Idle Workout ! – Green Panda Games

Idle Workout !

Idle Workout !

Experience one of the top-rated Free games on the App Store, Idle Workout !! Developed by the innovative team at Green Panda Games, this Role Playing game provides a unique gaming experience like no other. With a content rating of 4+, it’s perfect for a wide range of players. Since its initial release on 30th March 2020, the game has seen numerous updates, with the latest version launched on 12th July 2021.

Are you a fan of Role Playing, Casual, or Entertainment games? Then Idle Workout ! is right up your alley! You won’t be able to resist its appeal.

User Ratings of Idle Workout !

Over 2,792 players have rated Idle Workout !. Join them and share your thoughts!

How Much Does Idle Workout ! Cost?

Good news! You can download Idle Workout ! on your iOS device absolutely free!

Idle Workout ! Release Date

Eager to know when Idle Workout ! first graced the App Store? It was launched on 30th March 2020.

When Was Idle Workout ! Last Updated?

The latest version of Idle Workout ! was updated on 12th July 2021, ensuring a more enjoyable gaming experience for all players.

Where Can I Download Idle Workout !?

To get started with Idle Workout !, head over to the official Apple App Store.


A Glimpse into Idle Workout !

Are you ready to lose weight and get Fit from Fat ! ?
Are you ready to Start Body Building ?
We present to you a one of a kind game where you have to become fit from fat by doing various cardio exercises .
Exercises :

  1. Treadmill
  2. Skipping
  3. Staircase Climbing
  4. Cross training
  5. Cycling

Muscle Exercises:

  1. Dumbbell Lifting for Biceps
  2. Bench Press for Chest
    and many more !

Get ready to immerse yourself into a Realistic Workout session !

What’s New in the Latest Update?

Find out what’s new in the latest version of Idle Workout ! updated on 12th July 2021:

Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Have fun!

User Reviews on Idle Workout !

Looking for more information? Read a comprehensive review of Idle Workout ! below:

The person is gone, you cant interact with anything, and there is a glitch that you can keep upgrading your stamina for no money. PLEASE FIX THIS.

Whenever we click an ad our screen freezes.

We spent 3 days getting our dude yoked closed out for a bit and everything went back to rookie.

When we saw this game we were pretty excited for it but when we play,it keeps bringing us to our home screen.

We really liked the game but it just did not work out for us. When we closed out of it and went back in our character was fat again after we had trained him all the way up till he was ripped af. Anyways to sum it up the game sucked.

We love this game because the person loses weight pretty quickly and gets stamina quickly unlike many other idle games where you have to wait a long time. Im very excited for the muscle training mode to come out.

They gained weight so fast we went away for less than a hour and they gain over 20 pounds. And we feel they shouldnt start both at the same weight to make it more realistic. It would be more entertaining if it was set like levels like if it was once you got the guy to the certain weight and then work on the women.

Our player is not losing weight the daily bar is not filling up after this last update.

Ever since the latest update our game loads up but the characters wont show up and we cant upgrade anything.

We were actually enjoying this game and was glad for the new update.. But sadly we cant play it at all because its broken.. Please fix.

We were playing this game religiously and everything. The first time we were gone for a day, we were down to about 350-360 pounds and then it said we gained over 700. Now we were gone for a couple days and back down to 450 and below but came back and said we had gained over 3,000 pounds. Like how is that possible?!?! We thought it was really ridiculous on top of that when we wanted to rehydrate and watch a video it wouldnt play and we were stuck on the rehydration page the whole time. Now we cant even see the person Im supposed to help exercise with the new update so at this point we give up and will ultimately delete the app from our phone if we dont see an improvement.

We think the game is good but it could do some work like instead of just 1 guy and 1 girl there are different clients and some need to lose 400 pounds some 500 and some 3 or 200 but how about people who need to gain wait like it was to by there doctor or how about a guy who needs to gain wait for a movie.

Good job on making a cool game we really like it.

Great game! But we had to delete it because we got so frustrated with it. We played for a bit and got good progress, we left for a few minutes, we came back and we were right back at the start (500 pounds). This was very frustrating for us. We had made so much progress (lost over 200 pounds in the game obvi) and it put our right back. Besides this the game is really fun and was a good way to keep our entertained.

We like the game but there is a big problem we have with it that is very frustrating. We left the game and when we returned it put us all the way back to 500 pounds and we had lost so much weight about 200 or more pounds loss. We think you should turn it down a little bit on how much weight we gain.

We lost over 100 pounds on the boy and left for a few hours now Im back at 500 lbs Edit: The buttons dont work.

We really like this game ,everything is good . However every time we leave our person gains more weight. Then we have to restart over and over. This is really frustrating!!!!

Fun game but nothing works. We tried to watch a video to fast forward 5 minutes (300 seconds) but that didnt work. After a while we got dehydrated and couldnt rehydrate because the button for THAT video didnt work either. Pro tip: dont make deals with advertisers if you cant show there videos OR dont make things contingent on videos if you have none to show. Get rid of all the ads and just let people play for fun and itll be a great game. Until then, Im deleting it because Im just gonna keep gaining weight while we have to be offline.

Left for a few minutes and went back to wear we started. We were excited to play it and see progress but that definitely frustrated me.

Its a pretty good game and we got our person to 200 pounds then we lever for like 2 hours and when we got back,I was all the way to the beginning!!(500 pounds)

We were enjoying this for the first day and then it came time for us to go to bed. We woke up and somehow our people gained 700 pounds setting us back to the start. It is enjoyable otherwise but the whole start you completely over every day is extremely obnoxious.

We lost over 100 pounds but we left the game for one night and we gained 700 pounds.

We love this game we have it on our iPad and phone it is great to use when your bored we truly recommend you get this game.

Look its downloading right now so we dont know about the actual game but we downloaded it out of spite because all the reviews were saying Im offended one even said we are so obese help us get fit and then the review says they werent even that big like 500 pounds.

Ok so guys we were soooo bored so we decided to search up gym games on the App Store because we are already in shape irl and we saw this game so we decided to download it and we doubted it would be trash but we regretted our words it was the best game ever! And its like a drug because it is sooooooooooooo addictive but thats all good bye.

This has taught us that hard work and dedication will make you succeed at your bodybuilding career. Now, we are in the best physique of our life and can now lift anything that we desire. Thank you to the creator of this app. Our life is way better now!

We think its so so so good we gave it5 stars because its so good look at thisI did like close to a.

TO CREATORS we never really write reviews but THIS IDLE GAME IS THE BEST IDLE GAME EVER TO THE IDKE CREATORS we love this game so as our brother and sisters.

This game is fun but why is the limit for muscle weight 60? We wanna keep playing and this is a tiny fix.

The game is fun but. When you get the muscle building feature, after a bit of time the client apparently cannot fit in her clothes! Please fix!!

This game is very fun, but when we complete a day, it says we get thousands of stamina when we actually get a few hundred. Please fix this.

First off, when the person looks like he ways 220 pounds it says he ways 430 pounds. Another thing is the game has a body fat tracker. When the body fat tracker says he is average he still ways 405 pounds.

Why does this game use our location?

This game is horrible needs more work to it we might delete this game no good.

So many ads its annoying also wont let us lose more weight and the stats are stuck at obese when it should be normal.

It was fun at first but then the Days got stuck, and our charecter was not losing any more weight, but gaining weight, and giving us massive amounts of money every time we logged out. What is this..?

The worst game we’ve played in a while.

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