Kiloblocks Lite – Andrzej Chomiak

Kiloblocks Lite

Kiloblocks Lite

Experience one of the top-rated Free games on the App Store, Kiloblocks Lite! Developed by the innovative team at Andrzej Chomiak, this Simulation game provides a unique gaming experience like no other. With a content rating of 4+, it’s perfect for a wide range of players. Since its initial release on 26th October 2011, the game has seen numerous updates, with the latest version launched on 12th September 2018.

Are you a fan of Simulation, Adventure, or Education games? Then Kiloblocks Lite is right up your alley! You won’t be able to resist its appeal.

User Ratings of Kiloblocks Lite

Over 4,248 players have rated Kiloblocks Lite. Join them and share your thoughts!

How Much Does Kiloblocks Lite Cost?

Good news! You can download Kiloblocks Lite on your iOS device absolutely free!

Kiloblocks Lite Release Date

Eager to know when Kiloblocks Lite first graced the App Store? It was launched on 26th October 2011.

When Was Kiloblocks Lite Last Updated?

The latest version of Kiloblocks Lite was updated on 12th September 2018, ensuring a more enjoyable gaming experience for all players.

Where Can I Download Kiloblocks Lite?

To get started with Kiloblocks Lite, head over to the official Apple App Store.


A Glimpse into Kiloblocks Lite

Build your own base, mine, castle or whatever you imagine!

Kiloblocks is a game – editor which allows you moving, building and transforming the terrain in the 3D environment.

*** NOTE ***

  1. Kiloblocks Lite is a free version of Kiloblocks game.

  2. The full version of the game allows save and load game state.

What’s New in the Latest Update?

Find out what’s new in the latest version of Kiloblocks Lite updated on 12th September 2018:

  • new game name: Kiloblocks Lite,
  • new graphics and blocks,
  • new terrain generator.

User Reviews on Kiloblocks Lite

Looking for more information? Read a comprehensive review of Kiloblocks Lite below:

Please let us install the full version of this game for free there are some countries that they cant buy this games in app store well appreciate it.

This game is exploding our mind. And we LOVE IT.

Our sister Benna has this on her tablet, but one thing. Can you add animals etc? (i know we have seen a lot of reviews of this)

Can you add a ours cart with tracks and a crossing for like trains becus we like trains and can you pleas add the trains and. Tracks pleas reply and. We want this train tracks and cart in the pro version reply if you will add it From a fan.

This game it the best its fun that you dont have to go looking for your stuff all the things that you need are already there theres a lot of stuff like flowers blocks water blocks we just love the game.

We love your and please ignore the annoying not saving comments and the blocks in our face makes us build a temple and a house a town and everything that we can imagine nice job.

One of the good things about this game is that its free. Another thing is that its a lot like Minecraft. Great game, keep up the good work.

Mi gente amo este juego igual que mi prima, solo que si se guardaran las cosas fuera mejor xD.

Since they updated we LOVED looking for lava and rocks and hiding spaces but now they took that away! Great game tho!

We like the game because we cant play Minecraft classic In our iPad. But this game is just like Minecraft classic can you imagine! THIS IS THE BEST GAME!!!

We literally remember play this when so little.. Miss those times.. (everything had changed ngl..)

We remember playing this all the time, we were 6 and our brother was 5. We built houses all the time and laughed and jokes around. It was so fun.

Can you add where you can save the game when you leave it we really like the game but we dont like how we have to lose all of our work.

Ok, 1, CAN YOU READ!? It says Kiloblocks/ Exploration LITE! News flash : LITE means DOWNGRADED VERSION (or something like that). If you want the save version, then pay money to get it. If you spend so much time on you little projects, then just spend a couple dollars and get the full, save-avalible game. This game is really nice we like how it consumes our time. Thank you for making this game!!

Now everyone is complaining that the game wont let you save now obviously that they have not read the description and we specifically says that the paid version lets you load save states ok so stop… Please we used to play this game when we were young ok so stop hating on this if anyone is wondering what happened to exploration lite this is the same game just got updated to have a different name.

