Infinite Lagrange

Infinite Lagrange

Experience one of the top-rated Free games on the App Store, Infinite Lagrange! Developed by the innovative team at NETEASE INTERACTIVE ENTERTAINMENT PTE. LTD, this Strategy game provides a unique gaming experience like no other. With a content rating of 12+, it’s perfect for a wide range of players. Since its initial release on 2nd June 2021, the game has seen numerous updates, with the latest version launched on 17th November 2023.

Are you a fan of Strategy, Role Playing, games? Then Infinite Lagrange is right up your alley! You won’t be able to resist its appeal.

User Ratings of Infinite Lagrange

Over 6,575 players have rated Infinite Lagrange. Join them and share your thoughts!

How Much Does Infinite Lagrange Cost?

Good news! You can download Infinite Lagrange on your iOS device absolutely free!

Infinite Lagrange Release Date

Eager to know when Infinite Lagrange first graced the App Store? It was launched on 2nd June 2021.

When Was Infinite Lagrange Last Updated?

The latest version of Infinite Lagrange was updated on 17th November 2023, ensuring a more enjoyable gaming experience for all players.

Where Can I Download Infinite Lagrange?

To get started with Infinite Lagrange, head over to the official Apple App Store.


A Glimpse into Infinite Lagrange

Venture into the unknown in this Sci-fi Grand Space Simulation Game!

We have extended our presence to one-third of the Milky Way with a gigantic transportation network—the Lagrange System. Different forces strike to make their own way in the world and desire the control of the Lagrange system.
You, emerging as one of the force leaders, find yourself in a time of challenges and opportunities. Your fleet pioneers into the space unknown where war and sabotage may lie ahead. Are you determined to achieve something great out there or go back to the safety of home?

From 0 to Infitnite
Into the unknown galaxy, you have only a small city with two frigate. Through mining, building and trade, expand your base and territory, attain better ship-building technology and carry more weight in the intergalactic space.

Customized Weapon System
You may even modify and upgrade the weapon system on every single ship, if you ever want to tap into your creative side. It’s up to you to bring out the fleet’s full potential.

Boundless Ship Combos
Spore Fighter, Destroyer, Constantine the Great, Solar Whale Carrier…… With a myriad of ships and aircraft available, there’s really no saying about what kind of fleet you might put together with your unwearying ingenuity.

Realistic Space Massive Battles
In a space battle, a well-planned ambush can severely damage the enemy fleet. Or you can choose to guard thoroughfares with your fleet. A major battle could create a no-fly zone of hundreds of miles’ radius.

Venture Deep into Uncharted Space
In a corner of the Milky Way, you will have your own base and view, beyond that is the vast unknown space. You will send your fleet to the dark frontiers where anything can happen. What else will you find other than stars?

Interact with Interstellar Forces
There are forces taking up parts of the universe. You can help them achieve their goals by sending ships to their aid, cooperate and prosper, or, instead, occupy their airspace and territory. There are countless unknown quests waiting for you. How would you choose?

You Will Need Allies
This is a dynamic society, where cooperation and conflict happen every day. Join or form alliance with global players. Expand territory and spread faith throughout the galaxy. You will enter a robust universe where you can strike for common prosperity with diplomacy or remain detached.

It’s thrilling to command the battle with a close view from all angles, and the 3D graphics rival any blockbusters. Only this time, you’re the lead in the enchanting space.

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What’s New in the Latest Update?

Find out what’s new in the latest version of Infinite Lagrange updated on 17th November 2023:

New features and adjustments for all the star systems:

  1. New loot allocation and dividend gameplay
  2. New leaderboard feature

New features and adjustments for some star systems:

  1. Strategic Asset Precision Identification gameplay update
  2. New Equipment Core Interface Adjustment feature

User Reviews on Infinite Lagrange

Looking for more information? Read a comprehensive review of Infinite Lagrange below:

We are still uncertain about this one but we know that Hades Dark Nebula screwed up big time by replacing the former Hades Star, which in our opinion is the best space strategy game .

Game is a decent game, four out of five.

This game makes 0 sense, we have no idea how to even play the game let alone how to get a ship, the new player experience is literally non-existent.

Black screen is stronger then our sanity we swear this phone is driving us crazy we searched saw thats like it opens after a couple times of the black screen but Im on our 150th try og opening it and waiting.

Great game. Though, It is difficult to obtain blueprints which drives players away from the game. An easy fix would be to simply extend dawn funding from 50 levels, to 100 or even 150 levels. You can clear level 50 in just a couple of weeks. Then you are stuck with what you have until the server ends. Extend Dawn Funding and player retention will increase im sure of it. Another easy fix would be hosting more events with more rewards. And keep the event for 2-3 weeks so players actually have time to get things.

Fun game but not working on iOS 17.1 yet.

We want a full base level and a full ship fleet.

Reminds us of a cross between StarCraft and star trek.

