First Strike: Classic – FEINHEIT GmbH

First Strike: Classic


Step into the gaming world with First Strike: Classic, one of the top $7.99 games in the App Store! Crafted with creativity and innovation by FEINHEIT GmbH, this captivating Simulation game is bound to grab your attention. With its content rating of 12+, it caters to a wide audience. Ever since its release on 12th March 2014, it has been constantly updated, with the latest version rolled out on 1st April 2021.

Whether you have a liking for Simulation, Education, or Strategy games, First Strike: Classic is sure to keep you hooked!

User Ratings

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Dive into First Strike: Classic

Millions of commanders already played First Strike all over the world. Now it is back as First Strike: Classic: The complete rebuild of the iconic strategy game about blowing up the world in the nuclear armageddon. This remaster is more stable, more cunning in its enemies and the best First Strike we ever made.


**** – ""A thought provoking and fast-paced strategy game"" – pocketgamer
**** – ""A gorgeous game with a message, that doesn’t forget that it’s a game"" – 148apps
****½ – ""An awesome game suited for casual and professional nukers alike"" – appszoom
**** – ""For my money, there is no better-looking game on the App Store"" – pockettactics
****½ – ""One of the best releases of the year"" – whatsoniphone


Escalation is a downward spiral.

A nuclear armageddon is no one’s dream scenario. So choose your steps carefully, it’s a small path between war and peace. FIRST STRIKE is a great strategy simulation featuring snappy gameplay and an intuitive interface that makes dropping the big one as easy as ABC. But be sure to take the right measures to guarantee your people’s safety.

Pick one of the big nuclear players – from known Superpowers to an upstart hellraiser like North Korea – and plan your strategy wisely: Limited but clever options let you as the leader of your superpower steer your nation’s fate: Expand to other countries, build bombs or debuild in order to restructure your arsenal. Or use research to widen your options, such as: Ability to act quicker and build bigger bombs, better recon on your enemies actions, automated self-defense-sequences and many more.

Whether you’re a bloodthirsty warmonger or a tree-hugging hippie – it’s time to put your cards on the table. A quick and fun game with beautiful graphics, FIRST STRIKE shows you how little it takes to heat things up. With the tip of your finger you can control the destiny of the precious and vulnerable rock floating through space, the rock we call mothership Earth.


Winner ""Best Mobile Game"" – Indie Prize Amsterdam
Winner ""Most Innovative Game"" – Best App Ever Awards
Winner ""Game of the Year"" – BOSA Awards
Winner ""Newcomer of the Year"" – SwissICT Awards

Finalist ""Best Upcoming Game"" – International Mobile Game Awards
Finalist ""Most Meaningful Play"" – International Mobile Game Awards
Finalist ""Best Hardcore Game"" – Game Connection USA Awards
Finalist ""Most Innovative Game"" – Game Connection USA Awards
Finalist “Best Strategy Game” – Best App Ever Awards
Finalist ""Best International Game"" – Ludicious Game Festival
Finalist ""Best Swiss Game"" – SGDA Awards


** Compatability:
Recommended: iPhone 6S or higher, iPad (7th generation) or higher
Required: iPhone SE or higher, iPad (5th generation) or higher, iPod Touch (7th generation) or higher

What’s Fresh in the Latest Update?

Discover what’s new in the recent update of First Strike: Classic on 1st April 2021:


Hear from the Players – First Strike: Classic Reviews

Find out what gamers are saying about First Strike: Classic:

We been playing this game for 3 years and its still a great and its worth your money.

We played this game for along time but stopped. Because it gets a little repetitive. Playing the same nations. Buts thats all otherwise its a great game.

Thankfully, this game is not pay to win, unlike the newer first strike game. This developer is milking their cash cow more than dairy farms do. Sad.

We love this game but we have a problem with using the global strike trident when we want to select multiple places, it only lets us select one place. Love the game but pls fix.

Its an amazing game, awesome, but can hI we update and add a button where there is a button to click on all of your provinces and build all cruise missiles or icbms or irbms, or expand or debuild, we think it will help with the tediousness of the game, thats all pls consider this!!!!

Enemy countries give up too easy, rarely get to use special weapons. We dont think the game was always like this.

