Station Manager – Kairosoft Co.,Ltd

Station Manager


Step into the gaming world with Station Manager, one of the top $5.99 games in the App Store! Crafted with creativity and innovation by Kairosoft Co.,Ltd, this captivating Strategy game is bound to grab your attention. With its content rating of 4+, it caters to a wide audience. Ever since its release on 10th June 2016, it has been constantly updated, with the latest version rolled out on 16th February 2023.

Whether you have a liking for Strategy, Entertainment, or Simulation games, Station Manager is sure to keep you hooked!

User Ratings

Join the crowd of 24 gamers who have given their verdict on Station Manager.

Ready to take on the adventure? Get Station Manager now from the APP STORE.

Dive into Station Manager

All aboard this exciting journey to build the world’s greatest train station!

Customize your station with your favorite facilities and trains. Help your passengers travel in comfort by adding vending machines, benches, information boards and more. With fun features including arcades, VIP lounges and taco stands, you’ll soon be everyone’s favorite stop!

Link different carriages to create new trains for business, tourism and more. Expand into the surrounding area to attract new passengers.

It’s full steam ahead for your spectacular new station! Watch as it fills with commuters, students and other travelers!

All game progress is stored on your device. Save data cannot be restored after deleting or reinstalling the app.

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What’s Fresh in the Latest Update?

Discover what’s new in the recent update of Station Manager on 16th February 2023:

Fixed minor issues.

Hear from the Players – Station Manager Reviews

Find out what gamers are saying about Station Manager:

When we first installed this app it worked well no problems or anything. Then whenever we try to play the game it says "An Error Occurred"and it offers us to try to get someone to help with we the problem and nothing happens just a black screen. Then whenever we try to get in a second time it’s just a black screen and after a few second the game just kicks us out. Can you please take the time to fix this bug or whatever this is? But anyway we still like this game and we would still play it if this never happened.

Could never get into this game. Guess we really just dont understand it very well. It needs better instructions. But Kariosoft is a great company and love all their other games.

We think this is one of the better Kairosoft games,mostly for the fact that we always tried to get 1 of our stations to #1 and get some of the better trains as well,the only downside is that the better trains are really expensive,so much so that even with all the station earnings,I could only buy one or two a year or so in game time. Regardless we enjoy this game.

We agree with the other reviewer warning to SKIP the 50 Coin Bonus for 24 hrs of ads. We took the bait thinking we could deal for a day… It automatically removes the screen rotation option (so its stuck in vertical mode) AND it has now been 3 days since we allowed the Ads. Having read the other review, we now understand that its 24-hrs of screen open play time. …. Does that mean 24 hours of CONTINUOUS play? Cuz thats just not possible for us. Please fix this. We dont expect this kind of trickery from the game development company we have been loyal to for a decade. We own EVERY Kairosoft available to iPhone users even the ones NOT formatted in English yet that we cant understand. (I been able to manage as the formats are similar, but Im sure we are missing some key bits of info for the Freight Dock themed game.)

This game is but we put like 10h in to it and Im still feel like Im getting no where this shouldnt be this hard its a Mobile game not pc make it feel like one.

Okay we love Kairosoft games possibly one of our favorite 3rd party companies of all time but not everything is a home run. Like this. First this game is $6 one dollar more than usual. For a game thats really really sub par. There is not Much to do here the game kinda just plays its self. This is possibly one of, if not the most boring one of all the games. The only reason we support this game is that its made by Kairosoft and that we could never give them 1 star. But if youre considering getting this one as your next game we would suggest getting a different Kairosoft game instead.

We LOVE DIS GAME! Oh and please add a new guy named Isaac and please make a new session event for the summer called the parade for free and gives you 100 more people in the summer! We LOVE DIS GAME ITS SO ADDICTING!

We spent our allowance on this? Now we’re kind of upset.

For those who feels the game is too slow, we highly suggest you to play more. After year 5, you will find a lot of interesting things.

One of their best games to date. Sadly the recent update extends the screen over the battery level indicator and time which is as annoying as all hell. Aside from that gameplay is a bit more challenging than many of those other games but as others have said once you get to year five things get easier from then on out.