This player is relentlessly hunting players, ignoring warnings, uncaring of anything. And we’ve reported them twice with no response. And dont tell us you need proof when majority of the time you are OFFLINE when it happens, we have seen countless reviews on this game and others done by this developer they are uncaring of F2P players and welcome P2W players with open arms. Im not going to change our review in anyway and we DO NOT recommend this game or others by this developer to any F2P players, so you can respond to this and ask for proof but sadly we DONT HAVE ANY! You can apologize all you want but it doesnt change anything.

Every time we try joining in the game just kicked us out for some reason.

We played it for mothers and loved it but every time we logged in it kicks us out Minor problem but is annoying.

We can not find our base now, we cant build a base. We didnt get this game to stare at space and user agreements.

Ok not going lie there’s some kinks they can work on, for one how much time it takes for upgrades, and building times also ship exploring. Not going lie the event’s aren’t horrible but we feel like it always missing something. Hey but don’t get us worng for a mobile space game it’s definitely top Tier. The game’s simulation is so satisfying and the story goes so deep we’re kinda loving the lore. It’s definitely explore and conquer and very f2p friendly. For that alone gets all our votes but if they can work out the kink’s I’d probably get our whole family on this game.

FTPs have no chance against paid users. We would much rather paid users gain access to more automation features than straight up advantages over others. Cool concept, flawed execution.

We played this game for quite some time, and on the plus side, the combat animation is the best we’ve ever seen. It looks so good, its like watching a big budget sci fi movie, or top tier sci fi tv show. There are also a great many different ship types of every class, from fighter all the way up to carrier, all of which can be customized, enhanced, and given specific advantageous tactics to employ during combat. Those are the positive things. On the negative side, there are a number of things that ultimately made us stop playing. First, the game is divided into seasons, each lasting a few months, and you have to start over from scratch every season. The only thing that carries over from one season to the next is the ship designs youve acquired from previous seasons, which also start over from scratch, with none of the modifications or upgrades from previous seasons. This gets old after playing several seasons. Another huge problem we had with this game is the fact that when you become capable of building a new class of ship, you dont get even a basic design. New designs are only acquired through research, which yields totally random results every time. We went several seasons without acquiring a single battleship design, and by the time we stopped playing, we had only acquired one, and the same thing happened with acquiring a carrier design. At the same time, we had sixteen different fighter designs, four corvette designs, six frigate designs, eight destroyer designs, and six cruiser designs. As you might imagine, the seasons before acquiring the battleship and carrier designs, we were at a huge disadvantage. Even after getting the one kind of battleship and one kind of carrier, we were still at disadvantage because the game only allows you to build and maintain a limited number of each ship design type. So, someone lucky enough to get three types of battleship designs can deploy three times as many battleships, and the same goes for carriers, or other types. Another thing that we didnt like was the fact that there were no alien races at all. It was all human opponents, whether pve or pvp, which is odd for a sci fi game. Additionally, unlike almost every other strategy game, there were no commanders for your fleets, which is a minor thing, but having different commanders with unique abilities does usually make games more interesting. The last thing that ruined the game for us was the other players, who were the most vicious we have ever seen, with the possible exception of Star Trek Fleet Command. The difference is that STFC encourages and rewards that kind of behavior, whereas this game doesnt. The vast majority of players here do it because they are just not nice people, and are constantly engaging in unprovoked attacks. We have played most of the sci fi strategy games out there, and theres no contest. The players here, and on STFC, are the worst, and here they do it out of pure viciousness. So, there you have it. If not for the issues involving ship designs, and having to continually start over every few months, we probably would have put up with the unpleasant players. Unfortunately, the design problems made dealing with the constant unprovoked attacks too much of a hassle, and even the gorgeous combat animation loses its appeal when you are getting trounced by someone lucky enough to have several types of the most powerful ships. If the developers fixed the issues we mentioned, this would be one of the greatest sci fi games ever made, even with the awful players, but as is, youre better off watching a good movie or show, because youd get the great visuals without the aggravation.

Can you add a org blueprint trade feature.

You spend forever building up your base and fleets and right when you just reach max you get either wiped out by a group with way more advanced ships than you or the server resets.

We spent weeks on this game even months, grinding and getting good just for all our fleet and upgrades to reset.

Although Im not into base builder games, this game is one of our favorite sci-fi games that we have ever downloaded for our phone. Being able to build a fleet and play with people from around the world is very fun. We cant wait to see where this goes!

The paths to upgrade and achieve success are numerous.

Dont try playing this game unless youve already been playing for awhile and have all the stacked blueprints. If you dont, expect getting harassed by bigger orgs.

Some people spend hundreds (probably thousands) on this game. We’ve been playing for 2+ years and it now comes down to mega alliances that spend all their time and money dominating servers. Its lost all its fun save for the tight-knit group we’ve come up with. Youd be better off playing Go Fish than this game.

