Zombie Outbreak Simulator Pro

Zombie Outbreak Simulator Pro


Step into the gaming world with Zombie Outbreak Simulator Pro, one of the top $4.99 games in the App Store! Crafted with creativity and innovation by Binary Space Pty Ltd, this captivating Strategy game is bound to grab your attention. With its content rating of 12+, it caters to a wide audience. Ever since its release on 11th April 2012, it has been constantly updated, with the latest version rolled out on 3rd November 2016.

Whether you have a liking for Strategy, Simulation, or Entertainment games, Zombie Outbreak Simulator Pro is sure to keep you hooked!

User Ratings

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Dive into Zombie Outbreak Simulator Pro

Zombie Outbreak Simulator is a sandbox app where you can customize your own zombie outbreak. Choose from thousands of real locations around the world on Google Maps!
◆ Over 1.2 million downloads across iOS and Android! ◆

  • "a killer timewaster" – Gizmodo
  • "zombies plus Google Maps equals fun" – Games Radar
  • "a splendid idea, no matter how omnipresent zombies may be" – Rock, Paper, Shotgun
  • Apple Staff Favorite in the US, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Spain and 14 other countries!
  • Top 5 in Simulation and Strategy on the iPad!

Watch a zombie outbreak unfold in real world environments, and alter the outbreak parameters to your liking. Do you prefer old-school slow movers, or the new fast movers? Is the population armed? How well can they shoot? How many police will be on patrol? Customize your own outbreak then watch the chaos unfold.

Zoom in and out to keep track of the infection as it spreads across the map! Watch from a high satellite view to get an overview of the infection, or zoom right in and watch as civilians run for their lives, shoot at zombies and inevitably become infected. Keep track of the people’s only hope – local law enforcement, as they fight back against overwhelming odds.

Join in the action by raining fire from above with Mk81 and Mk82 bombs, delivered by A-10 Tank Killers! Parachute soldiers into the front lines to protect the civilians. Deploy helicopters to rescue civilians before they become overwhelmed.

From the Settings screen you can change the following parameters:

  • Civilian numbers
  • Civilian armed %
  • Civilian accuracy
  • Initial zombie numbers
  • Zombie outbreak direction (N, E, S, W, Map Wide)
  • Zombie speed
  • Infection time (how long it takes for infected civs to turn into zombies)
  • Number of police
  • Police accuracy
  • Soldier accuracy

From the Map Select screen you can choose from:

  • 15 featured online maps, using Google Maps
  • 5 offline maps (play anywhere even without an Internet connection)
  • Over 2,500 player maps using Google Maps, created by players of the game at www.class3outbreak.com

Not sure if you want to buy this app? Try the free version of Zombie Outbreak Simulator instead!

What’s Fresh in the Latest Update?

Discover what’s new in the recent update of Zombie Outbreak Simulator Pro on 3rd November 2016:

This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.

Finally, the extremely-long-awaited update featuring a complete rebuild of the game for iOS!

Now with the ability to parachute in soldiers to protect the civs, or deploy helicopters on a rescue mission. Also with over 2,500 maps created by players on www.class3outbreak.com.

All combined with good old-fashioned zombie mayhem!

Hear from the Players – Zombie Outbreak Simulator Pro Reviews

Find out what gamers are saying about Zombie Outbreak Simulator Pro:

So this game is fabulous and we’ve played on it for several hours a day but we think it needs more to make it so much better and we’ve made a list for what we wish would be in the game Armored police cars Riot police Attack helicopters Military tanks Machine gun trucks military rocket launchers Machine gunners There could also be raiders like bad people that kill civilians/police/army soldiers. Some affects you could add Rain If you could write us back or add these into the game it would make it so much better.

This has always been a great game with lots of untapped potential, shame its been left in the dust for so many years.

We wish you could toggle the music off and on. Cuz it gets kinda annoying listening to that music over and over and not being able to hear the zombies and chaos.

We’ve been really wanting one thing, nukes, do the map wide zombie spread, no civilians left, zombies everywhere, one thing to do left… Nukes, destroys full map and no one left or nothing.

