Escape Room Apartment 12 Walkthrough

Escape Room: Apartment 12 Level 9

Escape Room: Apartment 12 Level 9

Escape Room: Apartment 12 Level 9 Walkthrough, Solutions, Cheats, Answers for iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle, iPod Touch and other device by Weiwei Huang.

What is the solution for Escape Room: Apartment 12 Level 9 ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. The code to open box on table is JOKER which is erased from the cards. Inside the box, note the symbol Club and number 12 which means Queen of Club.
  2. Count the points on dart board which is 9, 7, 3(1×3), 4(2×2). Use code 9734 below dart board.
  3. Plug cable on projector. Notice the sequence of cards which is Heart, Club, Diamond, Spade. After every four cards, the card will increase by 1. So the missing card is 3 of Heart.
  4. Open the door with this code: Club, Q, Heart, 3.

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  • Escape Room: Apartment 12 Level 9
  • Escape Room: Apartment 12 Walkthrough Level 9
  • Escape Room: Apartment 12 Cheats Level 9

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