Supermarket Simulator Game – Do Danh Hieu

Supermarket Simulator Game

Supermarket Simulator Game

Experience one of the top-rated Free games on the App Store, Supermarket Simulator Game! Developed by the innovative team at Do Danh Hieu, this Simulation game provides a unique gaming experience like no other. With a content rating of 4+, it’s perfect for a wide range of players. Since its initial release on 30th April 2024, the game has seen numerous updates, with the latest version launched on 30th April 2024.

Are you a fan of Simulation, Entertainment, or Strategy games? Then Supermarket Simulator Game is right up your alley! You won’t be able to resist its appeal.

User Ratings of Supermarket Simulator Game

Over 143 players have rated Supermarket Simulator Game. Join them and share your thoughts!

How Much Does Supermarket Simulator Game Cost?

Good news! You can download Supermarket Simulator Game on your iOS device absolutely free!

Supermarket Simulator Game Release Date

Eager to know when Supermarket Simulator Game first graced the App Store? It was launched on 30th April 2024.

When Was Supermarket Simulator Game Last Updated?

The latest version of Supermarket Simulator Game was updated on 30th April 2024, ensuring a more enjoyable gaming experience for all players.

Where Can I Download Supermarket Simulator Game?

To get started with Supermarket Simulator Game, head over to the official Apple App Store.


A Glimpse into Supermarket Simulator Game

Supermarket Simulator is a chill first-person simulation where every detail of running a supermarket comes alive.

What’s New in the Latest Update?

Find out what’s new in the latest version of Supermarket Simulator Game updated on 30th April 2024:

  • Resolve checkout bug for some customers.
  • Fix disappearing door issue after expanding store.
  • Address comma input problem in prices.

User Reviews on Supermarket Simulator Game

Looking for more information? Read a comprehensive review of Supermarket Simulator Game below:

Wow! The gameplay is just like the pc version for your phone. We love it! Thank you for adding all the original touches to the app, makes the game worth playing. Please keep up the updates like the pc version, we like playing this on the go when we are out or when we got the free time to relax. There are a couple things that could be fixed, such as when we place down a box the buttons on the side would disappear making it so we would have to exit the app n restart it, the ceiling lights would flicker at night as well as it would be dim at night to the point where we cant see what we are doing, some of the customers would sometimes freeze, the ads are kinda annoying every second there would be an ad, Besides that great game. Thank you to the creator for creating a phone app of the pc game.

We absolutely love this game, but here are some things that need to be fixed in the next update -Stockers just gliding across the floor instead of having a walking animation -Lights cannot be put on the ceiling in storage -racks you put in storage are glitchy and sometimes youre not able to place them where you want -youre not able to apply for a loan like you can press the button, but nothing will happen -some customers freeze inside of your store -The lights inside of the store dont give good lighting -The fridges need to be dimmed because you cant see whats inside of them unless its dark.

Remove the adds we can’t even play really cus there ads are so bad Game great tho.

Please give us more stockroom stuff shelves racks and expansions for the stockroom and more products Licensee.

We love this game but still needs a bit of bugs to be fixed.

Is this the Version like on the pc.

We just downloaded it but keep closing.

We really love this game and we really cant stop playing it. But if you could add some updates like the original supermarket game like cleans shoplifters and decorations and stuff like that and maybe some new food types! Overall 10/10 game.

Absolutely love this game. It glitches sometimes and the sound goes away however, it only happens when the ads come on we can go price something or go and buy something and an ad block and away and we cant figure out if this app has any way we can pay for. No ad it is super annoying but we know we love this game.

The game is good but it has a glitches like when we tryed to but the box down it doesnt but it down, and when we tryed to get our loan it didnt let.

Tt c u ok tr ho nha, nhng m sao ip k vay c tin vy, k c set gi cng k set l c. Fix dm we , cm n.

We really like this game but there is a bug when you try to place a box on the ground the controls on mobile disappear and you have to restart your game without saving your progress so then you have to start all over again.

Not bad of a game it has a lot of bugs not to muchh like them, getting stuck in getting items and has a bug that the box gets stuck in your hand and you cant do anything ads kind of annoying please reply on the glitches.

Love this games. But when we go to place the racks in the storage room, even if its green it is not letting us place it when we click. Its really frustrating.

  1. The game lighting is not the best 2. The restorers that stock the shelves dont walk they just float around.

Good game but the ads are little much and Im having trouble buying a loan.

We were really exited to find this game because we saw Laurenzside and Sniperwolf play it and we really like it!

The game is really fun and entertaining, but we think you need to change it a little bit because the graphics on mobile are really low and also every single time we do something in the game we keep on getting ads so you should probably put no ads purchase.


We can play because in the supermarket we get a black line on walls on the shelves, on the products and on the checkouts, and on the cashier. Please ask them to fix this problem but the game is very good, thank you.

Can y’all please fix this game so we can play it.

Its a really good game but theirs too many ads please take away ads we might give you a five star if so.

Its just a couple of bugs that need fixing. When you wanna move things around in the storage it doesnt let you place it down right away you have to pay around with opening and closing the box . Also just one character keeps freezing . & it glitches so you have to close the whole app out and go back in . Also you have to keep saving your work every time you do a couple of this because it freezes and then wen you come bac to the app you have to do everything you had jus restock or rearrange all over again . But other then that Im on it all the time its a lil similar to the same game on steam .

