BASEBALL 9 – When Wants To Act Funny – Game Play

BASEBALL 9 - When Wants To Act Funny - Game Play

BASEBALL 9 – When Wants To Act Funny – Game Play

BASEBALL 9 – When Wants To Act Funny – Game Play.

Enjoy the gameplay of BASEBALL 9 – When Wants To Act Funny – Game Play for BASEBALL 9, courtesy of DeezBecuzDeez.

At the time of this post, the video has garnered over 201180 views and has received more than 5589 likes.

Man doesn’t know what a ball is, he just swings at anything and everything

"Man doesn’t know what a ball is, he just swings at anything and everything", Carlos Pollock commented.

"This video was made as a joke on a brand new account made for this"

"This happens when you swing at balls that aren’t even in the strike zone, this also happens when you don’t make solid contact with the ball"

Stay tuned to their channel for the latest gameplay updates.

Interesting comments by other players

Carlos Pollock: Man doesn’t know what a ball is, he just swings at anything and everything

DeezBecuzDeez: This video was made as a joke on a brand new account made for this

Harper: This happens when you swing at balls that aren’t even in the strike zone, this also happens when you don’t make solid contact with the ball

Jerry Doyle: that happens to everyone just move it and hit the ball

momentumCreator: This happens to me all the time in that game

𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐟: I have 120 players and they do this 💀

Jacob Buck: Bro couldn’t hit water if he was above the ocean

Jax the Gamer 117: Goofy ahh 🤣

Elijah Cottman: Fr🤦🏾‍♂️

Xander DeLauro: It’s honestly true you will hit the ball and it’ll not go far unless you get it at 100% accurate then it hits far but that is true

baseball: the thing is they know it’s a foul ball and they run

fat orangutan⚾️🏈: You can’t just swing at everything

Hockey is the best: It’s because on the first one it bounced first watch closely and slowly

UnknowRedTea: At least you can hit the baseball I can’t even hit it

WHO Dey prodz: Bro has one recruit

Melissa Weinacht: Bro that is so true

Ween Peener: Stop using power swing, it will always lead to a low hit or foul ball, you get more runs using contact swing. My main guys had a 80 contact swing and every times he’s at bat it’s a triple or a home run.

JohnnyMastermehVODS: The reason why is becuase that power psi thingy is not excactly on the ball which makes it so you don’t have good contact

Blayne Rhodes: Bro you have to line it up to where the circle is slightly under the ball so you can hit a line drive

Baseball beasts: So true



  • YouTube Channel: DeezBecuzDeez
  • Game Developer: playus soft


This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by playus soft or DeezBecuzDeez. All videos, images, and rights belong to their respective owners.

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