Evolution – Learning Creatures

Last updated on June 10th, 2023 at 07:50 am

Evolution – Learning Creatures


Evolution – Learning Creatures is one of the best $1.99 to play game in the App Store.
Developed by Keiwan Donyagard, Evolution – Learning Creatures is a Simulation game with a content rating of 4+.
It was released on 18th April 2017 with the latest update 19th September 2022

Whether you are a fan of Simulation, Entertainment, games, you will find this game interesting and will absolutely like it.


493 people have rated 3.1.0

You can download the game Evolution – Learning Creatures from APP STORE.


Use joints, bones and muscles to build creatures that are only limited by your imagination. Watch how the combination of neural networks and an evolutionary algorithm can enable your creatures to learn and improve at their given tasks all on their own.

The tasks include running, jumping, climbing and flying. Can you design the ultimate creature that is good at all of the tasks?

The latest update allows you to easily share your simulation saves and creature designs with your friends.

Note that this is more of a simulation than a game. There are no real objectives. But there is a lot to learn if you are interested in the basics of machine learning and neural networks. You can even look at the source code if you want.

There is also a Mac & PC version available for download and a browser version for you to try out on the main project website (keiwan.itch.io/evolution).

Updated on 19th September 2022

  • Added wings and a flying task
  • Define a fitness penalty if certain joints touch the ground
  • Assign IDs to muscles that should expand and contract at the same time
  • Exiting a simulation will now load its creature design into the editor
  • Bug fixes
  • Stability improvements

Evolution – Learning Creatures Reviews

We cant believe we found this game again, also cant believe you drop a update two years later. Love that you still care thank you for the fun times.

Thought this game would never be receiving an update again. We had loaded it onto an old phone and had it run millions of generations, after managing to have it climb roughly 220 stairs per minute we think its time to put down the monstrosity and make a new flying creature that will hopefully live up to, or even surpass their big brother. Thank you for this update and have a wonderful day!

We really really really want swimming mode it have swimming motion please add it.

We love this game, its so quirky and unpredictable, but how did this thing go from running like a dog to getting up onto its hind legs and start hopping like a roo? This doesnt make any goddamn sense, man, but Im here for it.

We love it we love it we love it, More more more more!

Every time we go into the game and make something and evolve it. Our game freezes and crashes and Im on a iPhone 13 so it cant be its not powerful enough but Ill keep trying thanks for your consideration (great game anyway though)

We were thinking could you make it where the game will play in the background of your phone so you dont have to stare at your screen the whole time.

The game is great, from being able to design your own little creature to watching it begin to move. All around fun, we could (and have) played for hours.

Custom maps and the ability to make some joints have penalties and rewards when touching the ground.

Confusing at forst but then you get used to it.

We love this app. Educational and fun. If you are at all interested in learning systems, check it out.

We love this game the amount of AWSOME creatures we’ve been able to make is insane but we do a thought that we think could make the game way better.. A swimming and flying mode where you cane make leviathans and dragons of any shape and size that actually obey some physics of life.

We just downloaded this and we made a design we really liked and when we went to test it out our screen was white for 5 seconds then there was a still image of our design and then it crashed. Please help with this.

We’re going to be real, there are a lot of very bad apps on the app store. It is very rare that we find one that is not only free, but actually fun. It’s really fun to test out different designs and watch the machine learning in action. 10/10 would pay for this.

Managed to stretch past what should be humanly possible by putting a crap ton of absolutely random joints bones and muscles to create what looks like a satan summoning ritual. 10/10 would recommend.

Thats what we would call a true scientific game!

Can you do a combat tester update with guns and melee weapons.

You should make it so you can change whether you want a locked or free camera because Im running batches of 25 and we never can see what the other ones are doing.

We love this game you can be so creative with making your beasts. No ads no in app purchases its great a big free open sandbox.

It would be more easy if you can control there movements or more.

1-needs a Front,Back,Top, and bottom view 2-A Ocean/Lake/River map and a flying map 3-In said flying map animals should be able to move their arms up and down to simulate the motion of flying 4-Needs new examples for said maps like (for flying map) a bird, a bat, and a pterosaur 5-Theropods like humans,dinos, and Etc. Should be easier to make because they always fall over 6-bones should be able to have connections using joints for example using bone connections, and the ends should using bone ends or bone points we dont really care if you put these all in one update or several these are just things the game might need Love the game tho.