For the first year or so the game is a painful grind then it gets slightly better most of the game isn’t taught to you so you have to figure out how it works and we made one mistake placing a floor instead of a platform and it ruined our game there are no different save files only one and you can’t change the platform so that entire area is now useless.

Good idea, executed horribly. It moves way too slow, and many aspects just feel broken. Easily one of their worst games.

Where’s the main menu like the other games ? We can’t even restart our useless train station. It makes us give up on this game … Add a restart or main menu button !!!

The update changed the screen size making it so that iOS top panel obscures the in game text. The battery icon covers the number that shows how much money you have which is rather annoying…

We loved Kairosoft games from a few years ago so we were excited to come across this new one. The reviews made us question it but we figured I’d give them the benefit of the doubt and try it. Waste of $6. We keep going back to it hoping we’ll enjoy it more but there’s just not much game to play. It seems like they had a bunch of ideas but didn’t implement any of them well. It’s also hard to understand in many ways and windows stay on the screen telling you what to do even when you can’t do the thing it wants you to do. Buying trains makes little difference and expanding, if done wrong, leaves you with half your station just useless. For one of the most expensive games we’ve ever purchased, this was also one of the most disappointing. We wish we could get a refund.

Important Gameplay Notice: Line up the pathways of stacked floors! After deciding on an orientation you will not be able to change it! If the floors are not lined up you will be unable to place stairways connecting those two floors for the entire game! The game does not warn you of this ahead of time! While we wasn’t initially drawn to the ‘train’ theme, compared to the many other Kairosoft game’s we’ve played, this game tops them with it’s slow steady pacing and novel gameplay elements! The tutorial is also fantastically thorough and the game plays like a more relaxed Biz Town Deluxe i.e. There’s no need to be constantly on edge about going bankrupt and you can manage multiple stations. The gameplay is perfect! However, there are no save slots; you can only have one game. There is no method to clear save data from within the app either. Highly recommended for new fans and old fans of Kairosoft style games! This one has really set itself a part in a positive way! The writing is also quite clever and humorous this time around! A lot of silly guest references to other Kairosoft titles are made!

This game has it all. A brand new User interface and infinite hours of fun. Thank You KAIROSOFT! Good sim for the fans. Many upstages and levels to enjoy.

So far this has been a regular kairosoft game, a fun little game to kill time but now we are considering getting a refund. There is an option to get in-game coins by allowing adds for 24 hours, figured we would do it and just live with the adds for a day. What they don’t tell you is that 24 hours is in game open time. Counter doesn’t go down if app is open in the background, now game always does a hard start to make us watch an ad during the load screen, and it will also randomly show you an add even if you don’t click on anything to activate them. Kairosoft better fix this soon as we believe this setup and poor coding is against apple’s TOS.

So our first station was classic kairosoft fun for the first few hours building a station, researching upgrades, managing different resources and balancing which shops to put where to optimize space usage and get a good balance of stats to make a station number 1! And there were so many more stations to promise more replayability than previous kairosoft games as well! But then, we finished our first station. Unlocked everything, optimized layout, did everything there was to be done and… The station was ranked 5. At year 8. Not too much of a time investment, but not insignificant. The only problem was… There was nothing left to do to make our station better. So, literally, we had to wait another 6 in-game years, as our stores and customers passively levelled up enough to complete the level. During this time a ridiculous amount of resources piled up, but there was no longer anything to spend them on, or anything left to even research after a few years, so all there was to do is watch and wait. And tap a window every couple minutes. And wait again. Finally our station reaches #1! So we move on to the second station. We had enough money to instantly max build our station, put every facility exactly where we wanted it, items to 3-star all the tenants, hired the best researchers, build perfect trains, and did all the investments possible… And then, wait. Ranking comes in: 6’th place another year. Ranking comes in: 5th place another year, ranking comes in: 5th place but a higher score by now we’re at year 30, and the game has literally devolved into a waiting experience. We like most of most kairosoft games, but this one, while almost perfect in the early game experience, really shows it’s problems hard when you try to actually complete it.

