Mini Driver : Escape!

Mini Driver : Escape!

Mini Driver : Escape!

Experience one of the top-rated Free games on the App Store, Mini Driver : Escape!! Developed by the innovative team at Small Beautiful, this Action game provides a unique gaming experience like no other. With a content rating of 12+, it’s perfect for a wide range of players. Since its initial release on 13th July 2022, the game has seen numerous updates, with the latest version launched on 9th May 2023.

Are you a fan of Action, Racing, games? Then Mini Driver : Escape! is right up your alley! You won’t be able to resist its appeal.

User Ratings of Mini Driver : Escape!

Over 3,947 players have rated Mini Driver : Escape!. Join them and share your thoughts!

How Much Does Mini Driver : Escape! Cost?

Good news! You can download Mini Driver : Escape! on your iOS device absolutely free!

Mini Driver : Escape! Release Date

Eager to know when Mini Driver : Escape! first graced the App Store? It was launched on 13th July 2022.

When Was Mini Driver : Escape! Last Updated?

The latest version of Mini Driver : Escape! was updated on 9th May 2023, ensuring a more enjoyable gaming experience for all players.

Where Can I Download Mini Driver : Escape!?

To get started with Mini Driver : Escape!, head over to the official Apple App Store.


A Glimpse into Mini Driver : Escape!

Dont get caught! Flee from the police!
Can you survive long enough to escape?

What’s New in the Latest Update?

Find out what’s new in the latest version of Mini Driver : Escape! updated on 9th May 2023:

  • New Cars, new levels and a minigame to win more coins!
  • You can now pay to remove the ads if you want :)

User Reviews on Mini Driver : Escape!

Looking for more information? Read a comprehensive review of Mini Driver : Escape! below:

Its an amazing game but the game needs a few more cars to drive. We know you just added a few more but it needs more cars.

This game is amazing and we had a really good ideas and there two one you need to put less ads and for the game you should add spike strips so when the car runs over the spike strips it should spin out.

We think you should make more cars!!! We finished ever car and leave 200! You need to make more cars and harder levels.

We hat it when you skip you lose cars and go to a lower level.

Overall very good game but Id like it if it where more realistic we mean the cops look like it is not even a cop car PLEASE READ THIS bro make it look like an actual car and pot like mph on the top right and Id like it if the cops pot up road blocks and if there was like bigger maps the maps look so bad we really dont like how the buildings look like they look so bad make them more realistic bro come on please consider this. Bro make it like gta but no bad words and drunk people and turn it into a cop map where cops chase you and you try and escape and pot up road blocks. Bro please please we swear you will get more people on god. Just make it more realistic and to many ads bro pot no ads you would get so many people every body likes no ads in a game and every body also doesnt like it to look like a baby map bro every one likes it to look more realistic bro pot cops chasing you out of youre car as well bro we want to be able to walk around and not stay in our car and pot like forests and houses and Padrestens. Please do that Ill bet youll get way more people and dont make it cost money if you change the map ohhh and pot highways bro come on and this we want you to pot this on the map make it harder the maps are so easy to pass make it longer and make cops shoot youre tire and have helicopter and planes shooting bombs and make stop signs and lights.

We are going out of town to help mom with our dog.

We love this game it is the best we love it it is epic just two things make more levels and make the game harder because u cant even take damage.

Thanksfor que seste el martes aagain and we will let you know if we have the other one to do the other day and im not sure how do we do this week and thank for you to the future of the year and erttt of our family and im the wifi.

So when we were bored we decided to download a game. So thats what we did and 5 seconds later we were on level 7! This game is so cool! -Gio.

We love this game we play it every day and its so fun.

Its a really cool game we like it and we love that you can only turn in the game.

This game is really amazing! Im past level 450 right now and we dont wanna stop. Im excited for new updates and maps. Keep updating please!

Hello Im writing because this is a great game but a problem Im have is that there are to many ads like there are way to many as in the way but if you could do everyone playing this game a favor and please get rid of some of those ads thank you for your time have a great Easter.

This game is the best!! It has so much detail and you can juke people this is by far our best car chase game.

The only thing thats missing is the directors replay!

We like the game its fun but when we went the wrong way we went out the map and waited an hour we were still falling.

Subscribe to our yt channel Crazee8.

Really good game but pls make a no ads gamepass.

Omg so good like but we just cant go straight.

The game is good in all, but we hate how we have to play the same levels over and over like you need more levels.

This is a good game we just hate how you need to watch a add to get a reward.

This game is awesome. Im close to getting all the skins. We’ve had this game for a while. Best game, but there is something that we notice when we were playing for a while, they are the SAME levels. Sometime we would get the same level again, and again, and again, AND AGAIN. We recommend this game for long car rides, but you will notice there are the same levels.

We have been playing this game for a while and it is quiet please please add sound overall great game.

We are addicted we play this almost everyday. If im not grounded that day. Its a really great game we’ve been searching for this kinda game for so long. Its so fun but the only thing we think the developers should add is a couple more pages of cars to buy. With more cars it would be five stars in our review EASY!!!!

The game is pretty good but the only thing that we want to make it better is more levels and make it harder. We are at level 60 and we havent had to do a level twice once.

We’ve been playing this game for a while now and we have all the cars already. The game is really addicting to us but we were thinking if you could add more cars and maybe more unique levels like with bridges and bigger maps yknow? But overall, the game is really fun! Maybe you should add a police helicopters on like the higher stages.

Great time waster with really fun controls. Just feels right. Obviously not realistic but yeah. Pls dude add an endless mode. Would be awesome.

Would be our favorite game but it is way way way to easy. Make the levels so much harder and put more traffic and longer maps with more damage.

Good but the controls are not good.

Dont get us wrong this is a great addicting game, but we noticed there is the green bar above the car, and Im pretty sure that is supposed to be for damage. Great game otherwise though. The life feature doesnt mean anything because of that. Also might want to add more of a challenge on higher levels instead of just adding more police. Good luck on making a unique and great game!

The game is great but its not like the advertisement, which if it was it would be a lot better. If there was more detail like adding in traffic or a police helicopter and some different levels it would be great.

Hard to control go straight straight.

Where is the rest of the traffic like in the ads and its not as detailed and its the same level over and over and over again.

Cops dont do damage at all, levels completed very easily no challenge. Only challenge was dodging the cops to complete the levels quicker. Health bar stays max you can stay still and let the cops hit you nothing.

You are trapped in a box and no matter how many levels you beat its the same over and over.

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