The fact that the base and all of the progress that is erased is infuriating and what should happen is the base remains the same and all progress is saved . Other than that we would have rated 5/5 stars.

We like how the space is laid, and its pretty big too.

We spent money on this game then created our own Clan and someone joined our Clan and took ownership as Leader. We are upset by this Setting. We might as well quite, uninstall and have the Leader ban us then Loot us.

We’ve played many mobile strategy games, but Infinite Lagrange is our favorite of them all. Its action packed and engaging, with still making you invest time into the game. Its not p2w, unlike basically every other mobile strategy game, and you can reach high prosperity (power) very quickly. All it takes is a little time. The graphics are amazing, and in our opinion they even rival many pc games graphics. The only downside to this game is that you cant control your ships in battle. We think this would be a very fun add on. Other than that, this game is definitely a 5 star.

Im thought it wouldve been like all those other fakers who have games with bad play but Ike and horrible graphics but this game is very different from the other games and it has very good story telling.

We love the look of this game from the screenshots and all, unfortunately the game wont run for some reason, we just wasted 6.3Gbs of Data by downloading it and reinstalling the game two times, but it just wont run.. When opening the app it shows us the NetGame Productions screen for a split second before turning into a black screen for the whole time, something is wrong but Im not sure what it is, although it says that this game works on this iPhone we got an iPhone 14 Pro updated to the latest iOS Version.. Really disappointing we wanted to play this game so badly ):

We downloaded this on our iPad and it required a lot of space. Over 2GB. It doubled our system storage for about ten minutes. We also feel like its a ripoff of another game we have called Infinite Galaxy, which uses a lot of similar terms such as, Nodes, Flagships, Sharing the word Infinite in its name. It also has a very similar design in many of its warships and aesthetics.

It was super fun but now we lost all our progress and we have to start over.

The only game we are willing to spend money on period. Highly addictive and fun.

We really like this game and one suggestion we feel like would be good is maybe making ships from like different games like the retribution from call of duty or maybe the olympus mons. Like crossovers. This game is good either way.

We used to have this game but then accidentally deleted it along with all of our progress. It was really fun thats all. If anyone knows how to recover data, please respond.

We played the game for well over 30 hours and stoped playing the game for a few days and the next time that we logged into the game it was after a update once we logged back in the game all of our progress was reset.

The first major update of the game we lost all our progress its a great game just a little mad that all our stuff is gone.

We had this game for a while and it was generally good, not many complaints. We only deleted it after a while because we got stuck in a position where we couldnt save myself from losing all our resources and rage quit. Im getting it again now to try again. Edit: we got it again and it is WAY to complicated now. We cant play this anymore.

The game is well made and very fun to play. So why might we give the game a two-star review? Simply put, the game is entirely pay to win. Any enjoyment you might take in building fleets and capturing cities with your union is entirely overwritten when a single enemy player who has sunk literally thousands of dollars into the game comes along and wipes you all out. There is no competing and no winning despite your best efforts because the advantages of spending ludicrous amounts of money are too huge. If the loot crates, which you can purchase with real money, only awarded chances at blueprints for better ships, the game would still be playable. However, the loot crates also award the Tech Points you need to level up your ships. So the more money you spend, not only are you more likely to have the best ships, all of your ships will be higher level than anyone else. This element of being able to upgrade your ships with real money entirely ruins what otherwise is a cool game. Our advice: if you arent willing to drop at least $400-500 on loot crates, just skip this game, you will never compete with some of the players who have obviously spent significantly more than even that ridiculous sum.

For some reason its not opening and we dont know how to fix it but it look fun and interesting.

We have had this happen to us 4 times now we were making good progress,in the game with 2 types of destroyers with a rich amount of resources and we had upgraded our space station to level 5 we loved this game.

Start of balanced for first 2 months then they put you into general population and it extremely pay to win at that point. Good concept in bad hands!

We know know what Im doing. Im look on line to see a video to see how to play.

We originally gave this 5 stars, then 4 now 1. First hit is awesome. You give them your money for loot boxes cause youre new and need the goods. Its a good balance and feels worth it. 5 stars in our book! Then you realize its pay to win. Bah! 4 stars. Then the game ends, and you’re forced to wait 80 hours (or more) we’ve seen images on Reddit displaying 200+ hours!? UNTIL YOU CAN PLAY AGAIN. . Huh?! Na. Thats dumb 1 star. By spending money, we’ve just come to expect we can play that game when ever we want. So no thanks. We mean buy more AWS instances or something. If youre making bank why not let your players, you know play. And we know youre being greedy; First time sign ups: you get into a game instantly (and let them spend those monies).

Not an intuitive game. No help screen. How do you send a stranded fleet back to base? Could not find any command. How do you recall? Good luck. The game completely changed and we have zero idea how to do anything useful in it.. Just wasted $$$ on it.