We have played all of the kairosoft games and his one is the worst. You hardly earn any money from the train station and all your money comes from little achievements like violins g a new facility. But at some point you stop having enough new kings to build to support your station, and then you realize that your whole station only makes 10 friggin dollars a day. Apparently patrons ride free and your stores only pay you a few dollars in rent. This is the only kairosoft game we’ve ever played that intended you to keep the game running for 24/7 so you can slowly keep making small amounts of money!! Ridiculous. Do not waste your money on this game. Kairosoft, get your act together…

Kairo at its best! Seemingly endless gaming and development :) we’ve been Kairo loyal for years, and we are SUPER excited if they continue in this direction!

Its a good game. The only problem we find is that the text is a bit buggy.

We absolutely love the fact you guys decided to release this. We hate games with IAPs. All your one price games are wonderful. We would recommend this game to all!

This game is fun, we like the concept and cuteness. Lots to build and do. Some things that need fixing: 1. The camera needs to be fixed so you can zoom out and see more of the train station. Even at farthest away it’s too close sometimes at some of the stations. 2. Desperately need landscape instead of just portrait viewing. Combined with too close camera, portrait viewing just doesn’t allow you to see well. Also it is annoying to have to play with the power cord always at the bottom. 3. Game progress can be a little slow, MAKING MONEY TAKES FOREVER! It really slows down the game to where sometimes you’re just sitting there waiting for money the whole time. 4. Please don’t try to sneak in app purchases into future games like this one. It’s not super obvious but we’re not interested in IAPs and neither is most of your fan base. We do like this game and will keep playing it. Just wish it was easier to see and a little more polished. Glad kairosoft finally made a game without in app purchases again. If you guys are going to start charging a dollar more though you need to make sure basic things like screen rotation are included. Take a step forward not back, many of your older games offered screen rotation portrait+landscape viewing, also go fix EPIC ASTRO STORY already! You guys used to make sure to update and fix older games when they started crashing.

If you’re looking for a great paid Kairosoft experience, (99% free of freemium annoyances) this app delivers it. THIS is what we want, Kairosoft! Finally, we get a a new, paid/not-freemium title! This is a great management sim with all the usual Kairosoft magic and charm. We’re am docking one star for the optional IAP/turn on ads option; while you can ignore these and lose nothing, the game really doesn’t need them and it feels just like Kairosoft can’t entirely escape the freemium pull. But it is just a small option that is brought up once and all the timers and such are totally reasonable and the usual paid-app Kairosoft speeds.

Great game we have waited for so long. Finally, we have English version, but the texts and UI need to improve. Sometimes, texts got covered by other stuff.

Something seems wrong. Been playing for an while and our facilities are great, but we make maybe $10 a day. We only get money through raffles and items. Is this normal? Please fix the rates on income.

See we could see this being a normal "kairsoft" game but the way you get money is really weird.

Nicely done gfx too. Unfortunately still a bit buggy with certain things. Also the pacing is incredibly odd and at times annoying. We’re still towards the beginning, but having unrelated things pop up on the screen literally right as we’re in the middle of trying to place an object from the current objective is really annoying. Hopefully they will fix this. Otherwise seems like a great kairosoft game so far. Would be 5 stars if they had fixed the pacing and the bugs.

So it’s most definitely nice that Kairosoft has finally released a new game that’s not freemium but they still aren’t back yet. The game honestly feels like it was supposed to be freemium but instead they decided to change their direction at the last minute and make it one time paid. To put it bluntly the game is boring. A lot of the time you will be sitting around doing nothing because you have no money and the time cycle passes so slowly. Also, the game will interrupt you constantly while you are in the middle of adding buildings. As for the game interface itself some buttons like raze can’t be used because the game has another button on top of it that block its usage. Honestly, we’ve been playing Kairos games since game dev came out in 2010 and it’s kind of saddening they’ve jumped on the freemium bandwagon. Hopefully at some point they will return to their roots, until then we can’t recommend any of their games.

We paid for this, why is there freemium content.

More pages for Station Manager – Kairosoft Co.,Ltd