Gunship III – Combat Flight Simulator – VPAF – PNTK, Inc.

Gunship III – Combat Flight Simulator – VPAF


Step into the gaming world with Gunship III – Combat Flight Simulator – VPAF, one of the top $3.99 games in the App Store! Crafted with creativity and innovation by Phanotek, Inc., this captivating Entertainment game is bound to grab your attention. With its content rating of 4+, it caters to a wide audience. Ever since its release on 9th December 2013, it has been constantly updated, with the latest version rolled out on 12th December 2016.

Whether you have a liking for Entertainment, Simulation, or Action games, Gunship III – Combat Flight Simulator – VPAF is sure to keep you hooked!

User Ratings

Join the crowd of 34 gamers who have given their verdict on Gunship III – Combat Flight Simulator – VPAF.

Ready to take on the adventure? Get Gunship III – Combat Flight Simulator – VPAF now from the APP STORE.

Dive into Gunship III – Combat Flight Simulator – VPAF

This game is an expansion pack of the Gunship-III Vietnam War series.

Features flyable MIG-17PF, MIG-19 (J-6), MIG-21PFL Fishbed and MIG-21M, players could play against others USAF players online.

For more info about the Gunship-III Vietnam War Aircombat series, visit developer’s page or at

Offline Campaigns:

  • Intercept U.S.A.F fighters and bombers over Laos (1964)
  • Intercept U.S.A.F fighters and bombers over HaNoi (1965)


  • 360 degrees virtual cockpit.
  • Realistic avionics and weapon systems.
  • Full multiplayer over the internet with live text chat.
  • Support private network multiplayer.

Download Gunship-III FREE for more free aircrafts and helicopters.

What’s Fresh in the Latest Update?

Discover what’s new in the recent update of Gunship III – Combat Flight Simulator – VPAF on 12th December 2016:

This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.

Fix engine slowly spool up on some devices

Hear from the Players – Gunship III – Combat Flight Simulator – VPAF Reviews

Find out what gamers are saying about Gunship III – Combat Flight Simulator – VPAF:

It’s fun. That’s as far as our mind goes to describe it. We just don’t like how quickly gray-out comes in.

No joke this is a piece of art. Well done. You deserve the money we pay for it. But we do have to say 1 thing, please keep on improving the game. You can make it even better.

The Gunship III – Combat Flight Simulator is one of the best combat flight Sims that you can purchase and get in the App Store or the Google play store! The graphics are unmatched, the gameplay is the most fun we’ve had with any app that we have gotten before. In fact, we deleted all the other apps that were flight Sims and kept only the flight Sims that are made by PNTK (Phanotek). We purchased all of them! There’s one annoying flaw that we see in this series and it persists and all Gunship III sequels. That is the issue of deadly grass! You cannot crash land your jet or touch any grass in the game or your jet will instantly explode! And in large you are NOT updating Gunship III (Vietnam War) or Gunship III Heroes of Mig Alley (Korean War)!!!!! Why?!?! One major issue is that there is no speed or altitude in the heads up display when your are using easy mode and using the fly behind camera view!!! Why?!?!?! Please fix this to in Gunship III Series. You have left these Sims unupdated for a LONG TIME!!!!! By the way, more objectives or any objectives in Gunship III Heroes of Mig Alley would be nice! Only single player objectives!! Why?!? Maybe you can do a capture the base in these flight Sims to like you did in Wings of Duty? It would add a lot more fun to the Gunship III series. Also, it would be nice if you could be a ground anti-aircraft cannon or Sam missile battery. Maybe there could be another installment and make it the ground forces package where you can be any type of ground force, Either anti-aircraft gun, Sam missile battery, or even a tank that can help capture bases, if you employee capture the base in gunship III series. By the way, thanks for including this unique perspective of being able to fly for North Vietnam! It is very boring plain one sided games. All is fair in the name of fun. :-)

Can you add the helicopters like the hip and Hind and make it to where the free version you get kills and rescues to earn points to get the expensive jets and in the full version, you have to earn points to custom paint your jets.

This game is great realistic physics good looking cockpit and what’s awesome for the Vietnamese team is the small community and good communication.

Maybe you can add more detail to the cockpit and ground because we dont really see a bit of good detail in the cockpit and ground stuff.

