Where Shadows Slumber – Game Revenant Ltd

Where Shadows Slumber


Step into the gaming world with Where Shadows Slumber, one of the top $2.99 games in the App Store! Crafted with creativity and innovation by Game Revenant Ltd, this captivating Entertainment game is bound to grab your attention. With its content rating of 12+, it caters to a wide audience. Ever since its release on 20th September 2018, it has been constantly updated, with the latest version rolled out on 19th November 2019.

Whether you have a liking for Entertainment, Puzzle, or Adventure games, Where Shadows Slumber is sure to keep you hooked!

User Ratings

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Dive into Where Shadows Slumber

Where Shadows Slumber is a mobile adventure puzzle game that takes place in a world that has been plunged into darkness. You will guide Obe, an old man who discovers a mysterious lantern in the forest, on one last journey.

The only tools at your disposal are your wits and the chaotic nature of the universe. Anything that is not touched by light has the freedom to change. This governing principle will be your guide in the darkness, but also your undoing. After all, if you are not touched by the light, you have the freedom to change as well.

What will you become?

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


  • Easy to learn touch controls let you explore a mystical world from the moment you start playing.
  • Deep, mind bending puzzles using an innovative mechanic never seen before.
  • Eight different worlds, each with their own personality and secrets.
  • A riveting story unfolds as you play, taking you on a journey at the end of Obe’s life.
  • Designed for both phones and tablets, the game can be played in portrait mode on any mobile device.
  • We recommend using headphones to get the full audio experience.
  • This is a premium game with no ads or in-app purchases. Pay once and get the full game!

Stay in touch and receive regular updates from the creators through the following links:

Website: http://www.WhereShadowsSlumber.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GameRevenant/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameRevenant
Blog: https://GameRevenant.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/GameRevenant

Copyright © 2016 – 2018 by Game Revenant Ltd. All rights reserved.

What’s Fresh in the Latest Update?

Discover what’s new in the recent update of Where Shadows Slumber on 19th November 2019:

  • Fixed a minor translation error.
  • The game will now properly ask for reviews after some time.

Hear from the Players – Where Shadows Slumber Reviews

Find out what gamers are saying about Where Shadows Slumber:

Fantastic title, interesting puzzles and a constant brain tease on using the shadows to manipulate the levels.

Saw the developer at TooManyGames and we downloaded the game cause we love story based puzzle games. Just beat the game now and what a fantastic game a few bugs here and there but a simple restart did the trick. We did play though 3/4 of the game with no sound and the rest with sound. With or without sound the story was great and very enjoyable.

We met the artist this weekend at Connecticon and played a few levels. We were hooked. Great gameplay and amazing world to interact with. Ill be looking for more from these guys in the future.

We really enjoyed this amazing puzzle game using shadow to Chang you surroundings but we just with there were more levels to play on this app.

Im a huge fan of indie games and games in general. That said we usually am unable to get into most mobile games. The experience is often undercut by uncooperative controls and unimaginative gameplay. Shadows however, does not disappoint! Do you like thoughtful puzzles? Check! Do you like crisp vibrant art? Check! Shadows manages to bring something new to the table with its take on light and shadows. It definitely may remind you of monument valley, as it did for us. It is to lights what monument valley is to geometry. Not to long, easy to pick up and play for a short while. The price is just right, give it a buy! Also we met you guys at Pax East! Hi!

This game was absolutely worth it. Sometimes you have no idea what to do but once you sit and think about it the solution will just pop in your head. All the levels are different and arent repetitive. We like the levels because they arent super long so you wont get stuck. And as long as you dont grind it out the game isnt even that short. Great game and looking forward to a new one!

If you liked monument valley youll love this. The team is responsive to support requests. If youll excuse us im going back to play some more.

Another good puzzle game on the App Store that creatively uses shadows as a game mechanic. We have not gotten through the whole game but the challenge seems right. Some may not like the story part in this genre but the puzzles are worth it. Support an Indie – buy it.

Cool game. Will play more. Glad its updated to use the iPad Pro 11 screen.

This is a really nice puzzle-driven game. The level of challenge is just right. Sometimes the solutions are obvious, sometimes a little more challenging, but always solvable. Really enjoyed it.

We think Id like this more on a tablet. Controls are wonky and crucial gameplay bits are far from obvious on the iPhone SE.

This is a great puzzler using the mechanics of light and perspective. Its sort of a blend of Monument Valley and a light/shadow game from a few years ago whos name we cant recall off hand. Beautiful art and animation gives it a serious touch of mood and a very creepy vibe. Surprisingly violent in a cartoonish way. Overall a great buy, though Im not sure of the length of the game yet. One star off for the controls feeling a little rough but that may just be the newness of the game. If we get used to it or its patched Ill revise it to 5 stars. We’ve been needing a good puzzle fix and this does the trick. EDIT Controls feel much better now so its up to 5. Good length for the price and outstanding overall.

