Word Wiz – Connect Words Game – MobilityWare

Word Wiz – Connect Words Game

Word Wiz - Connect Words Game

Experience one of the top-rated Free games on the App Store, Word Wiz – Connect Words Game! Developed by the innovative team at MobilityWare, this Education game provides a unique gaming experience like no other. With a content rating of 4+, it’s perfect for a wide range of players. Since its initial release on 27th July 2019, the game has seen numerous updates, with the latest version launched on 3rd October 2023.

Are you a fan of Education, Word, or Puzzle games? Then Word Wiz – Connect Words Game is right up your alley! You won’t be able to resist its appeal.

User Ratings of Word Wiz – Connect Words Game

Over 37,605 players have rated Word Wiz – Connect Words Game. Join them and share your thoughts!

How Much Does Word Wiz – Connect Words Game Cost?

Good news! You can download Word Wiz – Connect Words Game on your iOS device absolutely free!

Word Wiz – Connect Words Game Release Date

Eager to know when Word Wiz – Connect Words Game first graced the App Store? It was launched on 27th July 2019.

When Was Word Wiz – Connect Words Game Last Updated?

The latest version of Word Wiz – Connect Words Game was updated on 3rd October 2023, ensuring a more enjoyable gaming experience for all players.

Where Can I Download Word Wiz – Connect Words Game?

To get started with Word Wiz – Connect Words Game, head over to the official Apple App Store.


A Glimpse into Word Wiz – Connect Words Game

How many words can you make with these letters: V O L D E ? Relax your brain and expand your vocabulary by solving endless fun word puzzles!

Word Wiz is a word connect game that combines the best of word searches, crossword puzzles and anagrams. The game is designed to keep the language and word finding parts of your brain active, so each time you play you build new skills in problem-solving!

  • Unwind while stimulating your brain
  • 10,000+ word puzzles — you’ll never run out of exciting new challenges!
  • Choose difficulty! Switch between relaxing & challenge modes
  • Build your vocabulary by finding and unlocking new words for your dictionary

Word Wiz is easy to play but challenging to master. Will you become the next Word WIZ? Download for FREE today and put your skills to the test!

What’s New in the Latest Update?

Find out what’s new in the latest version of Word Wiz – Connect Words Game updated on 3rd October 2023:

-Minor bug fixes
-Visual improvements

User Reviews on Word Wiz – Connect Words Game

Looking for more information? Read a comprehensive review of Word Wiz – Connect Words Game below:

We enjoy sitting and relaxing with these puzzles.

An intelligent game. The developers did a good job of designing this game to keep the frustration level right at zero due to streamlined, no nonsense game rules and target words that make sense. The challenge level allows us to feel like we are giving our mind a nice workout and not just wasting time. As of today, Im at Level 102. QUESTION- HOW MANY LEVELS ARE THERE?

At the end if a busy day this takes our mind off work.

The best and funniest crossword puzzle we’ve ever played. And still playing. For over 9.000 times over the years highly suggest you give this fun crossword. A try.

We really like the game but ads are time consuming, stupid any annoying! It Needs a buy it with adds free button pay by year like $10.00.

This is a very good puzzle, we sure do enjoy playing it.

Too many ads for other games. No paid version.

We like learning at the end, a new vocabulary.

You have recently changed the background and "force" us to play with that background, despite having chosen one that we prefer much more. The current "mountain" background is incredibly distracting and it has a definite impact on our enjoyment of the game. If this continues, we will probably stop playing…

Love the game. Wish we could buy without ads.

We love this game, however we were just given a very insulting title as we work our way up. Sharp tongued savant in not very inviting for a description for someone of Peace who has studied words and definitions all their life! The original definition of savant is learned, knowledgeable and intelligent however in todays society it doesnt quite carry the same meaning, such as idiot savant, on who has a special gift or talent but usually has a low IQ. How would you know if we have a sharp tongue? Im a peaceful person who studied words since we were four years old and we have a high IQ and Im a poet and writer who used words in what we do. But that doesnt mean we have a sharp tongue, someone whos words are acidic. How would you know how we speak because we can solve word puzzles? We are actually quite offended by some of your titles. We were raised if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all , however we have the right to our own opinions but we dont appreciate the judgment of your app. If you cant be kind, leave the titles out and just leave us our ranking. Not that its important but you should never offend your players by using judgment because of our scores. As much as we enjoy your game, it leaves a sour taste. Its especially offensive to us as a Christian who believes in kindness and not offending God or others with words. It goes against God. We cant help that we have a talent for words, we love the vernacular of the English language and we were required to study the dictionary and thesaurus since we were four years old and to our way of thinking thats a gift and we express mostly words of love. How can you judge that we have a sharp tongue? The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body because its strong enough to break bones and do a great deal of damage and should be used wisely and with kindness otherwise you need to ask for forgiveness. Once a word is spoken, it can never be taken back. You can apologize forever but the memory and pain never goes away, even though its forgiven. Be more careful with your own words in this app.

