Isosceles (i.e. a Triangle with two sides equal) remains Isosceles still. Nevertheless, all hope is not shut out, even from the Isosceles, that his posterity may ultimately rise above his degraded condition. For, after a long series of military successes, or diligent and skilful labours, it is generally found that the more intelligent among the Artisan and Soldier classes manifest a slight increase of their third side or base, and a shrinkage of the two other sides. Intermarriages (arranged by the Priests) between the sons and daughters of these more intellectual members of the lower classes generally result in an offspring approximating still more to the type of the Equal-Sided Triangle.

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