
Step into the gaming world with ROMANCING SAGA 2, one of the top $4.99 games in the App Store! Crafted with creativity and innovation by SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd., this captivating Role Playing game is bound to grab your attention. With its content rating of 12+, it caters to a wide audience. Ever since its release on 26th May 2016, it has been constantly updated, with the latest version rolled out on 1st April 2020.

Whether you have a liking for Role Playing, Adventure, or Entertainment games, ROMANCING SAGA 2 is sure to keep you hooked!

User Ratings

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Romancing SaGa 2, originally released only in Japan in 1993, has been completely remastered and now receives its first ever official English translation!

■Supported Devices■
iPhone 5 or later
iPad third generation or later
iPad mini second generation or later
iPod touch sixth generation or later only.
We are unable to guarantee that the app will function on unsupported devices.

■No two players will experience the story in the same way■

Alongside DRAGON QUEST and FINAL FANTASY, the SaGa series is one of Square Enix’s most beloved. The first three titles were originally branded overseas under the “FINAL FANTASY LEGEND” moniker for Game Boy, and garnered critical acclaim for their complex yet compelling combat system.

Romancing SaGa 2 takes the varied gameplay of other entries in the series and combines it with an open-ended free-form scenario system whose story is as vast as the world in which it plays out. The player takes the role of a succession of emperors, painting the history of the world with each and every action.

Familiar series hallmarks such as formations and glimmers make a return in this unique title.


It all begins with the song of a lone bard in a bustling pub.

Great nations such as the Varennes Empire, which had once ensured peace throughout the world, stagnated and atrophied over the course of centuries, and sinister forces started emerging in outlying areas.

Ere long, peace spiraled into war and the common folk spoke in hushed words of the Seven Heroes—historical figures who saved the world once and who, it was hoped, would do so again.

■Additional Elements■

▷New dungeons
▷New classes: diviner and ninja
▷New Game+
▷UI specifically designed for smartphones

What’s Fresh in the Latest Update?

Discover what’s new in the recent update of ROMANCING SAGA 2 on 1st April 2020:

Fixed minor system issues.

Hear from the Players – ROMANCING SAGA 2 Reviews

Find out what gamers are saying about ROMANCING SAGA 2:

We want to play this game in Japanese, but the it is not possible to select the language which users want to. Can you fix it to select the language?

Cannot turn of the annoying music and the controls are wonky.

Seriously? This was a console game, it sorely needs controller support. It cant be that hard to add in, small independent developers do it all the time. Come on Square-Enix!

We do love this game But we wont finish it until backbone or whatever controller support is added Ill give 5 stars then.

It’s really surprising to us that Square Enix decided to bring this as a port to smartphones, but it’s really cool to have the opportunity to play a decent English version of the game 20+ years after the Japanese release. We loved the FF Legend games as a kid and it was always disappointing to have to resort to bad emulator roms to play this sequel. This game is HARD. It’s difficult to understand what is going on because little is explained, and the setup is so unique and nonlinear. But it’s also a rewarding experience to learn the complexity and eventually build strong teams to defeat the seven heroes and expand the empire. A couple notes to help new players understand: -LP are life points. When a character gets knocked out in battle, these are permanently lost. When LP run out, the character is dead forever. A little way into the game you can buy potions from the witch to restore LP, but it’s important to just avoid letting your characters get beaten up. Think of this as the flipside of not having to heal HP after battles. -Successive generations can learn all of the offensive and evasive techniques learned by past parties. Just talk to those soldiers in the castle. Don’t be afraid to seal techniques to make room for others – you can always get them back. -You should be saving constantly because unlucky, brutal things will happen to your party all the time. Be prepared to reset the game fairly regularly when even "normal" battles go very badly. -Monsters do get stronger as you do (new tiers of monsters appear), but it’s still a good idea overall to grind a bit, get money, invest in weapons, armor, learn new techniques, magic, and to sit on the throne to invest in the Empire. -If you want to stand a chance against the final boss, either invest in a mostly-female final party (and pick the female empress at the beginning), or learn the Temptation evasion technique when you fight Rocbouquet.

