DK Quiz Natural History Answers

DK Quiz Honeybees

These are the answer for DK Quiz Honeybees Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz Honeybees ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. At its peak, approximately how many honeybees make up one colony?
  2. 60,000
  3. How many recognized species of honey bee are there?
  4. Seven
  5. On which continent are honeybees believed to have originated?
  6. Asia
  7. How many eggs can a queen honeybee lay in a day?
  8. 2,000
  9. Worker honeybees are always female.
  10. True
  11. The darker the colour of a honeybee’s honey,…
  12. The stronger the taste
  13. How many wings does a honeybee have?
  14. Four
  15. How do honeybees communicate?
  16. Through a special "tremble" dance
  17. Since 2007, there has been a slow decline in honeybee colonies. What has this been named?
  18. Colony collapse disorder
  19. What is the average lifespan for a healthy queen honeybee?
  20. Two to five years
  21. How does an ordinary worker honeybee become the queen of a colony?
  22. By eating Royal Jelly
  23. What do honeybees do when the outside temperature drops below 10°C (50°F)?
  24. They stop flying and form a winter cluster
  25. How many flowers does a bee visit during one collection trip?
  26. 50 to 100
  27. How many times does a honeybee’s wings beat per second?
  28. 200 times
  29. Africanized bees are commonly known as "killer bees".
  30. True
  31. How far do honeybees have to fly to collect the equivalent of 450 g (1 lb) of honey?
  32. Twice round the world
  33. How long do drone honeybees live?
  34. 40 to 50 days
  35. What medieval drink was made with honey?
  36. Mead
  37. Approximately what percentage of honey is made up of water?
  38. 17 per cent
  39. How many sides make up one honeycomb cell?
  40. Six

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