DK Quiz Famous Beaches

These are the answer for DK Quiz Famous Beaches Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz Famous Beaches ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. This famous 4km (2.5 mile) beach can be found in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. It is the…
  2. Copacabana
  3. Waikiki Beach was a retreat for Hawaiian royalty in the 1800s.
  4. True
  5. This famous beach in Sydney, Australia is a Surfer’s…
  6. Paradise
  7. Once all but washed away in a 1926 hurricane, this is Miami’s favourite beach. It is called…
  8. South Beach
  9. The setting for movie The Beach, this beach has never been more popular with tourists. It is…
  10. Ko Phi Phi Leh
  11. Located 315km (200 miles) south of Manila, this white sand beach is considered one of the world’s finest. It is…
  12. Boracay
  13. The Canary Islands are a Spanish archipelago featuring popular winter beaches for Europeans. The most famous are found on…
  14. Tenerife
  15. Natadola Beach is considered once of the best beaches of the South Pacific. Where is it located?
  16. Fiji
  17. With a beach coastline of 259km (161 miles), Fraser Island is the world’s largest…
  18. Sand island
  19. Myrtle Beach in South Carolina is a favourite with students on spring break. How many visitors does the beach receive every year?
  20. 14 million
  21. Ka’anapali Beach in Maui, Hawaii is famous not only among sun-seekers but also because…
  22. Ancient warriors used to train there
  23. Pigeon Point is considered the crowning glory of this country’s 41km (25 mile) sandy coastline. But which country is it?
  24. Trinidad and Tobago
  25. This Croatian beach claims to be the birthplace of skinny-dipping, after King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson swum naked there in 1936. It is called…
  26. Rab
  27. Lover’s Beach in Mexico can only be accessed by…
  28. Boat
  29. Which Ibiza beach has house music blasting from dawn until the small hours?
  30. Las Salinas
  31. Which South African beach is also the site for pro-surfing events?
  32. Jeffreys Bay
  33. It is too cold to swim at the picturesque Skagen Beach in Denmark.
  34. True
  35. Hot Water Beach on the Coromandel Peninsula is where beach bums can dig into the sand to create their own hot tubs. Which country boasts this volcanic beach?
  36. New Zealand
  37. Lanikai Beach is a picture-perfect tropical paradise. Where can it be found?
  38. Hawaii
  39. Cancun Beach in Mexico is often referred to as the Mexican Caribbean.
  40. True

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