Overall its a great game we put it up as the best mobile combat sim but if your flying for the Vietnamese your simply out gunned in every scenario 90% of the time you get shot down before your even in engaging distance. Coming from someone owns both versions f4s can become lethal and engage 14 km away vs the 5 with the mig 21 ohh and thats before mentioning that flying the migs you have no radar guided missiles so you have to be a someones six to even pose a threat great game but unbalanced.

The single player in this game is the worst thing ever. They will talk about how youre about to go and attack a US fighter plane but then the message comes up destroy all b-52s to win. Then you destroy 1 B52 in the area and that is the mission, needs to be changed. There is no dogfighting in the single player. Good thing using the Migs in multiplayer is a fun experience!

We think this need to be updated. Our reasoning is that if we do the campaign missions, only one sole b-52 will spawn in at any given time despite mission objectives and threats listed in the mission briefing. Perhaps taking a look into this would be nice. Otherwise, the detail shows how much time was put into this game.

So we used to run this game two years ago and we wanted to install all the games a again and we have a ton of icloud storage and for some reason every time we open the game it takes us back to the home screen and the same thing to the other games like ,Gunship || Gunship || naval edition and Strike. Please fix this thank you.

Continually crashes… Cant even take off before it kicks us off.

Every time we even try to open the app it immediately crashes the ken time we entered it booted us out the seccond we tried to fly this game is garbage dont ever buy it.

We thaight you could shoot down more than one plane per mission like in the USA version pls let us get a refund so we can get the USA version of this game for free.

The aircraft in the game are cool but the main problem is singleplayer. In singleplayer the only thing you are doing is shooting down b-52 bombers. There are no other aircraft to shoot down. The only fun part about this game is multiplayer since you can face other players in multitudes of aircraft.

The only thing here is shoot the SINGLE B52 that respawns. Literally, the entire US Forces has been reduced to one lonely single B52. There is no one on multiplayer if your into that kinda thing. So, once again, the entire country of Vietnam consists of you, another Mig and this poor B52 that is cursed to be shot down over and over again. We just saved you $5.

Love the Gunship III series but includes absolutely no instructions for weapon use ANYWHERE in ANY OF THE EXPANSIONS AS WELL. Would be a great app/sim franchise if they did what everyone else does which is include weapon system instructions of any kind.

The simulator is hands down one of the best mobile simulators out there but the developer takes no interest in fixing the numerous bugs or simply ignores complaints about playability issues.

Don’t buy. This game is the worst full of bugs.

Needs MI-4 to pick up pilots for the nvaf and a missile load out for the mig 19. And you should add the il-10 note it was used in the veitnam war. The il-10 was aqquired to match the success of the a-1 sky raider. This game is very good. Thanks for reading.

This add on/game is great! Better then the other free one ( Gunship III Vietnamese Air Force Free). We have the other version Gunship III USA Air Force, it makes this free! But, still there isn’t much planes. Multiplayer works perfect and is fun. If this add on/ game costs money. We suggest buying the USA one first and then get this for free so u have both full versions.

For some reason every time we try to join a game session it just kicks us out of the server and shows our game statistics.

We have been having a glitch in the mig21where when we land the right side of the landing gear sinks into the ground. When landing the gear sinks and sends you into a violent spin on the ground, flipping the plane over. So you have to restart anytime you want to rearm our refuel.

Download this Verison to…. It’s always fun to be on the other end!

Two things Add helicopters to the Vietnam side or what ever. Add like a z-11 I’d really like it we have all your game .

This game is a beautifully done flight sim on iOS. Absolutely awesome!

So good the only thing it needs are new planes like mig-23,mig-25,mig-29,su-27 thanks.

Be aware that the Players on the U.S. Side have a pretty big advantage over VPAF. Might be better to try GS3 USAF or USN until you have some experience. Overall great game, but still a WIP. Great for aviation enthusiasts and simmers.

