DK Quiz History Answers

DK Quiz Hairstyles

These are the answer for DK Quiz Hairstyles Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz Hairstyles ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. Which 20s hairstyle saw "Flappers" cutting it into the short style seen here?
  2. The Bob
  3. What did Ancient Egyptian priests do with their hair?
  4. Shaved it off
  5. Which hairstyle was first worn by Native Americans and later adopted by punks, as shown here.
  6. The Mohawk
  7. What was the early Beatles hairstyle that inspired the world?
  8. The Mop-top
  9. Which Angel sported the "feathered wings" look in the 70s?
  10. Farah Fawcett
  11. What Ancient civilization often wore wigs?
  12. Egyptian
  13. The Ancient Egyptians attached perfumed wax cones to their heads, which were designed to melt over the course of an evening.
  14. True
  15. The men from which religion grow their hair and wear it under a turban?
  16. Sikhism
  17. Greek philosopher Aristotle used goat urine as a baldness cure.
  18. True
  19. Greek physician Hippocrates used pigeon droppings.
  20. True
  21. Which 60s hairstyle required "teasing" upwards to achieve the correct height?
  22. The Beehive
  23. What costly spice would Renaissance women use in combination with sunlight to bleach their hair?
  24. Saffron
  25. What hairstyle would a 50s "Teddy boy" wear?
  26. Quiff
  27. Which hairstyle do reggae stars often flaunt?
  28. Dreadlocks
  29. Which group in the Middle Ages would traditionally sport a "Tonsure"?
  30. Monks
  31. What hairstyle is short at the sides and front, and long at the back?
  32. The Mullet
  33. Which 90s TV actress caused a hairstyle sensation with "The Rachel"?
  34. Jennifer Aniston
  35. The Pompadour is named after the mistress of King Louis XV, Madame de Pompadour.
  36. True
  37. Elvis Presley also used to sport the Pompadour hairstyle.
  38. True
  39. The "Comb-over" has become popular with twenty-something women in the new millennium.
  40. False

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