Great game. Glad they move this onto iOS. Hope they bring rs3 to iOS as well.

Best RPG in the Saga franchise better yet Iove the drama in the game is really addictive can’t stop playing. We will like to have a virtual joystick for better movement just like the other Sagas we have played. Thanks is really a great master piece love it. Keep the good work. Where we can replenish lp of the player because it does not when they sleep in the inns. Please make a place to replenish lp. Thanks for the attention. Keep the good work.

Romancing saga 2 is a great game with so many ways to play it. It’s battle system is amazing, the story is simple, yet smart, and the localization is great. We only wish that romancing saga 1 and 3 and maybe even imperial saga would release in America…

One of the greatest JRPG’s of all time available for the first time in English! Buy it now, thank us later.

We just started the game it brought a lot of nostalgia of the old days but our problem is the movement is somewhat inaccurate we struggle in dungeons can’t keep a straight pattern we think needs to be be re-adjusted with bigger icon.

This is definitely a game for those that are super into the genre. The menus and user interface can be a bit obtuse, but it’s got great gameplay still. Please, Square, bring 1 and 3 to iOS!

We will always have some bias towards Romancing Saga games because of the godly soundtrack by Kenji Ito. Having played RS1 and RS3, the controls felt familiar; the enemies no longer rush directly towards and trap the player when they enter a map like in the first game (as often), yet the graphics, battle system, and story feel weak compared to RS3. The graphics look cleaner than the original version, and there are now animated boss sprites. Our biggest complaint would be how you control the movement of the main character and overall UI. It’s unclear where you should tap when using an item/ sometimes we would press to the side and accidentally consume an item or make a wrong choice. The translations are also… Kind of funky. "Seeling skill?" Sealing a skill? What? (Turns out we have to be careful not to tap the skill in the menu twice because that apparently DELETES it?) Lastly, it’s also irritating how you still cannot restore LP at the inn like in RS3, and you essentially have to kill off a character’s LP to remove them from your party. — TL;DR — Amazing music, interesting story (but a rather poor execution of it), ugly controls and UI, challenging gameplay.

So grateful to Square for bringing back the games of our childhood so much fun, well worth the purchase. CANNOT WAIT FOR SAGA FRONTIER.

Hadn’t played this one before, but it has pretty great depth! I’d love to see a Saga Frontier port as well!

Great, great game! This game is almost perfect with a few bugs especially in a few dungeons. Just walking around will cause the game to crash. To name a few: Gemstone Cave and Termite Den. Kindly make update fixes and continue to release great games such as this. (Tips to maintaining LP: Always make use of all 4 saves and save/load if you have to suffer some casualties. Only time we let our LP go down if our characters learned a skill and wouldn’t want to repeat the process. That’s the challenge in this game: trying to survive the game until the next generation)

Never heard of the werid before and just like final fantasy tactics it took a while to get into but once you get into it it’s a pretty fun and addicting game. It’s very subtle on how the game draws you in. It dont have the story element that final fantasy tactics have or any of the other final fantasy or dragon quests but the game play is very good.

Excellent old school game from the classic Squaresoft SNES era. Definitely worth the purchase. Let’s hope we see Square-Enix put more of its Japanese exclusive games out there for the English speaking audience! This game was way ahead of its time and is probably the finest of the entire SaGa series.

Saga was one of our favorite series as a kid so we may be a bit biased but we think this remake is really good. What makes Saga great is the open world and the level of challenge. The battle system is addictive unique in a lot of ways. Save often as you can occasionally get into situations where you can’t get out of a dungeon or scenario and may not be capable of beating the boss. Always keep a few different saves going in case you box yourself in. The game may seem rudimentary and from a story perspective it is fairly simple but the mechanics, challenge and replay value are all really good. Don’t give up after an hour or two. Play for at least 4-5 hours and we think you will be a fan !

This was the first JRPG with non-linear storyline we’ve played. It also has a very different concept of money management, equipment acquirement, skill learning, and magic system like none other even to this day. If you are OK with a bit of retro graphic, you should try it. A bit of caveat is the survival control is pretty bad, but we are willing to tolerate it for all the unique qualities of the game.

