Legend of Treasure – Arc Hero

Legend of Treasure - Arc Hero

Experience one of the top-rated Free games on the App Store, Legend of Treasure – Arc Hero! Developed by the innovative team at HONG KONG YOULOFT TECHNOLOGY LIMITED, this Action game provides a unique gaming experience like no other. With a content rating of 9+, it’s perfect for a wide range of players. Since its initial release on 15th December 2020, the game has seen numerous updates, with the latest version launched on 10th February 2022.

Are you a fan of Action, Casual, games? Then Legend of Treasure – Arc Hero is right up your alley! You won’t be able to resist its appeal.

User Ratings of Legend of Treasure – Arc Hero

Over 84 players have rated Legend of Treasure – Arc Hero. Join them and share your thoughts!

How Much Does Legend of Treasure – Arc Hero Cost?

Good news! You can download Legend of Treasure – Arc Hero on your iOS device absolutely free!

Legend of Treasure – Arc Hero Release Date

Eager to know when Legend of Treasure – Arc Hero first graced the App Store? It was launched on 15th December 2020.

When Was Legend of Treasure – Arc Hero Last Updated?

The latest version of Legend of Treasure – Arc Hero was updated on 10th February 2022, ensuring a more enjoyable gaming experience for all players.

Where Can I Download Legend of Treasure – Arc Hero?

To get started with Legend of Treasure – Arc Hero, head over to the official Apple App Store.


A Glimpse into Legend of Treasure – Arc Hero

Combine awesome skills and start your wondrous adventure.

Legends say that far away in the distant western world, there is an ancient forest protected by magic. But now, it has become the habitat of monsters. If you can defeat those monsters and the powerful boss in that forest, you will restore peace to this enchanted forest. You are the hero that is meant to do this. So what are you waiting for? Hurry up and take up your weapons to fight those monsters!

For every few levels you complete, you can pick a skill. Combine different skills to make yourself strong enough to defeat the final boss.
So when you are picking the next level, be sure to consider what you need.

Remember, if you fail, you’ll have to start over!

Legend of Treasure is a rogue-like action game that is easy to play but hard to master. You must control and position your character in the right place to dodge attacks. While stationary, the character will automatically engage in combat against enemies. Positioning is key to prevent your character from taking damage. Meanwhile, you will be able to immerse yourself in an enchanting world and enjoy beautiful graphics.

Come play this highly addictive Archero-type game and experience a variety of awesome moments.

[Game Feature]

  1. With non-linear gameplay and high player agency, this game inherits the mechanics of the classic rogue-like genre. Every play-through brings you a completely different gaming experience;

  2. This game combines the classic features of the fan-favorite title Archero and creates a unique and satisfying combat experience;

  3. There are hundreds of different skills and gears for players to use. You can create a combat build of your own;

  4. Defeat powerful bosses and claim handsome rewards;

  5. Choose from different Support Level rooms and enjoy the fun of a game that is filled with strategies!

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What’s New in the Latest Update?

Find out what’s new in the latest version of Legend of Treasure – Arc Hero updated on 10th February 2022:

Optimize the game experience

User Reviews on Legend of Treasure – Arc Hero

Looking for more information? Read a comprehensive review of Legend of Treasure – Arc Hero below:

This is a great game, runs very smoothly. However it plays off balanced. Some bosses will barely scratch you with their hits and some random goblin will almost one shot you. This needs to be fixed or else Im more terrified of regular mobs than of bosses. We have only died to a boss because we left our iPad unattended and got killed by accident. Bosses are slow and ponderous and pose little threat. The little slime blobs are stupid fast and can kill you in like two hits especially if they surround you. Im quite terrified of them. The different in game currencies are not explained. What are lucky coins? Do you keep them with you after the stage? What are spirit stones? Do they carry over from one stage to next? A beginner is left with no explanation on how any of this works and expected to guess in middle of combat how to spend currency upgrading character. Chests are also not explained well. Im thinking of making purchases but Im scared Im going to buy the wrong thing, is this chest for equipment? Runes? Not sure.