The gameplay itself is great, but when you make alliances they will still bomb you, then if you do not make any alliances, other nations will and decide to target you all at once. This happening over and over again is quite annoying.

This game was… Fun at first but once we got to harder areas of the game it felt like we had a finite amount of options and all lead to death also all axis refuse to negotiate ever, and they makemassive spamming teams.

Played the Final Hour version on IOS, must say its sad to see this game now with ads and having to purchase everything. Plus the AI is very powerful and hard to fight. Real disappointed and actually broke our heart because we really enjoyed this game.

Hate to give a 1 star but 9/10 cant get through a single play through, game crashes left and right, we go back to the original and play that since it doesnt crash.

We used to pour hours into this game; seeing all the different ways we could win and applying new strategies. Since theyve updated it recently, the games seems much more difficult. Opponents seem much more aggressive leaving you with less time to plan, expand, and research. We understand that this adds pressure, but that kind of play is for hardcore mode. The enemies also give up very quickly now, whereas it felt they held on longer in previous versions of the game. 4 stars because we used to love this game, but now its just okay.

We appreciate all the bug fixes with the new update. The new UI will take a little time to get used to but overall we like it. However we want our money back now that it is free.

Its great to see that the game was finally updated after awhile of neglect, however the update is a somewhat of a new game. Like it says, the AI is completely different with new behaviors. We dont know if its just us not playing the game for a bit, but we think the update is a step down in some areas. Its definitely a lot more fast paced than the last update. Im sure its just us not being used to the new update, overall still fun.

Im glad that the game got new upgrades but the hard mode is virtually unplayable. It does not make the game enjoyable; we need to be able to toggle the AIs strengths. Without it, we wouldve preferred to play the old version. Beyond that, Im glad the developers made UI changes. Looks great.

Was pretty excited for the update and remastered version, but have never been so horribly wrong before. Like yes it looks a bit better but we just dont like the the gameplay change. Things are just super touchy and is almost impossible to defend your territory with how hyper aggressive AI is and how ridiculously fast the bombs are early in the game. Which defeats the purpose of developing the technology aspect of it, especially when the AI seems to get jacked in development speed. Overall not happy with it, and am tremendously disappointed and probably wont be playing the game anymore unfortunately. Didnt have the heart to give it 1 star considering how much we loved this game and could count on it when board at appointments and what not. :(

This is one of our favorite games and we dont know if it just happens to us, but sometimes the menus dont work right. Sometimes in the diplomacy screen everything disappears and when a game ends the game just freezes.

Every time we start a game and continue it a day or so after the diplomacy is no longer accessible (doesnt show countries). Highly support the game though.

When we need something to do for 15-30 minutes we play this. And trust us when we say that time goes by fast it does, this game is just a great way to pass the time and still have fun.

We were playing as Russia and we killed everyone, but it wouldnt say that we won the game, it just kept going.

How do you get the newsletter power.

We’ve played this game for weeks and Im still enjoying it. The AI is unpredictable and the outcome is never the same. So overall its really great and well made but we do want the developers to start updating it more. Maybe adding game modes, multiplayer and online, nuclear winter when a certain amount of bombs are dropped, more superpowers, more nations, treaties, and even natural disasters!!! Well thats what we could think of. Thank you so much for making such a great game and PLEASE take what we suggested into consideration.

This game is a blast and is so much fun we would not change a thing the free version does not work and is completely broken so buy this!!!!

This game is absolutely our favorite game on our phone. But could u maybe add some ships, submarines, and planes? Similar to DEFCON.

We just got this game again with our friends we all love it takes up most of time on our phone we really hope they add some sort of multiplayer that would be soooo great and super fun.

The game is amazing and we love it but we think it needs more gameplay mechanics such as deploying nuclear subs or scout jets stuff like that.

Make a remake but Real Time Multiplayer !! PvP !!!!

We love this game but we also encountered a glitch that is said by another person but it was with western Europe we killed every superpower and then there is no you win? Screen so we just went and conquered the entire world. Still no: you win? Screen. And we have a suggestion that is to expand the research tree and also.

