DK Quiz World Traditions

These are the answer for DK Quiz World Traditions Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz World Traditions ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. In which city does the Running of the Bulls take place every July?
  2. Pamplona
  3. This is a woman’s Nosia, the traditional folk costume in which country?
  4. Bulgaria
  5. In which of these countries might you have Ogi, a fermented porridge, for breakfast?
  6. Nigeria
  7. In Japan it is considered correct etiquette to accept business cards with both hands.
  8. True
  9. Which Hindu festival is popularly known as the Festival of lights?
  10. Diwali
  11. In which of these countries might you have an early afternoon nap, called a Siesta?
  12. Spain
  13. In which of these countries is giving a clock as a gift considered unlucky?
  14. China
  15. Which US city is known for its Mardi Gras celebrations?
  16. New Orleans
  17. What is the Jewish New Year called?
  18. Rosh Hashanah
  19. Cremation of the dead is illegal in Singapore.
  20. False
  21. What is this festival, held every August in Valencia, called?
  22. La Tomatina
  23. In which of these countries do living relatives burn joss paper bank notes (often called "Hell bank notes") as offerings to the dead?
  24. China
  25. Which meat do Americans traditionally eat at Thanksgiving?
  26. Turkey
  27. In which of these countries is Saint Lucy’s Day observed, with a procession headed by a girl wearing a crown of candles or lights?
  28. Sweden
  29. In which of these countries would figures like this be used in the celebrations for the Day of the Dead?
  30. Mexico
  31. What colour robe do monks traditionally wear in Thailand?
  32. Orange
  33. What is the most popular professional sport in Japan?
  34. Baseball
  35. In which of these countries are pigs considered a sign of good luck?
  36. Germany
  37. In which of these countries are wedding cakes sometimes topped with a small sapling, to symbolize new growth?
  38. Bermuda
  39. What is this traditional Indian greeting gesture known as?
  40. Namaste

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