When we are restocking the shelfs we see that when we get a box one button disappears and we have to get out of the game and put back on its soooo annoying.

This is just like the real game and our only complaints is the low graphics tho its not that much of a problem and ads there are a lot of ads but not THAT much but if your looking for this game on mobile this is one we recommend.

Supermarket is fun BUT TO MANY ADS and when you pick up a box and set it down the bottens disappear then you have to restart the hole thing again.

We love playing this game, but there are a few problems. 1- wont let us put racks into the storage area. 2- one shopper freezes in place causing a loss of items since we cant check him out 3- the lights flicker between bright and dim Other than that, its been fantastic.

We thought this game would be a cheap knockoff of the real game coming out August, but this is really good! Would be a five star if you guys fix the glitch that makes it so if you miss a button while holding a box, the game just breaks. If you fix that itll be a 10/10! We rate it a 8.5/10.

Game b li phn vay tin mong nh pht trin sa li li.

The game is fun but things need to be fixed in the game like the ads do one Avery 12 min pls. The game is laggy and we cant move our creen some times and itd gating annoying Avery time y play the game. Thanks for your time. From player.

Started doing pretty good and our store got bigger, but now it wont let add on storage or anything even thought im required level. Also wont let us take a loan out. Our cashiers stand is bugged now and wont let us cash people out please fix bugs and ill change to 5 stars.

  1. customer keeps glitching and just stands still. 2) storage room isnt working, we’ve ordered three racks and none of them work anywhere. 3) loans dont work either, we’ve tried when we first started and nothing happens. 4) we think the game should automatically save on it own and would make it a lot easier. 5) way too many ads.

Its a good game just a few issues like glitching.

We’re happy that the original supermarket simulator game appeared in the AppStore for free, but it was not fully made. Developers should work on improving graphics (at the moment it’s terrible), expanding settings, increasing fps and fixing bugs. We really hope this game gets better soon.

This game is pretty entertaining but there is that bug that annoys us where the box gets stuck and our clicks go off and the ads are too many (1 every 1 min). If you can can you please remove some ads and fix that bug with the box?

The game is great very fun dont get us wrong but the glitch keeps happening to us and we lose Money and have to pay bills again because of having to restart our game because the box is stuck where we cant put it down or pick it up so we cant save the game and have to restart The day. Great game but please FIX THIS GLITCH!!!!!!!!

This game is going good but we deleted it because we get so many ads everytime we click. Plus so many Glitches.

It wont let us place a second cash register down. It doesnt flash red or green to place it and any buttons we press dont work on it. The lights dont work in some areas and the fridges and VERY bright. Also with we could take out a loan. Besides these issues, we really enjoy the game so PLEASE fix these issues!!!

See, this game is honestly AMAZING! But there are a few things we think we could change: 1. Fix the glitches! 2. Remove more of the ads!

The game is so addictive and so much fun but there are some bugs that need to be fixed like there are so many adds like you cant do anything without having to watch them. Also it does not let you take a lone you can tap on it but it wont do anything, also wen we pick up a box sometimes the control goes away and the only thing you can do is to get out of the game and lose all of your progress seance you saved plus the graphics are terrible they all have tiny faces so that needs to be fixed but otherwise it is a really fun game.

Theres been quite a few bugs but the biggest one for us is the loans not working. Make this game more mobile friendly.

We will say this is a fun game, but theres way to much ads we get every time we try to do something it give us an ad but other than that fun game.

But there are a few bugs that stopped us from playing. The first bug is a male avatar with a white button shirt, red tie, and black pants. After grabbing the first item it freezes causing you to lose that item and have a frozen avatar until you end the day. Second, which is the most important that disallowed us to continue, after purchasing a mirrored cash register it won’t let us place it. The icons to rotate it or drop the item disappear. You cannot continue even after a save causing you to lose the cost of the item you cannot use. If it weren’t for the second bug, I’d give it a higher rating.

This is such an entertain and fun game but on thing makes us not want to play anymore. THERE IS AN ADD EVERY SECOND IT IS SO ANNOYING.

We really like your game and enjoy the features but the graphics are not very good. If you could improve these it would be great. Thanks.

Grate game but we have problems like there is glitch when u gonna put the boxs and there is some lags plz fix it.

We love the fact that this game has so many upgrades for everything but it needs alot of work put into it. Ill list some out to help the devs. 1) Game graphics on mobile are absolutely horrible its like 2/10 so please get the graphics right. 2) the time and money UI are kind of getting out of the screen so slide them in. 3) For picking up items please remove the button, just make it so you have to click the item to pick it up or click the register or computer to use it. Or if you rly do wanna keep the button then put the button on the right side of the screen right beside and walk and jump button and please fix the shape and size of all buttons. 4) we witnessed a bug, a customer basically froze while picking up a bread and ag nearly the end of the day we only had 1 item left in stock which was a bread and no one was buying it maybe because the guy already tryed to grab it and he just froze right there. 5) WAYY TOOO MANYYY ADS If these things are fixed then this game would be 10/10.

Fuera mejor si mejoraran los grficos del juego. Tambin si pusieran la opcin de poder cambiar los botones porque soy izquierdo y seme hace difcil jugar.

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