DK Quiz History Answers

DK Quiz The Aztecs

These are the answer for DK Quiz The Aztecs Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz The Aztecs ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. What modern-day country was home to the Aztecs?
  2. Mexico
  3. What was the sun said to transform into at night according to Aztec belief?
  4. A jaguar
  5. What did the Aztecs ban during sowing, harvesting, and at night?
  6. Warfare
  7. What did Aztecs call gold?
  8. Excrement of the Gods
  9. The Conquistadors came from which European country?
  10. Spain
  11. The Aztecs developed the wheel for use as a toy.
  12. True
  13. What was the Aztec city Tenochtitlan built on?
  14. Swampland
  15. The name of the goddess "Coatlicue" translates as "Serpent…
  16. Skirt
  17. What did the Aztecs use to make their knives, spears and arrowheads?
  18. Obsidian
  19. With what did players in the ball game Ullamaliztli propel the ball?
  20. All of them
  21. What did the Aztecs use for currency?
  22. Cacao beans
  23. Tenochtitlan had population of up to…
  24. 300,000
  25. Who led the Conquistadors?
  26. Cortes
  27. The Aztecs thought Cortes was a god called "Quetzalcoatl".
  28. True
  29. Who was the Aztec leader Cortes defeated by?
  30. Moctezuma II
  31. Up to what percentage of the Aztecs are believed to have succumbed to smallpox?
  32. 50
  33. Aztec women who died in childbirth were accorded the same respect as those who died in battle.
  34. True
  35. What did the Aztecs grow some of their crops on?
  36. Floating gardens
  37. How did Aztec couriers travel to relay messages?
  38. They ran
  39. Aztec society had collapsed by the middle of which century?
  40. 15th

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