Trapped In Hell: Murder House – Adventure Game by

Trapped In Hell: Murder House

You are trapped in HELL.

You have 5 days to Escape or you will be damned for all eternity.

Watch out for Evil Knight! Keeper of this part of Hell.

He can hear you, always! Try to stay as quiet as you can!

In order to escape, you have to find specific items that will help you unlock

the door and get to the portal.

Good Luck!

Hints: How to play Trapped In Hell: Murder House

  1. Escape Controls:
  2. W,A,S,D to Move
  3. F to Interact/Hide/Use Item
  4. G to Drop Item
  5. T to Unhide
  6. Escape to Pause
  7. C to Crouch
  8. Shooter Controls:
  9. W A S D to walk around
  10. Mouse to Look around
  11. Left Mouse Button to Fire
  12. Right Mouse Button to Aim
  13. Mouse Wheel To Change Weapons
  14. G for Grenades
  15. R to Reload
  16. F to Pickup Items
  17. Left Shift to Run
  18. Left CTRL to Crouch
  19. X to Prone
  20. V to Melee
  21. Space to Jump

Hashtags for Trapped In Hell: Murder House

Adventure Games