DK Quiz General Knowledge Answers

DK Quiz Greek Word Origins

These are the answer for DK Quiz Greek Word Origins Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz Greek Word Origins ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. Approximately what percentage of English words are borrowed directly from Greek?
  2. Five
  3. Where would you be if visiting a Cimitirio?
  4. A cemetery
  5. What is the Greek origin of the English word "Historical"?
  6. Istorikos
  7. What is Greek for "Larynx"?
  8. Larynx
  9. In Greek it is Panicos. In English it is…
  10. Panic
  11. A popular form of Kivernisi was founded in Classical Athens. What is it in English?
  12. Government
  13. What would you be studying if reading a Physiki textbook?
  14. Physics
  15. The English word "union" comes from the Greek Enosi.
  16. True
  17. An Iroas was a popular figure in Greek mythology. What is the English translation?
  18. Hero
  19. The Greek root "Dem" means?
  20. People
  21. Democracy translates as…
  22. Rule of the people
  23. What word does the English "Tonic" come from?
  24. Tonicos
  25. In Greek it is Cybos. In English it is…
  26. Cube
  27. A Greek Dosi is an English…
  28. Dose
  29. Diskos is Greek for Disco.
  30. False
  31. The Greek suffix "-ism" means "The act, state, or theory of".
  32. True
  33. Criticism is "The act of making a severe judgment".
  34. True
  35. The English word Criticism comes from the Greek…
  36. Critiki
  37. The Greek suffix "-phile" means…
  38. One who loves
  39. An Anglophile is someone who admires England or the English.
  40. True

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