Maybe be able to drop infection pods (similar to bombs) and infect an area deep in the city kind of like halo flood! Also some more zombie variants would be nice.

Honestly one of our favorite games.

I’d like to see new characters vehicles and a nuke please.

Its really a very fun game it deserves these five stars and our only problem is it doesnt really have enough variety we think you should add an infantry unit like basically a normal soldier accept instead of dropping him from the sky you go in the settings and choose a number of the infantry then you choose a spawning direction for them then they spawn like the zombies do on the edges of the map or you could just have them spawn map wide thats the only thing we really want but you dont have to because its already perfect in our opinion.

Im tired of the same stuff every time. We want a bit more like maybe a base area (if theres space). Or if someone got bitten and they didint want to turn and had a gun (you know where Im going) or like you can create noise and make zombies to to there. Or just survivors with knives and other weapons and moving to diffrent areas and fighting zombies. And letting survivors go over fences or making a safe zone themselves. That would make us give it more than we can say stars on this game. 24/7 we would play it then. Thank you!

We like it it’s a good time killer and it’s a lot of fun.

We wish they added more to it but so far it is a great game we but is you can please add something new thank you.

We love this game we hope you can add this stuff soon. First we would like armored car and a surviver. Also could you add a IFV (infantry fighting vehicle). And a tank. We love your game keep up the good work!

Dont think were getting anymore updates but at least its fun.

We all in all love the game we think you guys put in so much effort into it, but we need updates, its become this repetitive cycle of just eliminate zombies, save civilians. We. Need. More. Please we beg that you answer our callings and add something new.

Hello we really like the game we were just wondering if you could add and update where you can spawn civilians and zombies?? Please.

We love playing this game and we hope you keep on updating the game! Our only suggestion we have for the game is that you can parachute in armed civilians and police officers. Other than that its a near perfect game!

We think this is a very good game but there are somethings that need to be added or fixed the first thing is there are not enough zombies to use theres only 1,000 compared to a lot more numb civilians. A nuke would be awesome if there were more zombies. But overall its a very good game! We like the google maps its very fun do create a zombie outbreak in someones back yard!!!

Man, we remember so many hours out into this simple little game a couple of years ago- one of the first games we had gotten when getting our first iPhone. Went through some old games that were no longer on our phone and saw this game had FINALLY gotten a new update with some new content that we can not wait to try out! We strongly recommend anyone to try this game and we urge the developers to continue adding more content into this game!

We love this game yeah you couldve added a few more things but still here are some ideas if you ever make a game like this again 1. Dont only make it so you can only evacuate people with helicopters make it so youre able to use like maybe Humvees to get them out maybe boats maybe even buses especially if the map has a lot of water are you able to send in boats to help people get out and the bus is in the hum VR so whenever they hit a zombie theyll die but its only after you evacuate the bus or the Humvee if you dont evacuate them in time the same thing like what happens with the helicopters a zombie touch is it the helicopter you cannot evacuate it because the pilot is dead in this case the driver 2. Make it so youre able to play on both sides a zombie and a human so if youre a human you have to try and defend humans but if youre a zombie you have to like kill everybody or you can do in between and do both of them at the same time 3. Make it so theyre like interactive buildings and cars make it so youre able to make establish safe zones or you can overrun the safe zone like maybe add a few fences tents hospitals and police cars that youre able to drive 4. Make it so youre able to drag zombies places and humans and make it so there are like more police and offender options and more fighter options like maybe like on a special option for zombies that makes them do certain things maybe add a SWAT team or hazmat suit to a flamethrowers maybe add like a places where the police will mostly be because thats A government building or an important place Plus make it so like youre able to maybe interact with cars and buildings make some barricades maybe if youre human you can like drive cars around so yeah thats pretty much our whole review of the game we know you might not do it because Im pretty sure the game was made five years ago but still if you if the people who who made the game of received this we hope you add these things because it will make the game a lot funner so bye.