The system is a little confusing because nothing is ever explained to you. What are skill points? How do you get more life points? Skills are learned randomly. Why does a person with 15 def get 1-shot while a person with 13 def takes 1/4 the damage? But the cardinal sin is that the game has a boring and disjointed story. It reminds us of Chinese movies that recount some popular or historical tale, and you’re expected to already know what happens so they can jump around and just hit the highlights. Just say no. We bought this while on vacation for something to play while in line or on the bus. We won’t even be using it for that. $18 down the drain.

Square Enix should be ashamed. Most of the game reads as disjointed nonsense. Multiple items are given obviously wrong translations by someone who could not read Japanese and who did not know English. Worse yet, there are many screens where the hooked the wrong memory locations and show nonsense in place of character names. And this translation will probably be the basis for all other foreign language translations. Spanish and French speakers, be prepared for a video game implementation of telephone! This wouldn’t be taken seriously as a free, fan made ROM hack, let alone a $17 product from the actual company: a company which had the added advantage of the actual source code, money and years of experience. It’s very sad that Square Enix cannot even manage the same quality control ensured by bored 16-year-olds living in their parents’ basements. And we say this as a former bored 16-year-old who worked on fan translations of Square’s games in the 1990s.

It’s not great, it’s intentionally vague and difficult / frustrating only by the lack of direction or instruction. The combat is weird, the learning curve is steep, but it’s story is mildly interesting. Save yourself some money and watch someone’s play through on youtube unless you’re a glutton for ga,es designed to be as frustrating and non intuitive as possible.

Im only writing this to hopefully get their attention to fix this bug; this bug makes our game stuck in a storyline. Basically when we talk to Thieves Guilds boss to ask for secret entrance to the fortress, our character says Never mind and thats where its stuck. We did everything accordingly to the walkthrough, but cant seem to get past that scenario and it seems like Im not the only one with this problem. Im not starting over the whole game just to take another chance of not encountering this bug. Sad and unacceptable.

First they need to fix where lp can rise from sleeping. If they fix this bug on the game we will give it a four star.

We haven’t even played it yet, but five stars for finally giving this gem an English release after 23 years.

We’ve been a SaGa fan for 20+ years and honestly we can’t believe that you can now play one of these games on your phone. So for someone like us, this is an instant purchase just to support the series and its ongoing struggles in the West. Now, objectively: this game is a challenging departure from traditional "Final Fantasy" style JRPGs. Blah blah blah, there are several other reviews here that have said it better. But the bottom line is, there are a lot of great things going on in this game. If you’re a fan of JRPGs this is honestly one of the best options on your phone. The graphics are crisp, the animations are surprisingly good (in that cute, nostalgic, 16-bit way), the music is amazing (like most SaGa games)… Our one complaint would be that the controls aren’t the best. That is also true of virtually every game in this genre when played on a touch screen though. TL;DR Awesome, challenging, and most importantly: Very Different. Buy it.

Romancing SaGa 2 is nearly as old as we am, and we’re aware of its legacy as arguably the most difficult JRPG game in existence. After an over twenty-long year wait, English-speaking RPG veterans can finally test their mettle against this truly unique and interesting game. It lives up to its legendary reputation of difficulty, but also offers a refreshing, scenario-based non-linear storyline that seems to prefigure many of the open world games in recent decades. Despite a wooden translation that would more accurately be called a transliteration than a localization, we can wholeheartedly recommend this game to those looking for a fresh, retro RPG experience who are also already experienced in the JRPG genre. As a side note, now that we are older, we find myself appreciating the nuanced nature of some of the political situations that arise in the game’s scenarios. Though many games claim to approximate real life choices, we found that RS2 does so in a way that does not allow the player always to foresee where the choices will lead in the future, and the generational nature of the game allows you to see where the consequences of your choice actually lead.

The SaGa games were always Squaresoft’s secret gems that never got mainstream attention, which is actually a good thing. Because this way you know for sure they wont get ruin, like this entry!