This is a lovely, eerie little game, with some genuinely distressing visceral moments that belie the simple art style. Kudos to the developers! It’s not terribly long or terribly replayable, but it is terribly clever.

We hate to leave a negative review but we dont see another way to leave a support request. On level 2 of the hills the game constantly freezes, so we cant complete the level. Always happens when the light is out and the 3 stones are moving. On an iPhone 6s.

But released a little too early. The game itself was very fun to play and challenged your intuition constantly; all the puzzles were well balanced, the art style was beautiful, and the storyline was mysterious and strange. There were, however, some technical issues that took a lot away from our enjoyment of the game. Leaving the app for a second to answer a text requires you to restart the level youre on when you return; tapping too early to start a level freezes the game until you restart the app; and we had to restart the app 3 separate times to view the ending scenes with any audio. These issues pulled us out of the games universe entirely and will hopefully be fixed very soon. EDIT: we are happy to see the developers are still working hard to fix some of the bugs we had experienced with the game. Keep it up!

Throughout the game, a hopeless predicament suddenly becomes solvable when a idea strikes. Minus: some of the scenes can take more than five minutes to complete, but in-scene progress cannot be saved. Plus: Action sequences! Bad guys! Revenge! Inclement weather! Last puzzle is Final Boss difficulty!

This is a great little puzzle game, with cool concept, music and visuals. Im running into the same issue another poster mentioned, where the game hangs on Hills 2. We’ve reset our iPad, tried everything… No luck. It looks like the developer checks these reviews, so hoping they see this and the other post from a few days ago and takes a look. Thanks!

We liked the puzzles until we got to Level 3 and it suddenly got arcadey where you have to switch back and forth between worlds in real time to get the hooded figure through a labyrinth. No thanks!!! Im done! Deleted it. If we wanted an arcade game, we would play Mario. We dont do arcade games. Disappointing.

As you progress in this game, it becomes increasingly important to place the "hero" and objects in the scene precisely. However the controls are awful. Rotating objects is especially frustrating as a clockwise movement of your finger results more often than not in a counterclockwise movement of the object. Eventually the struggle the with controls becomes the game, since you know exactly what needs to be done, only the controls prevent you from doing it. As for the story, it makes no sense, and what little is presented is often grisly–as in the "hero" chopping another character up for no apparent reason. The graphics are of "South Park" quality blocky and flat.

What a gorgeous game! This game is breathtaking in every way, every little detail is given so much love, from the level design to the light/shadow mechanic to the sound design and the art and animation, every bit of it has been lovingly crafted. We mean, just look at that level select screen! Never have we ever experienced such joy while selecting a level! The puzzles are very creative too, a unique take on the genre using the light/shadow mechanic, and theres also quite the story that unfolds, brilliantly told through expressive animations. If you enjoy beautiful, challenging, inspired games, youll enjoy Where Shadows Slumber.

Game has a lot of potential, unfortunately the puzzles are extremely frustrating and make no sense much of the time. We dragged our feet through this game resorting to many YouTube hints in order to just see it through. And Im not an idiot, we’ve completed many challenging puzzle games that actually worked and made sense without hints. The most frustrating was the final puzzle at Paradise 5, where we were just finally like F$&* this dumb game and had to delete it and wish we could have our hours and money wasted back. Move along.

Wonderful game. Beautiful art and music. Fun puzzles and story (Obe!). We had one glitch that we were able to work through. Its different enough from Monument Valley, and, in our opinion, better.

Very cool twist and puzzle mechanic using monument valley style graphics… We really like the darker tone of the game as well.

This game works perfectly and its a good challenging game.

This game is exactly what we wanted for our train ride to school! Challenging but satisfying levels, novel concept, and interesting story arc. Hope more levels are on the way!

We feel like a complete idiot playing this game. Im at a level now that we just stare at because we’ve tried everything we can think of. We honestly cant play anymore without some kind of direction. Im not far in, River 3 or close to it. We’ve restarted it a number of times, tried everything we can think of. We did not buy this to stare at it and we are not stupid, but this game sure makes us feel stupid. Thanks. We finally got past that level, and yes, it was the stupid tree. We were ready to toss our iPad. Im pretty far past that now, so Ill give you another star, and then well see when Im done if you get more. Thanks for caring! Ok, just finished. Im slow, but we finished. We gave another star because it is such a challenge. No hints or tricks, you just stay where you are until you figure it out. Not a game for wussies. We feel like we actually accomplished something, thanks for the fun.

The puzzles are mostly good, but did we really need graphic axe murders and bloody stabbing in the cut scenes? Really?

We wish we didnt spend five dollars on this. Its mildly entertaining but not fun. Its also glitchy. Our game would crash sometimes when loading a level.

Its a good game but in the process of fixing the 5-2 there is another bug in the same level called rest that makes the game unplayable again. Please fix this bug.