This has to be the best of this type of shooter we’ve ever played. Variety of areas is nice. Its not just a box with randomly placed obstacles. We do not like however, and rated it a star lower because of it, is when you try to dodge some boss abilities, they still hit you even though your character is out of range of it. And it causes us to lose levels and time because of it. Theres a dodge in items, but if thats the case, then whats the point of even running around. Might as well just stand still the whole time. We also do not like how many gems it takes to buy pets, we’ve been playing for 3 days and still dont have the gems to buy the 5x pack, but there seems no point in buying the 1x box. We do like the amount of drops you get, how things dont seem to cost an outrageous amount of gold(yet), and we like how you can choose what area to go to next, like a treasure chest, or a challenge to complete for a reward, or if youre low on health, go to the camp and heal. It could be better, but is by far the best of the genre.

Played one time, and now cant login any more.

So far, we really enjoy the gameplay. Its a different spin of archero without a square room, but with LOOT. We like the pet system so far. Having your pet pickup your loot is very nice! Having all mobs being able to drop loot is very welcoming. The developer could turn this into a dungeon crawl game with a Diablo like feel easily if they wanted to. So far enjoying it. Will update when we progress further.

We just wish there were more characters. Characters that you can get without paying, maybe complete challenges for.

Im changing our review. Bumped down to 2 stars from 4. The recent update did not optimize or balance things out, it made things worse. The graphics are cute and the gameplay is smooth. The only time you can heal is at a camp and sometimes the camp option does NOT show up. So youre sometimes going 6 stages without a heal. It would be better if healing orbs were dropped in Adventure mode, not just max HP orbs. We dont need more HP, we need heals. The enemies can sometimes hit like a truck. Youll have 40k HP and get one shot or youll only be left with 3k HP after that ONE hit. After the recent patch it seems enemies are more difficult. So you get less gold, less orbs, enemies are more difficult. Theres no balance. In hard mode there are these balloon enemies. They shoot red orbs at you. Theres some stages there will be 7 of these balloon enemies shooting orbs and youre in a small room with nowhere to go, you will get hit. Enemies projectiles happen way too often and need to be reduced. The skill Atk increased when standing still is redundant because no matter what stage youre on enemies are either chasing you, throwing things at you or both! You cant stand still at all! In boss stages ghosts show up after a certain amount of time. So your time is then spent attacking the ghosts and not the boss! IF we COULD GO FASTER we WOULD, BUT we OBVIOUSLY CANT! Get rid of the ghosts! Doesnt matter if youre in hard mode, even as a beginner these ghosts show up. In the game you get to choose where you want to go after clearing a few stages. Camp, Treasure room, challenges etc. Thats a very cool touch and different compared to other games. We like that feature. We also like how theres sometimes a little guy with a backpack that sells you things after a Boss. Thats adorable, however, once you get to hard mode the items are low quality and you can never get an upgrade from the goblin shop. The amount of gold you get from stages should increase as you progress. Armor upgrades start to cost 10 thousand gold+ but you only get 3-10 gold per stage!! If youre in hard mode you should be getting at least 100 gold per stage. -Decrease enemy projectile amount for small rooms, especially the balloon enemies! -Increase gold in hard mode! -Get rid of the ghosts that show up in boss stages! -Add recovery orbs to Adventure Mode -Add a recommended power level on the hard mode stages. If those couple of things we mentioned were patched we would give 5 stars again. We have paid real money in this game but it seems thats not enough to progress which isnt right at all. If you want your game to succeed stop being greedy and listen to your customers.

We took a break from this game for awhile. Came back and saw new char, Alia. Bought her and was able to play her for a week before they released a fix. Now shes broken Tried going to their site for app supportnope cant do it there. Submitted in game, no response. Tried FB page.. Nope. You guys planning to fix your game and actually respond to your players?

All we play are games like this one and this one is quite good, so far. We will see, once we play farther into the game, if it keeps us happy.

Extremely similar to Archero. Didn’t expect that based on the pictures alone. Sad to say it feels like we’ve already played this game for countless hours since we farmed Archero and this game is crazy similar.

This game is very fun and addictive, keeps us from playing our PlayStation5 sometimes, only for a little bit LOL.

Later part of the game is impossible to get thru as you need to upgrade gear with gold you get nowhere near the amount you need to do so or you need better gear to drop and usually the better gear is gonna be gear of a higher tier if not then the gear you spent gold on will be better BUT later on it seems the gear in each slot only unlocks after beating a certain amount of levels buuuuuut you cant get past those levels because you dont have higher gear to you get stuck unless you spend a ton of real world money to buy gold and other items to upgrade in other words the game works heavily against you if you dont pay up. Also a lot of the levels will play very cheap and give you very little chance to get thru them by putting you on small levels with enemys spamming a lot of bullets and enemys that spam create MORE enemys that chase you. Also if you dont beat bosses quick it spawns more enemys that make it so you spend the rest of the time killing them and cant hit the boss to kill it because the instant you kill said enemys it spawns a whole new group of them. We have spent about 100 bucks on this game and cant progress any more in it because the games difficultys level and the gear level get out of sync without spending even more money.

