DK Quiz Culture Entertainment Answers

DK Quiz Film Noir

These are the answer for DK Quiz Film Noir Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz Film Noir ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. Which French film critic came up with the name "Film Noir"?
  2. Nino Frank
  3. The golden age of Film Noir is generally considered to have taken place during the 1940s and 1950s.
  4. True
  5. Who played Sam Spade in The Maltese Falcon?
  6. Humphrey Bogart
  7. Which 1953 Fritz Lang film follows the actions of Police Detective Bannion?
  8. The Big Heat
  9. Strangers On a Train was directed by…
  10. Alfred Hitchcock
  11. Which Film Noir parody starred Steve Martin?
  12. Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid
  13. Which 1949 film is set in post WWII Vienna and focuses on the search for Harry Lime?
  14. The Third Man
  15. Who wrote it?
  16. Graham Greene
  17. Barbara Stanwyck stars in this 1944 film about murder and insurance. What is it called?
  18. Double Indemnity
  19. Which John Huston film follows Frank McCloud’s journey to the Florida Keys?
  20. Key Largo
  21. What does Rita Hayworth seductively remove in Gilda?
  22. Her gloves
  23. Which movie starring Charlton Heston, Janet Leigh, and Orson Welles takes place on the American border with Mexico?
  24. Touch of Evil
  25. Which actor played Philip Marlowe in Lady in the Lake?
  26. Robert Montgomery
  27. Hitchcock’s 1943 Shadow of a Doubt was the movie he liked best.
  28. True
  29. Which double-cross murder movie starred Burt Lancaster and Ava Gardner?
  30. The Killers
  31. Who wrote the book on which the movie was based?
  32. Ernest Hemingway
  33. Which 1941 John Huston classic starred Humphrey Bogart, Peter Lorre, and Mary Astor?
  34. The Maltese Falcon
  35. Who directed Touch Of Evil starring Charlton Heston?
  36. Orson Welles
  37. Which film based on a James M. Cain book was made in both 1946 and 1981?
  38. The Postman Always Rings Twice
  39. Who played the lead in the 1981 version?
  40. Jack Nicholson

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