What was once a fun and a really good GAME, is slowly becoming just storage material on the hard drive. On line rooms are limited to 6 players only… Not much fun with just 6 players. But that, it seams, is the max that the server can handle to keep game play going. A standard iPad barely has enough power to play the game. And playing the game on line, pushes the iPads limits to the edge. Not laggy but it does jump or skip from time to time. The iOS is fair off line. The OSX version is worse. The latest version did not have an update to the OSX, so it will not keep up with the online game play. Player name tags disappear as do the markers for the online players aircraft. Also the on screen buttons and data disappear as well. You pay for the full version but can’t use it online because it seams. The developers is having difficulty making things work with Apple protocol. The only way to communicate with the developer is through a forum which appears to be monitored by fans/ friends of the developer. Little response is ever received from the developer/ team. Any information about the app and it’s supporting or accompanying apps is only distributed on the forum page. We have paid for the full version of all 4 GS3 apps, only to have them not work as advertised. How long must a person wait to see bugs and app defects corrected to work properly? The forums claim new GS desert storm in the works. It give us pause as if the level of detail in the current GS3 versions over loads the iPad and not being updated for the OSX, what will happen to them when the GS desert storm is released? Will they fall to the wayside as the developer works to promote and build the GS desert storm? It would be nice to be able to play on a wifi connection, but we don’t know what that would do to the already over loaded app program. What this game needs is a way to reduce the new players online. Like completing flight school or something like that. So many new players can’t even figure out how to fly and control their own aircraft. Online game play finds new players dropping smoke on their own home base, marking the locations for the bad guys, who drop bombs on you while to attempt to taxi out to the run way. Or some one runs into you on take off because they don’t know enough to look before they leap or wait their turn. This game had a version that would turn on your iPads camera. Why this is needed is beyond us. We understand why it was done. We just think it is not needed and over loads the iPads abilities. It is far from a simulator and in the end, it is just a game. It doesn’t have the true flight physics of real world flight. (I think the developer is trying, but can not confirm that). You can not stall and put the airplanes into an intentional spin. It will stall and flight controls will become sluggish and mostly unresponsive. True-ing out the trim is also non-existent. Flaps are automatic but gear can be cycled up and down. When you do drop the gear at Mach 1.0, it fails to do much to your speed (induce drag or cause speed to fall off), or damage the gear, making landing difficult. Speed brakes can only be deployed at 0 power, and that happens automatically. If we drop 1 of 2 wing tanks, there should be additional drag on the side with the wing tank still attached, causing us to use the rudder to correct or maintain flight heading. Should "jettison" drop everything under or attached to the aircraft, not just the drop tanks and bombs as it does in his game? There are a few Gage’s that actually work, it seams that most treat them with little concern. A true flight simulator would require referencing the aircraft instruments even for basic flight. It lacks true navigation aids. There is a "big arrow" pointing to the target and large "name tags" that show the other players and LZs. There is no glide slope, I.L.S. Or D.M.E. Simply pointing the nose of the aircraft downward fails to pick up speed necessary for the glide. Even worse, dropping the collective on the helos, does little to reduce the helos altitude. And in reference to the helos, the GAME uses a combination power and collective control (similar to remote control aircraft controls) rather than a true collective flight control. We should be able to drop the collective to lower our altitude without having to reduce power, then suffer from engine lag when trying to flair a landing. In the end we could only give it a 3 as it still can be fun if played off line, and avoid the "Lord of the Flees" environment found in most public online game rooms.

Great game overall we just feel if you add helicopters of the time period of The Vietnam war such as helicopters like the Mi 2 or mi4 etc.

A few bugs but it’s cool one promblem we hate is that no one can save you but it’s a cool game just watch out for enemy fighters :)

North veitnam was working with Russia and Russia gave north veitnam Jet fighters. We mostly like these Migs cause they have better cannon firepower than American cannon firepower. BEST THING EVER. We only have 1 complaint,make the mig-21 Fishbeds have more fuel plz.

To the guy who’s complaining about black screen and red… Seriously bro it’s called blackouts stop pulling to many g’s then Maybe you’ll understand the game. For those that want a mobile DCS "digital combat simulator" (flight sim) this game takes the cake graphics might not be amazing but what can you expect. Just wish more people played this online.

Our screen randomly turns red or black in the middle of the game and then when it starts to clear up, all we can see is myself crashing. We recalibrate our WEEK OLD IPAD MINI and then it still does. And now it won’t even let us take off. #Ripoff #MoneyBack ITS A TRAP!!!!!

It is a good game, just need more missiles for the migs.

All versions of gsIII are fun. Bugs are ironing out quickly!

This game is a blast and we didn’t expect to find it on the App Store. It’s great for all of us Vietnam aircraft fans and it’s nice to see a sim where a lot of work went into it. Keep the updates coming and we’ll keep playing!

They should add helicopters to the Gunship III Vietnam’s people’s air force like the Mil Mi-8 and Mil Mi-24 attack helicopter.

This game is very fun the only complaint we have is it sometimes freezes.

More pages for Gunship III – Combat Flight Simulator – VPAF – PNTK, Inc.