DK Quiz Culture Entertainment Answers

DK Quiz Aesop’s Fables

These are the answer for DK Quiz Aesop’s Fables Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz Aesop’s Fables ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. Which fable is associated with "Slow and steady wins the race"?
  2. The Tortoise and the Hare
  3. Which tale ends with: "Even when liars tell the truth, they are never believed. The liar will lie once, twice, and then perish when he tells the truth"?
  4. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
  5. In which story does a bird drop pebbles into a jug to enable it to drink?
  6. The Crow and the Pitcher
  7. The moral of The Ant and the Grasshopper is: "To work today is to eat tomorrow."
  8. True
  9. In which fable does the bird learn to: "Beware of flatterers"?
  10. The Fox and the Crow
  11. In which story do the characters learn they could achieve more by working together?
  12. The Bundle of Sticks
  13. What is the moral of The Bear and the Travelers?
  14. Never trust someone who deserts you in need
  15. Who delivered this moral in the fable?
  16. The bear
  17. "Honesty is the best policy" is usually associated with…
  18. Mercury And The Woodman
  19. Who was so busy planning what to do with her money that she dropped the pail?
  20. The milkmaid
  21. The moral of the story The Milkmaid and the Pail is…
  22. Never count your chickens before they hatch
  23. In which fable does one character prevent the other characters from having something that he himself has no use for?
  24. The Dog in the Manger
  25. In which fable does a slave free an animal from pain by removing a thorn from its paw?
  26. Androcles and the Lion
  27. The lion spares Androcles years later in the Roman Arena. What is the moral of this fable?
  28. Gratitude is the sign of noble souls
  29. In The Dog and its Reflection what did the dog lose in the water?
  30. Its bone
  31. Which fable suggests that: "Quality is better than quantity’?
  32. The Lioness
  33. After being unable to reach some tasty looking grapes what does the fox decide they are?
  34. Sour
  35. "Sour grapes" is the popular expression taken from this fable.
  36. True
  37. "Enemies’ promises are made to be broken" comes from which fable?
  38. The Nurse and the Wolf
  39. "Frauds and liars are always discovered eventually, and pay for their actions accordingly." Which fable does this moral belong to?
  40. The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

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