DK Quiz General Knowledge Answers

DK Quiz Unusual Deaths

These are the answer for DK Quiz Unusual Deaths Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz Unusual Deaths ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. Which famous escapologist died from a ruptured appendix, thought to have been brought on by unexpected blows to his abdomen by a fan?
  2. Harry Houdini
  3. Which naturalist, nicknamed "The Crocodile Hunter", was killed by a stingray attack in 2006?
  4. Steve Irwin
  5. Which pioneer of modern dance was killed when the silk scarf around her neck was caught in the wheels of the vehicle in which she was travelling?
  6. Isadora Duncan
  7. According to popular belief, the playwright Aeschylus was killed by a tortoise that fell out of the sky, dropped by an eagle onto his bald head.
  8. True
  9. Where did rock and roll king Elvis Presley die?
  10. On the toilet
  11. Marxist revolutionary Leon Trotsky was killed in Mexico in 1918 by a blow to the head. But what was the unusual weapon?
  12. An ice pick
  13. American writer Tennessee Williams died after choking on a bottle cap.
  14. True
  15. Which US President died of a cold a few weeks after giving his lengthy inauguration speech in bad weather?
  16. William Henry Harrison
  17. Whose tomb had English Egyptologist George Herbert been helping excavate not long before his death, leading to the story of a "Mummy’s Curse"?
  18. Tutankhamun
  19. In Boston in 1919 a massive storage tank burst, sending a wave of which substance through the streets, killing 21 people?
  20. Molasses
  21. According to popular belief, how did Attila the Hun die?
  22. A nosebleed on his wedding night
  23. Which ancient Greek philosopher died after trying to cure his dropsy by baking in the sun with a liniment of cow manure?
  24. Heraclitus
  25. Which American inventor was killed by his own invention, the web rotary printing press?
  26. William Bullock
  27. Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe died of a bladder infection after he refused to leave a banquet to relieve himself, considering it a breach of etiquette.
  28. True
  29. Which French playwright died in 1673, after performing in the last play he had written?
  30. Molière
  31. Who won two Nobel prizes, but was ultimately killed by long-term exposure to the radiation she was studying?
  32. Marie Curie
  33. Which Spanish ruler reportedly died of indigestion and uncontrollable laughter?
  34. Martin of Aragon
  35. According to Plutarch, which ancient Greek scientist was killed by an enraged Roman soldier, after insisting on finishing a mathematical problem?
  36. Archimedes
  37. Which British performer died on live national television, during the "Live From Her Majesty’s" variety show?
  38. Tommy Cooper
  39. Which scientist died of pneumonia after experimenting with burying poultry outdoors in the snow to preserve it?
  40. Francis Bacon

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