Im having fun Im just wondering why the unyielding will skill is in a different language? Idk what the skill does.

Before the update, we didnt get stuck, but after the update, we got stuck. We couldnt play, but we got stuck and stuck. Its fun, its too much.

This game has some potential if you guys (Devs) put some work in it, we need more activities and more monsters, there isnt much to do in the game atm, Please dont let this game die, we like it and would like to keep playing without getting so bored.

Since time error game can’t be played.

Had a double charge for a single purchase. Got in touch with support and within 24 hrs our situation was resolved. Top notch work. We think this game is fun and a great spin on the Archero game type. We really like the freedom of movement with larger arenas and the ability to choose which bonus room up can go to is a great change. Devs, nice job.

Fun game, five stars, feels even more polished than other similar games. Recently since daylight savings the stamina doesnt replenish and you cannot watch any adds to get it due to system time error. Can still play dream levels but eventually Ill run out of those. Please fix the time bug.

Its a great game. Our only prob is when we try to sign in it says system time not correct like with does that mean? It wont let us log in.

Really really fun but because of daylight savings time the game has an error and we want gifted the 7 day login character.

Love the game but recently system time error and we cant play anymore. It wont reset the clock for energy replenishing.

The game was really fun until we realized that the game doesnt synch properly with the server and so the for the game, time never passes. For a game like this, it means you never get a daily reward and the energy you use to begin missions never replenishes.

Since daylight savings time, theres a bug that wont allow it to sync. Cant regain energy, cant watch ads, cant get dailies… Its basically unplayable.

This message keeps appearing, we contacted support and nothing, does not reset daily checking or increasing energy with time. Interesting enough tall game purchases do work tho.

You need to update the app, don’t let anything exchange, its because the change of time.

Good game, kind of reminds us of Archero. But we cant sign in because the system time is incorrect so no daily rewards, it seems like theres no timer to automatically recover energy (probably due to the same issue) and we cant watch ads for energy either (again, system time). So we are pretty much completely unable to play the game.

We cant play anymore because we keep getting the error: System time is incorrect! We spent money to ignore ads and purchased a few gems as well but now cant play anymore. Can you get this fixed please?!

We guess they dropped the game? Can’t connect to their servers anymore.

Because of daylight savings time its telling us server time is wrong our energy is not re-charging and we cant do boss battles please fix.

Idk its our iPhone or what the bar on the bottom its slow low we can barely click on the icons. And every time we click on the freebie after the video ads it freezes 8/10 times.

We really, really, really LOVE the fact its a free to play/ fun to play!! Easy controls, self explanatory and easy to follow!! We will be telling everyone about this game. Its also amazing the amount of Gems you get just for running basic levels!! Keep it up we will play forever!!! Been playing for over a month… Still dont have all the pets, the hit box for our toon isnt right. Things that went passed us cause damage. We really hope that its updated soon… We are a cash player who isnt afraid to spend money, if there is a reason. Im not paying 20.00$ for no adds. Thats silly! Please fix 2 things.. 1). Please fix the damage box. 2). Please fix loading times, and Facebook claiming. We refuse to download the Facebook app. So we cant share?!

Funtaztic this thing really PPs.

Great game but it very short. MoreDuegon, boss , raid , chacrater , weapon … Ect. It very borrow if only advanture.

We played through beat the tutorial no issues threw on some gear that we found watched an ad for another piece of gear started a round made it to the second boss died watched an ad to respawn… Dark ghosts started spawning continuously died when we returned to the mission start screen it gave us the message the we were banned for using a pirated copy of the game… Its free to play… How did we pirate a copy of a game we downloaded of the AppStore?

Knock off of Ulala and tiny fantasy lol. Check out both of those and come check this game out that just came out about a month ago.

Played for about 15 mins and we get a notice that we’re banned.

Daily dungeons, raids, etc. Co-op would be awesome too. Lots of potential here.

Need to wait 5 hours for one battle? We quit.

More pages for Legend of Treasure – Arc Hero – HONG KONG YOULOFT TECHNOLOGY LIMITED