This game is a legacy title in Japan. We’re only sad that there has never been an English release before. It would have been amazing if this had come out amongst the greats like Chrono Trigger and FF6. We fear it will get overlooked in this day and age but if you love old school SNES era RPGs, you cannot miss this classic.

Can’t believe it’s finally here! Can’t wait for Romancing Saga 3, which is even more amazing!! Please bring it to iOS!!!!

The SaGa series is often overlooked outside of Japan due to its experimental combat and gameplay systems. It also didn’t help that the earliest SaGa entries on Game Boy were released as Final Fantasy titles in the 90s, causing some confusion as to which series they actually belonged to. Of course, the confusion has long been cleared up, but it hasn’t helped the SaGa series gain any kind of headway outside of its native Japan. SaGa Frontier and its sequel on PS1 were largely ignored due to reviewers criticizing what makes the titles unique, and Unlimited Saga was considered far too experimental, too dependent on luck and too much of a departure from the series’ elements. The first title in the Super Famicom Romancing SaGa line was released on the PS2 and localized, but most people wrote it off for being too difficult or not explaining its gameplay flow better (complaints that, for the record, are easily dismissed). Fast forward some years and now the second title in the Romancing SaGa trilogy, often considered the best RS title by many a Japanese gamer, has made its way overseas with an official English translation that finally allows us to figure out what the story is. As all sagas are heroic stories that can be written a number of ways, there are many interesting tales that unfold across this game and the choices you make as a ruler will determine what will happen to the various humans and other beings of the world. While this Romancing SaGa title contains the usual elements of art sparking (learning new moves during battle) and character skill building other SaGa titles have, RS2 has quite a bit going on under the hood that even its successor didn’t have. As you play the role of a kingdom’s ruler and his descendants, you will not only embark on a primary story across generations, but you will also be working to improve your castle over time by funding various projects, such as the Magic Lab. Every battle you get into in this game generates a flow of funds to your castle’s coffers; these funds are not the funds you carry with you to buy items but rather the money you can spend to create and improve castle services. It’s important to note that SaGa titles are not friendly to people who play RPGs to grind; in a unique feature for the series’ time, enemies increase in strength with you via an internal value that keeps track of your party’s overall power. What was once a small goblin with a club who could barely dent your HP will become a giant ogre who will instantly flatten your team with a massive earthquake. The player must balance how often they engage enemies, as too many encounters and gaining too much strength can effectively put your party into almost impossible battles. There is also one other caveat to be aware of for this title that sets it apart from its brethren: unlike other SaGa titles, LP (Life Points) cannot be restored via resting. Think of them like the blood flowing through the character’s body. Once a character’s HP hits 0, they fall in battle and lose one of their precious LP. You cannot get that LP back by simply dashing to the nearest inn and sleeping. There is a way to restore LP, but it’s expensive and very out of the way, requiring some time to get to the method of how to do it. Once a character’s LP hits 0, they’re out of the story permanently. This means you’re not getting that person you spent so much time training back. Worry not though, as your castle has loads of replacements, who are often just recolors of the same folks. Once one generation is over (completing all story events), the ruler passes on his abilities to their offspring, who grows up and begins their tale of ruling the kingdom of Avalon. The story carries on in this manner until the final generation must deal with the Seven Heroes, who will be the primary plot focus. We could mention more, but it’s best to play the game for yourself and find out if it was worth the wait for this elusive SaGa title. In our opinion, it was definitely worth it.

We never had the pleasure of playing 2 because a full fan translation was never completed. This is incredibly well done, and it’s how a remake should be handled. We hope like crazy they give this treatment to 1 and especially Romancing Saga 3, one of our favorite RPGs ever. We can’t recommend this enough, you can tell how much hard work and care went into this.

