MADFUT 23 – Opening My *puzzles Rewards*!! – Game Play

MADFUT 23 - Opening My puzzles Rewards!! - Game Play

MADFUT 23 – Opening My puzzles Rewards!! – Game Play

MADFUT 23 – Opening My puzzles Rewards!! – Game Play.

Enjoy the gameplay of MADFUT 23 – Opening My puzzles Rewards!! – Game Play for MADFUT 23, courtesy of Etorr.

Puzzles Limited Time Mode is back!! I opened a guaranteed tots and toty pack in this video…

At the time of this post, the video has garnered over 29046 views and has received more than 433 likes.

Me Grinding For 20,000+ Points To Upgrade Lewis:

"Me grinding for 20,000+ points to upgrade lewis:", Name says.

  • Etorr, a tip is that dont spend your ltm points on packs, its not worth it. Instead use them to upgrade ltm cards. hope this helps :)

  • Etorr your back brilliant I missed you I hope you get 100% collection

  • dude. i haven’t watched you in 3 years. finally glad i’m able to comment lol. keep up the grind my boy ❤

These comments might offer the help you need to breeze through each level.
Stay tuned to their channel for the latest gameplay updates.

Valuable Player Impressions

Name: Me grinding for 20,000+ points to upgrade lewis:

Edu: Etorr, a tip is that dont spend your ltm points on packs, its not worth it. Instead use them to upgrade ltm cards. hope this helps :)

kelcie brown: Etorr your back brilliant I missed you I hope you get 100% collection

emmanuel eh: dude. i haven’t watched you in 3 years. finally glad i’m able to comment lol. keep up the grind my boy ❤

idleworlddomination: THE GOATS BACK!!! LETS GOOO!! Missed you sm Etorr! Your gonna make it to 100% collection soon! 🐐🙌

DaveYT: puzzles are goated!!!


semmy sloth: best 11 is like all stars in pacybits 20 but theyre almost impossible to get…

Давид Гольцман: Btw road to glory ltm:
78-89:lose-200 ltm, draw-300 ltm(?),and win-350 ltm
Extra ltm:
Lose-500 ltm, draw-1000 ltm, win-1200 ltm
End of the 1 road(10 upgrades):1500 ltm.
Its why road to glory is better than the puzzles

Martin Hanratty: 😂😂😂he’s back After 8 months

Marley Donegan: THE GOAT HAS POSTED 🎉🎉🎉

fifa 23: Etorr gaining beard times past so rapid

Jeevat Singh: I love ur vids

GbrlGoms: welcome back etorr

Lil.bill12: Yoo love the content man

Khalil Saba: Do a video on 98 iniesta in sbc

Kiko Iceer: etorr still making madfut vids idk why i didnt know or got notified

Gustav Svensson: Me that has Done 700+ puzzles wow im a madfut nerd

Danielle Martens: Please go Play more. 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞

neymar: you made me play madfut and i already have 1k+ players and have a toty in a random pack




  • YouTube Channel: Etorr
  • Game Developer: Madfut


This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by Madfut or Etorr. All videos, images, and rights belong to their respective owners.

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