DK Quiz Culture Entertainment Answers

DK Quiz Romantic Sensibilities

These are the answer for DK Quiz Romantic Sensibilities Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz Romantic Sensibilities ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. This model is sitting for Dante Gabriel Rossetti. What movement did Rossetti help found in 1848?
  2. The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
  3. How many original members of the Pre-Raphaelites were there?
  4. Seven
  5. D. G. Rossetti’s wife met a tragic end. What was her name?
  6. Elizabeth Siddal
  7. On whose poetry did Rossetti base many of his paintings?
  8. Dante
  9. Whose art did the brotherhood reject, and all art that came after it?
  10. Raphael and Michelangelo
  11. What nickname did Rossetti have for his model and mistress, Fanny Cornforth?
  12. Elephant
  13. Rossetti had an affair with the wife of his friend William Morris. What was her name?
  14. Jane
  15. What did the brotherhood call Sir Joshua Reynolds, the founder of the English Royal Academy of Arts?
  16. Sir Sloshua
  17. Which poet did Rossetti think he was the reincarnation of?
  18. William Blake
  19. Which Italian artistic period did the brotherhood aim to recreate?
  20. Quattrocento
  21. What was the name of the Pre-Raphaelites’ journal?
  22. The Germ
  23. The members of the brotherhood kept its existence secret from members of the Royal Academy of Arts.
  24. True
  25. The 1850 painting "Christ In The House Of His Parents" was thought to be blasphemous by many reviewers, including Charles Dickens. Who painted it?
  26. John Everett Millais
  27. Dickens said the painter had made the Holy Family look like "alcoholics" and "slum-dwellers".
  28. True
  29. Which critic was a fan of the Pre-Raphaelites?
  30. John Ruskin
  31. Which brotherhood member did John Ruskin’s wife leave him for?
  32. John Everett Millais
  33. What were the two different types of Pre-Raphaelite painting?
  34. Nature and romance
  35. Thomas Woolner was best known as a sculptor and poet.
  36. True
  37. Which fantasy writer was influenced by the mythological scenes portrayed by the Pre-Raphaelites?
  38. J. R. R. Tolkien
  39. In which year did Rossetti die?
  40. 1882

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