This game is wonderful. You can make different creatures and watch them advance through the generations. There is a lot of customization too. If you can think it, you will most likely be able to make it (Bipedal creations are hard, you wont really be able to make a humanoid and have it be able to walk). You can customize the neural network used by the creatures. You can have them compete in running, jumping, obstacle jumping, and climbing. But we have a suggestion, please add an ability to change the simulation speed during evolving.

We were playing this game when we finally found a design that actually worked for our dog. We saved it as a simulation when we renamed it and accidentally loaded a new one, the save is now a previous version of the dog that does not work. The new dog is not in our saves so we cant get it back. If there was some way to load a simulation and have the creature so we can save it that would be VERY helpful.

A coder named cary huang, made the same kimd of algorithm and we wanted to check one out.

We like it but make it so thy evolve the bodys and have them learn faster and save the game so you can go to the place you saved thats all hope you can make it:)

We havent seen any other game like this! Its so cool to give your creature muscles and skeleton, then watch it learn to use its body with the A.I. Based on each trial. The 2D platform works as a challenge and as an advantage to use your creativity! We made this weird bipedal thing with a spring appendage that sprints using somersaults. It balls up its front leg and twerks its hoof for balance. The only thing Id fix is to give the muscles a limit to how far they can stretch. Because there is one pretty easy hack that seems to defy physics. Otherwise its a pretty solid platform.

All of your creatures try to move as efficiently as possible, no matter how they do it. We think there should be a way to punish certain things, like if a certain bone or joint hit the ground, it died. Also, you should be able to customize how much muscles can stretch, becauze they can end up going off screen.

This is a simulator about natural selection where these little stick-creatures try to evolve and do different tasks by changing how their muscles move, but not their body shape. Its cool how you can build your own creatures. TO THE DEVELOPER: we know how many people want the creatures bodies to evolve, which would be neat, but it would be hard to do. But, we do have an idea for a big update: to add to running, jumping, obstacle jump, and climbing, you should add Swimming. Heres how it would work: The task is to swim the furthest, like running. There would be a surface where water physics arent a thing, and then maybe 25 meters deep would be the ground, because that would be weird not to have a ground. Whatever part of a creature is submerged, it has hydrodynamics applied to it. (Like aerodynamics.) Hope you add this feature and please respond with you thoughts.

Oh no! Widdle buggies in da widdle game! Our creatures keep splitting apart and Im trying to balance it by putting weight on the bones and putting more strength on the muscles. The joints keep splitting apart from the bones and it causes them to glitch and sometimes they act like rubber bands. But good game.

The only problem is that you cannot make a human at all still love this game.

It seems pretty cool, just hard to understand the controls.

We try to play then it kicks us out but great game thats why we rate 3 star but plz fix this bug thx :D.

Can you add a way to define up? Like if you are making a humanoid and want to weed out the ones that fall over.

We like the game and think it is pretty cool but whenever we try to make a creature it just falls and spasms on the ground and we cant make a good design that actually works. Our suggestion is that you make the ai better and smarter and make it so we can actually make a working creature that can really walk.

This game was a pretty good game but now in the newest version it always crashes on the 5th gen.

It needs way more customization when ever we make something it uses it whole body instead of using its legs and if you say oh what do you think happen at the start of life dude we want to watch it actually walk not spasm on the ground and magically move. Either add more customization or make the ai better.

We love it but theres a annoying glitch every Time we try to run a simulation it goes blank.

We bought the game and nothing just total darkness. It said it worked on our iPad so yeah dont buy the game!!!!

How about a kill part or kill zone. This can be used to prevent flopping strategies but is optional. There more we could create closer to realistic ways of running/climbing. For climbing it would force them to adapt to keeping their balance.

We got this on our computer but our computer broke. We saw this on the App Store and thought hey Im gonna play this again. We tried it made some new creatures re-made some old ones and stuff. Then we tried out the roo. It just fell forward for some reason and we realized one of them wasnt moving at all but going forward. We think this may be because of the muscles contracting, but Im not sure. Great game besides this bug.

The game is very lovely but we should love to evolve aquatic creatures.


Could you make us able to make catapult we tried but the disconnected parts fell through each other (the rock and the catapult)also make a throwing challenge.

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