Really this is simple. We used to play this game when it was called Exploration Lite. So we’ve been trying to find this game for a long time and until we found a YouTube video and went to the link and got here. So could you add Exploration lite in the tags or in the description. Please?

The game is amazing and overall it would be better if it would save data.

We remember when this was called Exploration.

Bring back the old exploration lite!

So we built a treehouse but when we the home button EVERYTHING was deleted and how can such a tiny thing DELETE EVERYTHING we want to give it 5 stars but it DELETES things. For now on we will play Minecraft. But our 2 sisters will keep playing this game. From: Erik Fog (My sisters are Julia and Brianna.

If you do not know the graphics on this game were way different years ago. The graphics were just like Minecraft. It was taken of the App Store for a couple years probably due to copyright or they wanted to make changes. However as soon as we saw the new changes we were disappointed. You can not really save worlds but who cares! Just either record yourself playing the game or just take screenshots to remember your builds. We played this a couple months before we played Minecraft. We mistaken this game as Minecraft cause of all of the similar textures. We remember the first time we played this game just in 2015 which was the same year we played Minecraft. :) The new changes ruined this game a bit but we adjusted to it so its ok. We recommend adding more terrain type options for this game. Like add a forest terrain option or something like that. We love this game and we go back and play this game just for the sake of old memories. Do not let the reviews fool you this game is awesome! In 2019 we bought the full version and it was great. Full version is the best. It has so much cool blocks that you can build with. This is nowhere near a ripoff on Minecraft. The developer put hard work and effort into this awesome game. :) we recommend getting the lite version for starters! :D Your customer, Popular333333.

Could you add at least one save file on the lite version.

We used to play this game when we were around 4-6 and we deleted and lost the app. Today we finally found it :D.

You can buy the full version to fix everything that you need.

U remember exploration lite he die so the creator added new object and the name is changed to kilo block and one thing the car thing is added.

This is truly one of the most fascinating games we have ever come across. On one hand, the game has a fantastic interface and control. Its easy to move, build, delete (and alot of these games arent). It also has a very sleak and clean visuals. Basic but cool. Awesome playability. On the other hand, its entirely devoid of any NPCs or anything interactive for that matter. No creatures, animals, etc. Just the player which makes the game entirely unplayable. The designer is clearly very talented. Too bad. This game has the potential to fit in its own niche of craft/block games – again, very hard to do. Its so good that you really feel how disappointing it is. It should be called "Ironyobloks." Any way, we gave 5 stars because it at least picqued our interest.

Ever try kiloblocks lite it is a good game mmm yes mmm yes much blocks ver good fav stars.

Please add save terrain plz in a future update pls.

We wish this games progress would be saved other than that best game ever since we dnt like multiplayer games.

We love this game, we really do. We’ve been playing since we were 6 years old and we’ve always enjoyed it. However, when we were younger we remembered having mountains and hills with lava falls and waterfalls. So we are really hoping you guys would bring it back. It used to be our favorite part of this game. Spawning in places near lakes and ponds, having altitude, making cave houses. It was amazing. So theres that suggestion that we highly recommend and maybe you can add tutorials on how to build houses or underground hideouts or something like that, we believe it would make the game better. And that all Thanks for reading.

Its a really good game but when you get out of the game it deletes your work and we were exciting about this game but when we log out we wasnt pleased we got mad its a good game though. Can you please add a save to the game to save all your work.

Ok so the thing we hate the comments reviews is because some kid built a huge house and built it and it took 10 weeks. THAT MEANS THEY WERE WASTING THEIR TIME PLAYING TEN WEEKS STRAIGHT WITHOUT TAKING A BREAK!!!!

We L O V E this game but the Only Reason we have it a four star is because we wish it saved your progress because you can make something you like it and you want to keep it, and as soon as you go out of the app……….. POOF!!! Gone! We love the game but all of that awesome work, all for literally NOTHING!! Thanks for making the game. We really do love it. Just trying to make it more enjoyable. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!