NOT a fan of the latest change in scenery. We change it to plain green background, stop playing, go back to play and the scenery has defaulted back to busy canyons/mountains. Next, some ads come up full blast volume with no icon to mute. How can we be "working" while playing when it is a dead giveaway that we’re on our phone. Not all ads do this – just saying. We have enough distractions in our life. Please make it stop.

We want to buy the game so we dont get ads AND we can have a choice of backgrounds and other things that are being forced on us with the free app.

We enjoy this game and its backgrounds but right now we cant change the background and it is annoying!!! Its some kind of challenge that never seems to end and has a dark ski town background and we have no way to end the challenge or change the background though we have tried! Why cant you leave well enough ALONE!?!

We clicked on the $5.99 offer for 60 days ad free, and when the amount to pay came up it was $8.99. Nope.

Why would you remove the crown level display! Why make us search for it? What were you thinking?

This game is fun as we like making words it its too easy.

Hello. The background only changes for the Daily Puzzle. We are still stuck with this horrible dark color that doesnt show the black squares in the regular puzzle. You need to look at this. Nobody is carefully reading our email. Our question is still unanswered. The game is fun though not extremely challenging. Have been playing most days for a few years. Our problem is although we can choose the background for the daily puzzle the background for the other puzzles is very dark blue and the squares where the letters go are black. It is VERY hard to see these squares. We chose the daily puzzle background but did not choose this dark blue rainy sky scene. We contacted support and was told to change the background in settings but we do not have that choice. They were NO HELP. Thats why only 3 stars.

Until recently this game had been great but now trying to get a clue rarely works. Always getting the message that an ad is not available. If you are really stuck you have no choice but to stop playing. Also, the backgrounds have gotten too distracting. If you try to pick a different background it changes back to their heavily pictured backgrounds again.

Had it on our Samsung phone and played 4000 challenge puzzles and 6000 plus casual puzzles with no problem. On our iphone13pro it keeps getting stuck. Have to delete and start over. Very annoying.

We’ve enjoyed playing Word Wiz for over a year. But latest changes to make a dollar has become annoying and frustrating They want you to buy hints even though we have probably watched a 1000 video ads Now you have to click to purchase the hints and then cancel out. One small slip in canceling and youve bought hints No longer. Im deleting the game.

You cant play the game for more than 30 mins or you will experience the game freezing and crashing, over and over. Resetting or restarting app does not fix it.

We are not going to pay for hints. We’ll just quit playing your games! Have you gotten enough complaints about the changes you have made to the game? Can’t you see, because of greed, you have made this once good game into something everyone hates? Put it back the way it was, please.

We love this game but there is an ad thats called three and this ad plays 98 percent of the time after a game. We wouldnt have a problem with this ad if we were able to watch for a few seconds and continue playing our game after but every time this ad plays we have to close the game and restart because it stays on the screen until we click on one of their options. We’ve had enough of this and we will delete this game just because of this very very annoying ad!!!!!!!!!

There is an add in between every single freaking round. We would happily pay to get rid of them but thats not even an option. Hate. The. Ads.

The ads between every single puzzle are annoying but made worse by their poor functionality. The x in the corner to close about half the ads doesnt close it, leaving you stuck until you magically hit it enough times 60-70 times later, or it finally closes, or you have to reset your whole phone. Super annoying.

We want our solid green background back and it wont change. Fix your glitch. Im so frustrated with this game. Im considering deleting it and looking for different word game. We finally figured out how to get the green background back. Now it switches back to the mountain scene background after several games have been played. We can swipe the game off our screen and when we bring it back up its at the green screen again. Thats annoying but at least we can get the green background.

Ads ads ads Paid 9.99 to get rid of ads. Confirmed payment, followed by ad!

We just wanted to say this is a terrific game to enjoy at work, an overall fun relaxing challenging game! Love, love , love it!

Im lovin this game! Its so relaxing, and enjoyable.

This game is rilly hard, it takes all 5 fingurs and tows to figger it out.

Really like the variety of words . One thing we really really would like to see is the pronunciation of the bonus words. Many times its hard to tell what the words should sound like.

Too Many words are sent to bonus bin.

Game is fun. The problem is that the ads get stuck too easily and the only way to proceed is turn the phone off and restart. Very annoying.

We made 2 purchases to get rid of ads for 14 days yet they are back!!! We dont know our recourse other than stop playing (I love the game!) or just delete the application.

What a waist of time. Cant you come up with something better?

We enjoy word games and this is one we keep coming back to!

This is one of our favorite games. It is challenging and fun at the same time. The only change Id like to see is that it would work in landscape mode. Right now its only letter.

This game will help one learn to spell words better!

We love this game. Been playing it for years now. Our only complaint is that now, when we finish a game, an ad for buying hints immediately pops up. Its bad enough that we dont get to see our completed board, but if we want/need to see the definition of the final word, we dont get the opportunity to do so. Please, give us a chance to see it again.

We have already uninstalled and reinstalled, but lost the 2000+ games Id already played. So, we do NOT want to do that again.

We really like this game and would play it more often HOWEVER, we dont play it too much. When we are playing, we usually like to listen to audio books and the ads mess with our the audio and pause the book. It is annoying when yo constantly have to stop the game to restart the book.

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