These are our suggestions that should be added to this game in order to make this game gain more popularity and more enjoyable! General options -turn off the background theme music -Ability to control zombies/Civilians/army/Police Setting options -Increased zombie population in other maps -Human Health (how many bites/hits it will take for a zombie to kill a person) -Zombie Health -Vaccine? -Zombie Intelligence -Civilian intelligence Human suggestions -A few more civilian skins and death animations? -An awareness A.I. For civilians -Awareness increases as the death toll rises -Armored Police Officer Police Barricades -Swat units -Doomsday preppers -Riot Squads -Security Officers -Firemen -Hazmat Division -Paramedics Construction Workers Zombie Suggestions -Zombie skin for Cops and soldiers (instead of them turning into the green shirted guy) -Better A.I., zombies keep bunching up in a corner to get one person instead of killing the dozens shooting at them – zombies are capable of traveling in hordes Weapons -nukes -napalm – Zombie Virus bomb -Vaccine bomb.

The best game we’ve played on the App Store. It’s really worth playing. Hopefully the developers continue to add things. Definitely an awesome game!

We hope they make more games like this we need more games like this does anyone know of more games like this.

We’ve been playing this game for almost 2 years now and we really like it. The mechanics are wonderful, and the maps are okay. The sad thing about this game, is that is hasnt been updated for 6 years as we are writing this. The website also hasnt been updated in quite a while. A big feature of this game is the inclusion of player made maps, however the map maker on the website used Adobe Flash Player which has been retired for 3 years now so there is a limited number of custom maps that are playable. It would be so much better if you could make more custom maps but the dev(s) have completely given up on this game. Please dev(s), if you see this update the app and the website so that we dont lose another great app.

We’ve been following this game for a couple years now, we keep deleting it and getting it back again, im like drawn to it in a way, it has so much potential, we wish there were updates and more things to do, thats the only real change that we would make, but overall, amazing game.

First of all: Attack Helis: we’re think three variants the Little Bird attack heli, the Apache, and the Huey. Next More aircraft: we have rescue helis and that’s great. There’s a problem though. The civilians will push each other out the heli causing mass failure when evacuating. We were think two versions of Chinhooks and Ospreys. One version of both being a reduce heli which can hold more civilians and another version being one drop off more troops at once with the Chinhook able to drop vehicles like a Humvee. Next some troops with better weapons you know what we mean. Another thing would be the ability to fortify certain areas and set up check points. This would be useful for evacs and realistic. Not only could you have multiple areas for helis to land but soldiers would stand guard there and move back when over run to the next. We would also be able to make a mass evac zone with towers and a wall with a door. Next up we think we should have zombies able to take down helis that are in the air. Or even bandits. Maby some soldiers could even escort Civlians to the next checkpoint? Another thing after we could deploy kill teams to kill some of the zombies. Just a few suggestions and we hope this is seen by you. Once again a amazing game that needs all of what we said to gain a 5 star. Make the updates separate if you must. We could see these updates getting the game to be played a lot more often. If you like any of our Ideas please message us on YouTube or this reply thank you.

We love this, simply because we love things that you can mess around with. You know what could be cool aswell? Vehicles people can drive, or a way for survivors to scavenge, a way for them to get some armor (a 2 hit kill?), guns, like the rifles the military use, or a shotgun.. Or something. Maybe try adding helicopters that shoot from the sky? We’re not a programmer, so we don’t know how hard it could be, but do your best, because this is really good so far!

This is an amazing game and we’ve played on it through multiple devices for a years now and it’s come so far and has gotten so much better but it can definitely go so much further because it has so much potential,like other people said we need thing like Cure Gas:a droppable gas that turns a certain area of zombies back human,Tanks:a very strong tank with a normal barrel that shoots a small bomb with a machine gun on the side,Troop Dropping Helicopters:not replacing normal helicopters but a new version that lets 4 soldiers out that guard the helicopter until it leaves with civilians,Different Zombies:like civilians there could be a percentage of zombies that would be different kinds like a big zombie that takes 10 shots to kill or a zombie that shoots a bullet like spit at civilians that turn them into zombies and zombies that have a rechargeable shield that block a certain amount of bullets and these could all be a mini section of a "Zombies" tab and the amount of zombies that you want to be special could be less than 10%,Barricades:these could be barricades that zombies have to attack to break that you can place anywhere, and we need zombies that persue humans not just zombies that attack when the humans are out of range these would be incredible and make the game so much more fun please add these to this game.

