DK Quiz Natural History Answers

DK Quiz Secretly Deadly Animals

These are the answer for DK Quiz Secretly Deadly Animals Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz Secretly Deadly Animals ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. Which deadly human-killing disease does this insect carry?
  2. Malaria
  3. Approximately how many people worldwide died of malaria in 2010?
  4. 655,000
  5. Which slow-moving creature has roamed the seas for over 500 million years and can deliver a fatal sting?
  6. Jellyfish
  7. An Australian box jellyfish commonly known as the "sea wasp" can kill a grown man in minutes with one sting.
  8. True
  9. What large mud-wallower can easily outrun a human and is known to be extremely temperamental?
  10. The hippopotamus
  11. Usually smaller than a human hand, which variety of scorpion is the most venomous in the world?
  12. Deathstalker scorpion
  13. The slow loris is a cute primate often made a human pet. But what is its deadly secret?
  14. It has special glands that produce poison
  15. This animal will literally fight to the death to protect its young.
  16. True
  17. It is small, but the vampire bat has a big reputation for being deadly. Why?
  18. It spreads diseases such as rabies
  19. This "red-bellied" variety looks harmless on its own, but together with its friends it can strip a whole cow. What is it?
  20. A piranha
  21. The blue-ringed octopus is 12-20cm (5-8 inches) in size but has enough venom to kill a human.
  22. True
  23. This small North American critter looks cuddly enough to be a toy, but has been known to attack humans as part of a group. What is it?
  24. A raccoon
  25. A common household pet, cats can carry the parasite Toxoplasma gondii which is very dangerous for pregnant women.
  26. True
  27. This slow mover usually hides under the sand of the ocean bottom, but also has a deadly sting. What is it?
  28. A stingray
  29. Small cute and yellow, this creature is considered the most poisonous vertebrate in the world. What is it?
  30. The golden poison frog
  31. Up to how many humans could 1 milligram (3.5 ounces) of its poison kill?
  32. 20
  33. The toxin from a stonefish can cause temporary paralysis and death if left untreated.
  34. True
  35. If eaten raw a common garden worm can kill a grown man in 30 minutes.
  36. False
  37. Despite being cute looking, I am the second-most poisonous vertebrate in the world. What am I?
  38. A pufferfish
  39. The meat of this fish can be lethal if not served properly, but is nevertheless a delicacy in Japan.
  40. True

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