DK Quiz Terrifying Tsunamis Through History

These are the answer for DK Quiz Terrifying Tsunamis Through History Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz Terrifying Tsunamis Through History ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. Which ancient civilization of Crete was destroyed by a tsunami around 1500 BCE?
  2. The Minoans
  3. Which of these countries was not affected by a 1755 tsunami that left 100,000 dead?
  4. Romania
  5. The 2011 tsunami that hit Japan’s Pacific coast created what other national emergency?
  6. Radioactive leakage from a nuclear plant
  7. The 1883 Krakatau caldera volcano caused 37-metre-high waves to strike the coastlines of which country?
  8. Indonesia
  9. Japan was not hit by a tsunami in 1896.
  10. False
  11. In what year in recent history was the Indian Ocean tsunami that left 230,000 dead?
  12. 2004
  13. For how many days did tsunami waves batter the coast of Chile in 1868?
  14. Two to three
  15. Which were the two Japanese islands worst affected during a 1771 tsunami?
  16. Ishigaki and Miyako
  17. Which Egyptian city did 30-metre-high waves devastate during a 365 CE tsunami?
  18. Alexandria
  19. How high was the wave caused by a giant landslide in Lituya Bay, Alaska, in 1958?
  20. 524 metres
  21. Which country has the highest occurrence of tsunamis in the world?
  22. Japan
  23. How many minutes passed between the 1775 Great Lisbon Earthquake and the subsequent tsunami that followed it?
  24. 40
  25. Kyushu is the only Japanese island not to be struck by a tsunami.
  26. False
  27. One of the first known tsunamis took place in 6100 BCE. Which country was affected?
  28. Norway
  29. What caused a 250-metre-high tsunami wave at the Vajont Dam, Monte Toc, Italy, in 1963?
  30. A landslide
  31. How high were the waves that hit Indonesia during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami?
  32. 33 metres
  33. There were no fatalities, but the town of São Vicente was completely destroyed by a 1541 tsunami. In which country is the town located?
  34. Brazil
  35. Which of these is the deadliest tsunami in recorded history?
  36. The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
  37. How people are estimated to have lost their lives during a 1896 tsunami that hit Japan?
  38. 22,000
  39. An earthquake caused a tsunami which destroyed the Minoan civilization. On which island did it occur?
  40. Santorini

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