Well, we played this either 2015 or 16 and it was at a friends place, we were having a sleepover, this was all on his Casio commando C771 which is an android phone since we were too poor for iPhones then! Of course we have an iPhone but he still uses android to this day! , his mom gave us permission to use the Wi-Fi and download games and we wanted to find a way to get Minecraft for free but sadly found no way to do it! So we somehow came across exploration lite and us and our friend were fans of DanTDM which was why Minecraft was a big deal to us! So yeah, we downloaded it we played it, of course it wasnt like how this game is now, it generated allot like Minecraft before the caves and cliffs update! But they were no mobs or animals which we didnt mind, that night we stayed up till Im pretty sure past midnight!, but yeah, we liked the game, you could build on it and what not and we even got the game on our old Samsung galaxy legend! Man, this game makes us miss android! Also, creator of the game, if you read this, plz bring back the old version!

We think it has a bug since yesterday we updated to ios 16 and it doesnt rotate when you hold the phone vertically it shows landscape and when you hold it horizontally it shows the game like instagram we hope itll be fixed.

We like this game alot but what happened to the mountains like in exploration lite can u pls put mountains.

We have an iPad the newest one and we cant get it to openi have played it before and we love it.

Its a really good game we love it but there is one problem, every time we build something or Im in the middle of it it cant save there is no option to save and it doesnt automatically save you have to start all over again.

Please allow us to save our worlds in Kiloblocks LITE. It’s not fair that we work so hard on a creation just to lose it cause our phone accidentally turned off. Please make an update so we can save our creations WITHOUT having to pay. Whats the big deal with Kiloblocks (the actual one) anyway? What do we pay for exactly? You guys would get better ratings if you could just add a save button to the LITE version. Plus more money if people download the game right? Just please, we’re begging you to make a save option. And Im rating this game a 4/5 cause we really like the game.

We worked forever building in this game and it was really fun but when we came back to resume playing everything was GONE! Can you please fix this it gets very frustrating for the player when everything disappears. All else aside this is an altogether fun game.

A great game! Its really fun but every time you get off the game everything deletes. Besides that, great game!

Kiloblocks its a good app but we got one problem thats when we leave the app we lose all our houses.

The app is good but it doesnt save your work other than that its good.

This game has been with us since childhood, but there is one thing about it that is sad and that is not the work being saved:/ we hope that changes soon tho otherwise we really enjoy this game!!

Its a great game but we cant play with our little sister. Can you make to where we can play with other people??

Sooooo mad so first of all we love this game but we build a humongous house and we had to call somebody for our mom and we went back and it was deleted and we were so mad we will keep playing this game but in December 30,2019 if that is not fixed we will never ever in our life play this again and beg our mom to let us buy mincraft for 8.00 and December 30,2019 is a long time so yall fix this the person who made this game needs to make a save button and you have to pay for full version and our mom would never let us do that so the person who made this game should just put a save button on the regular version people duhhhh dont forget we give you to December 30,2019.

Hi, hopefully maker of game. We like your game, the update is cool, our sister and we like it and all, but you’re missing important things, whenever we play, it’s fun, but lonely. We want animals, multiplayer, and others. We hope you consider this a update info of what we think your game needs.

Ok,so, we’re seeing a lot of bad reviews and alot of them are about the saving feature. And all we need is a simple response. ITS A MINECRAFT INSPIRED GAME. SO ITS NOT GONNA BE ALL PERFECT. AND IF YOU GUYS REALLY BUILT AN INTIRE FREAKING CITY, YOU SHOULD PROBABLY EITHER READ THE DESCRIPTION OR MAYBE GET THE FULL GAME. ITS EITHER THAT, TERRIBLE OTHER RIPPOFFS, OR JUST BUY MINECRAFT. Also we like this game but the controls are kinda weird.

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