Ever since we played the original Dragon Quest we (at the time on NES it was "Dragon Warrior" FYI) the types of games we like to play.. Almost exclusively even to this day… Changed 4-eV-OR…. And most likely the turning point in our life where we could have gone either popular sports jock… Or some kinda D&D nerd. Guess which we chose >> << we digress. The point is… Do you remember the very first time you played or were introduced to an "RPG" and we’re like…w..t…f. Okisthis!? Then.. Like myself.. Proceeded to play the game non-stop forsaking all others until completion.. Then only to find your not-so-conformist-black sheep type third uncle whom happens to be younger than U…. From some step mother that "we just doHn talk bout no MerH" reveals to you … Dragon Warrior II?! Then Final Fantasy next series then… You devour all rpg’s ever….. Kinda feeling? Well… Difficult to re-create right? <———-well this one is the first to actually simulate that feeling… At least for us.. Once again in decades. Is it familiar… Yet not? Is it… Reminiscent in a perfect way to the pixelated rpg’s of yore? IMHO.. Well fOkeyah. So… . BOUYS EETS NOWZeOWzeE! And git ursaHlf tooO Dee rpg.. CheOhPpaH! <—–yup… He’s on a RPG crack high rit neOw.. DoHn judge. Did we stay up too late?! You decide.

We love the graphics. Also, we’re stuck on the Canal Fortress mission. How do you clear the monsters from the gates?

We’re glad to see yet another square jewel come to the US. Now if we could just see Seiken Densetsu 3 on iOS. For those that don’t know that’s secret of mana 2. Hope they bring it.

Seriously our mind is blown that we got a release like this and on the mobile too. Now please hear us out release saga frontier 2 on mobile PLEASE!! We would like to know the fate of Gustave and Johan..

We’re a huge fan of square and jrpgs. We haven’t been able to get engrossed in one of these types of games for years, but that has now changed. Everything about this game is well done. We love the saga series and we hope they do this for RS3 as well. Don’t let the $17.99 price tag sway you. The game is awesome and well worth the price.

The game is really fun and the graphics look great but there are a few bugs it seems. When you go to your skills it gives an option where you can say yes or no to "seeling your skills" we believe this is an error, as it should say selling. We learned this the hard way and accidentally removed all our skills, which is quite upsetting. Luckily we’re not too far in.

Anyone else not getting any sound?

We try to switch skills with the arrow keys and select a command instead. Game mechanics are unclear. Is there a digital copy of the game manual?

It seems good despite the overall incompleteness of the programming, which is by no means a hinderance. The only problem that we have with this game was that we expected too much of it. The pixel art looked similar to any of the earlier FF games and this game was made by Square Enix too, so we don’t think our assumption was too far fetched. We could have easily rated this game with 5 stars if it had not been a 17 dollar game (plus 15% tax comes out to almost 20 DOLLARS). This game, for what it is, is an alright game. We don’t care if it was a classic or if some people appreciate the broken life point system or what have you, but this game does not live up to what we expected from Square Enix. Just to give you a reference, FF7 is a 21$ app while this one is a 17$ app. ITS NOT THAT GREAT, we DIDN’T HAVE THAT MUTCH FUN. Should have bought secrets of mana or something else.

To get inside the castle in the second region its basically impossible to go through the front gate and when we talk to the thieve guild we don’t get there quest plus the guy we could pay in the town disappeared, all our option to progress are broken we needed to restart a whole new save very frustrating But we were having fun till we found this out.

We’ll preface this with the game is amazing. We wish this had come to NA back in the SNES days. We would love to play this on our home console. There are a few translation errors or places the text doesn’t make sense. Hopefully they will continue to tweak the text. The reason this game gets a 2* right now is because when we’re fighting Noel (one of seven heroes), the game freezes. This seems to be a wide spread issue from forums we have visited. This is game breaking. We can’t move forward until they patch this issue. Fix this and we’ll give 5* like the game deserves.

This game seems as if it would be a premium rpg with hours of entertainment from looking at the pictures. It is a horrible RPG and while in battle mode , your charcaters miss 4 out of every 5 attempts to attack the enemy. Each battle takes up to 30 minutes because the system is designed to just miss! The game feels bad in hand , the difficulty is too hard, the gui itself is almost not bearable! We feel like we got ripped off big time!

Stupid we like RPGs but really lets do backstory that takes forever and does not even let you do your story for long time lame should have your story not stupid back story also fix the crashes we mean really.