Did we pay a dollar, two dollars? We don’t remember. It’s a neat app, mesmerizing at times with the new update (adds soldiers, helicopters). It’s an interactive experience nowmuch less passive, but there are still no objectives. Expect minimal gameplay at best, but given the crush of IAP-driven game design overwhelming and ruining the Apple Store environment, the lack of any pressure is nice. Couple of things we would like to see in future updates, if they happen: — A way to lure zombies towards a location on the map, to make the simulation last longer, because the zombies are mindless and get stuck after the initial onrush — Polish for the "indoors" mechanic. Zombies and civilians can spawn inside a building, but generally they cannot leave the building and generally anyone on the outside of the building cannot get inside. Basically, we want to see total simulated annihilation and can’t consistently get there because the AI is often so mindless that it doesn’t hunt outside of a relatively small radius. This goes for the living as well as the undead.

We love the game but can you please add more to the game like swat people with melee weapons and riot shields for the swat but all in all we love the game its good for playing on free time.

This game is so cool! Keep it up! Woot!

Thanks for the awesome update! Looking forward to more!

We love this game/simulator. No objectives just mayhem. No freemium stuff just fun. We would suggest adding more weapons (Nuke) and AI intelligence for both human and zombies and army.

Its a great game but can you add different solders and military cars and more?

This game is the best, but add a campaign or more importantly, WHERE ARE THE TANKS, like seriously man come on add in more firepower yo.

We love the game play it all the time just wish you could update it to add more troops maybe outposts or something we dont know just would love an update haha.

Please update creator gods. This game is already awesome as it is buuuut it could be even more awesome with another update. :3.

We love playing this game its fun but we wish it had more options for different troops vehicles bombs zombies and we wish they still updated the game.

This game may not look like much but it is the best App Store investment we’ve made in a while. Strongly recommend for Walking Dead Fans. ;) Great Work PLEASE ADD MORE THOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!! Anything like a tank or attack squad.

Man we love this game! With the new update gives us hope that they will add more soon! We have some ideas of what to add, like an attack helicopter or maybe different types of zombies. It would be cool too if you could call in a care package to help the civilians (Like it would give them a weapon or a cure to help a few infected). Maybe a Neurotoxin bomb to hit healthy civilians! Just some suggestions and ideas, but it’s a great game!!!

We really really love this game! We still think that you should add some more stuff however because eventually it can get boring. Add things like different zombies, different soldiers, bombs especially a nuke, water evac, etc.! Either way we love it!

This game, is so awesome. We have put many hours into this game. We do Have a few suggestions though. Maybe add more offline maps? Tanks or jets? That would be so cool! Anyways, great game you should get it!

Awsome game update it to spawn different types of zombies.

We did not know anything about this game at first, just looking for a zombie game, the run of the mill – scramble, kill, get resources, etc.. We found this one, and it is like a science experiment! Put in the variables, set it in motion, add a sprinkle of . And Boom!! Love it.

Dont get us wrong this game is amazing and extremely fun, thought with the new update they added soldiers that can be deployed anywhere on the map. Then we started thinking what if we had a mechanism that allowed us to control all zombies in a circle that we create and send the zombies to a specific spot. This would give us the ability to create huge battles of outnumbered humans vs thousands of zombies and this could give us more flexibility to create simulations we couldn’t before.

We legit play this game almost every day! Its a really fun and interesting game the we really enjoy. Im just desperately waiting for another update. There are little bugs with the zombie AI. Other than that we love it! We enjoy playing on the airfield and watching zombies swarm as we place soldiers in different positions. Updating the zombies AI so they can navigate around cars and buildings would really make our day. More zombie types and soldier transports like tanks and vehicles would also improve the game way more and probably make the game more popular in our opinion. Keep up the good work!

This game is one of the best games we have ever played but it needs a touch of realism for instance when you rescue you could chose from a swat van same with the soldiers also when the helicopters crash it would be cool if you added a crashed helicopter instead of an empty explosion and another cool add on is boarding up windows and doors and creating zombie defense bases.

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