[Update 1.7] Hall of Heroes

[Update 1.7] Hall of Heroes

To build the Hall of Heroes your Alliance needs to be level 5 or above and only the R5 can place it within the Alliance boundaries.

Once placed, send troops to construct and when it is completed you can access the features by clicking directly on the hall of heroes building on the Kingdom map or by accessing it through the Alliance homepage.

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The Hall of Heroes has multiple functions and comes with an Alliance Hero store, new achievements and leaderboards.

Tap on Hall of Heroes to access the functions:

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As an Alliance you have to work together and once a week you can choose a different strategy and choose a task from one of the great heroes.

Each strategy will help you grow in different aspects of the game and can only be changed once a week

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Alliance Celebration

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Every week your Alliance will have to complete different tasks to earn Alliance celebration points, this will add to the weekly leaderboard and unlock celebration chests.

The rewards contains both Hero stature and Hero jewels as well as personal rewards based on this weeks task.

You will have a set number of points needed to unlock the celebration chests and each member will have an upper limit to the number of points they can gain. Only members who scored required points during the week will be eligible to collect the rewards (requirements will change with every Rewards Chest).

Every week the hero stature and celebration points will be reset and members will be unable to claim rewards that haven’t been unlocked.

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Hero Bounties

To raise a Bounty you need Hero coins and your Alliance members will have limited time to donate Bounty Parcel to help you complete it.

Parcel can be obtained through Red Guard chests, Red Guard Raid, Underworld Villains, Alliance Hero achievements and weekly rewards.

To raise a Bounty gives both a personal reward of your own choice and will help you grow in the direction you desire as well as Alliance rewards.

Every completed Bounty will give Hero stature that will add to the total on the leaderboard. As well as Hero Jewels that is needed to add items to the Hero store.

Alliance members who donated to the Bounty will receive Hero coins to use in the Hero store.

Should you be unable to complete the Bounty within the timeframe your Alliance rewards will be reduced proportional to how much it was completed. Personal rewards will not be affected.

Hero achievements

After building the Hall of Heroes your Alliance will earn special achievements as well as earn both Alliance and personal rewards. The achievements can only be earned while the Hall of Heroes exists and only once.

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Hall of Heroes comes with 2 new leaderboards one for celebration points and this will reset weekly.

And another for alliance stature, this will not be reset and it shows the alliances who earned the most stature over time.

Hero Alliance store

To access the store, tap on the store icon in the Alliance homepage.

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Only R4 and above will be able to use Hero Jewels to add items to the store where all members will be able to use Hero coins to buy the added items

You can also sell items from your inventory to earn Hero coins.

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