We just had to buy the IOS version we love that they added so much in the past 2 yrs! Now its the best with an extremely high bar.

This game is awesome. So many ways to play the game but we think if u add multiplayer like a coop with your friends it would be awesome. Going against your friends In class or where ever using Bluetooth would be a game changer. Just a thought but keep it up!

We want our money back. We paid 1.00$ for the same game we played for free /:(

We love the game but it seems that every time we pick anyone but the U.S the game breaks and wont load any textures please fix we paid for premium and we love the game.

First strike is our favorite war game,but we are getting issues were when we win it wont go to the main screen,so we spend all that time for the win not even counting. If it didnt have this bug we would give it 5 stars but ya.

Great game. Weird bug where there are no remaining enemy countries, and we unlocked the next achievement the next time we start a new game, but the games never actually register as won or completed.

Our music or sound isnt working.

We really enjoy this game and find it very fun to play-random example- in a waiting room at the doctors. We are pretty weird and am not sure if anyone else would like this, but we think adding an African country to play as would make it a good deal more entertaining. Algeria and Somalia would be our top picks.

This game is one of our all-time favourites, however, it has some minor glitches when you win and it does not show the it in the game. Also, recently the sounds in the game stopped working. We hope that you can fix these bugs soon. Again, love the game.

Game is a little fun, however dont expect this to be a strategy game with calculated decisions, theres very little strategy. All you do is click to expand your territory chunk by chunk, and click to launch missiles to defend your chunks. When you have dozens of chunks, it gets real tiring clicking on each one over and over to restock their missiles, just so you can click each one over and over to defend them one by one. All you do is swipe around the globe finding the targeted territory and launching defense missiles. Super annoying, games get boring after 5-10 minutes of doing this. Gameplay is repetitive, little replay value. Glowing reviews, pretty graphics, and a $1.99 price tag made this seem like it was more than it was.

This game is super fun, but theres so many bugs that it takes away from the experience a bit.

Game plays great, very easy to get sucked in to. Really feels like Im in a bunker deep underground strategizing our nations defenses. But it desperately needs more content. We’ve had the game since there were only two super weapons and were only allowed to choose one. And the new additions are great. But it still feels like a lot of the same. And we mean that in the sense we’ve played every nation at least 10 times. Theres only so many different territories you can capture in a different combination each time. We would suggest adding military fleets or the very least submarines. But what would really shake things up. Is adding the solar system. Being able to go to different planets. Fighting on multiple fronts, or whole planets fighting one another. Military fleets in space, colonizing vessels, shooting enough missiles at a planet until it completely blows up. May we remind you this is a game and albeit a fun strategy game. We wouldnt take the game too seriously since being realistic or bound by our current technological abilities in real life only handicaps the games experience and suppresses the games potential. After all First strike is at first a mobile game. But maybe to add some more flavor to the strategy side of things. Maybe adding a resource based system, to give capturing territories more interest or giving the player more incentive to capture territories. Oh and last and final thing. Add more cities!! All in all, great game. 10/10 would recommend.

U need to add a free play so u can train and not get blown up.

This is a very fun game and it hurts us to give it 3 stars but its pretty buggy and it seems you dont care about it. For example with North Korea we have won twice and destroyed all our enemies and taken over territories but the game instead of saying you won or whatnot it just freezes and lets us go around the globe stuck in limbo This has happened twice and is extremely and absolutely annoying and destroys your motivation to play if you dont even win.

Great game, but its impossible to complete the objective occupy all of Oceania. We wish we could get the super weapon unlocked from this, but we have tried.

We bought both then realize theyre is no difference one is paided for and one is free totally waste of our money but good game.

Theres absolutely no updates and the game gets stale.

There is inconsistency in the game information, there is no Arabic language.

There is many unclear item in the game and the background is too dark to see your country or state. And finnally there are not 17+ language support liar.

The game is fun and fine as a time killer. Theres misspelled words throughout, and we experienced the frozen on Australia bug that many other comments have complained about from over a year ago. What pisses us off about many apps is when you tap AppSupport? On the apps listing in the Store, it just takes you to a mobile site about all their crap and not a single way to report a bug. Lazy.

Its the same thing as the free version no changes. We owe our dad now.

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