DK Quiz Culture Entertainment Answers

DK Quiz World Music

These are the answer for DK Quiz World Music Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz World Music ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. What is the general term used to describe African popular music from the mid-20th century onwards?
  2. Afropop
  3. The bagpipe was first made by herdsmen using a goat or sheep skin for the bag and a couple of reed pipes?
  4. True
  5. Which country has won the Eurovision Song Contest the most times?
  6. Ireland
  7. Ravi Shankar received international fame as a sitar player when who became his student in 1966?
  8. George Harrison from The Beatles
  9. In which country was Johann Sebastian Bach born?
  10. Germany
  11. What sort of wood is used to make a didgeridoo?
  12. Eucalyptus
  13. With what type of music is Bob Marley most commonly associated?
  14. Reggae music
  15. This instrument originated in China in the 5th century BCE. What is it?
  16. A zither
  17. Before the 20th century, most music in Japan was played by blind musicians, who were monks?
  18. True
  19. What are Whirling Dervishes?
  20. Dancers
  21. The sitar, tabla, and tambura are a group of instruments that originated from which country?
  22. India
  23. Which country’s National Anthem is called Motherland?
  24. Mauritius
  25. The gum-leaf is a very simple instrument made from a single eucalyptus leaf?
  26. True
  27. What type of music originated in the Bronx area of New York City in the 1970s?
  28. Hip hop
  29. The Japanese koto is said to resemble the shape of which creature?
  30. A dragon
  31. What type of drum is this?
  32. A West Indian steel drum
  33. Originally from South America, what is this instrument?
  34. Panpipes
  35. The world’s shortest opera is Milhaud’s "The Deliverance of Theseus", which is only 7 minutes and 27 seconds long?
  36. True
  37. American composer John Cage composed a work entitled 4′ 33", which consists of four minutes and thirty-three seconds of silence.
  38. True
  39. Which of these music festivals does not take place every year?
  40. Woodstock (USA)

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