The time put into this game really shows. Everything from the art to the music to the mechanics and puzzle design comes together to create a really interesting and enjoyable experience! The puzzles were tough but reasonable, and gave us a few great "aha!" moments. Definitely worth the price of admission, and the time put in!

Thanks for fixing the crash problem! All good now. Graphics are good. Interesting puzzles change depending on how you move the shadows. Some more challenging than others.

Where shadows slumber is an excellent story-driven puzzle game. It appears to be heavily inspired by monument valley, and uses many of the same switch-flipping and block-moving mechanics, but with shadows cast by lanterns changing the planes of existence instead of optical illusions. We finished the game in two days. The story is eerie and moving, and almost shockingly violent, with fully animated cut scenes and anguished cries from the protagonist. Each new area is aesthetically pleasing and very distinct, with different color palettes and NPCs. This makes the game feel a bit disjointed but keeps it interesting. Unfortunately the complete lack of words in the dialogue makes certain parts confusing (what happens at the summit?), and the end feels like a cliffhanger. While most of the levels are fun and well designed, there are a handful of bugs that forced us to reset some of levels a few times, especially during the hill section. More than once, the graves dancing in shadow wouldnt line up with where the grave was in light, resulting in graves Obe could walk over and invisible walls blocking his path. The final level is also a bit of a chore. The puzzle itself is creative and interesting, but one the player finds the solution, the distance Obe must walk to actually line up all of the pieces becomes frustrating. Overall, a great game. Wish it were longer. 4/5 stars.

A great use of atmosphere and puzzle mechanics. We came in expecting something more along the lines of Monument Valley, but this more resembles the games of Playdead. A really good use of $5, at least once the game became better optimized. Still, the people behind this game is very active and open to criticism, so that they fixed the game in one week is a fantastic sign.

Not able to get past chapter 5 the hills family. The graves dont move.

We really enjoyed the story, a little bit on the dark side, but we found it entertaining. It definitely has original puzzle mechanics. Somewhat challenging. There were a few times we just walked around until we stumbled on the solution without really understanding how we solved it.

We bought this game for Android. Now that we’ve switched to iPad, this is the first app we’ve repurchased. It’s unique, the graphics are great and the sounds are wonderful. Looking forward to playing it again!

Im about half-way through & no issues, but we will say how nice it is to see such a responsive developer. The game mechanics and puzzles are right up our alley! It does have a bit of a Monument Valley feel, but doesnt copycat to the point of boredom. This is definitely its own thing. Thanks for putting it on sale, as we’ve been eyeing it for awhile. Just too strapped during COVID to shell out on an unknown quantity. Will happily purchase a level pack or new game tho!

We just started this app and Im hooked. We usually turn sounds off but we switched them back on. Our only hiccup is that we cant get out of settings. We have to close the app and go back in but our selections are remembered. So, theres that. We even have the image settings on low and its still clear. We dont really have the words to expand on what we like, especially since we want to get back to the game. But its definitely worth a shot, especially if you are drawn to the idea of the story element as well. We got this game for free and even when we get apps for free, we rarely leave reviews because we dont usually hang in there long enough to feel qualified to give a review. But this game deserves the praise and attention. Its engaging in a whole new way. New to us, anyway. Definitely worth checking out.

Really cool brain teaser game.

Very atmospheric setting and intriguing puzzles. One of the best full experiences to be had on your iPhone. If the 30 second trailer looked enticing to you at all, definitely pick this game up. It definitely delivers on what youre looking for.

We hope you guys are making another game like this or add some new chapters. Absolutely, completely satisfying.

Definitely an amazing puzzler we just think that the game is way to short. It has 38 levels and we beat the game in 2 hours and 30 minutes.

We Loved this game! 2 things good and bad: 1- It has an ending with a great sense of accomplishment! 2- It has an ending, which leaves you wanting more. The ending does seem a little open ended though! Please bring in a Shadows 2! PLEASE!!

Without a landscape display option, we may not be able to play the game on our ipad long enough to be able to write a thorough review but we have to score it just to post our major niggle so Ill give the game a good faith three starsfor now but with our fingers crossed…

Intriguing concept quickly marred by grotesquely violent cut scenes and unintuitive glitchy puzzles. Really, who was hoping their next little puzzle pastime had interludes of vicious beatings and bloody murder? Glad we didnt recommend this to our teenager. Pales in comparison to the similar Monument Valley series.

A great puzzler with some impressive albeit rudimentary style of graphic. An intriguing story line, but make no mistake, this is not for kids. All in all great value for a buck.

It was fun. The puzzles were well thought out and the minimalistic art work was wonderful. The storyline was a bit graphic but not gross by any means. Hope some day for more levels or another game like this. Thanks to the developers – well spent change.

We absolutely love this game. We met the creators of this game at the Microsoft Gaming Expo in October 2019 and fell in love with the game. It challenges your mind and can keep you occupied for hours. We find our self at work just playing this game every change we get. Just wonderful!!!

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