Space Core : The Ragnarok – MondayOFF

Space Core : The Ragnarok

Space Core : The Ragnarok

Experience one of the top-rated Free games on the App Store, Space Core : The Ragnarok! Developed by the innovative team at MondayOFF LLC, this Simulation game provides a unique gaming experience like no other. With a content rating of 9+, it’s perfect for a wide range of players. Since its initial release on 12th April 2021, the game has seen numerous updates, with the latest version launched on 14th May 2021.

Are you a fan of Simulation, Strategy, or Entertainment games? Then Space Core : The Ragnarok is right up your alley! You won’t be able to resist its appeal.

User Ratings of Space Core : The Ragnarok

Over 115 players have rated Space Core : The Ragnarok. Join them and share your thoughts!

How Much Does Space Core : The Ragnarok Cost?

Good news! You can download Space Core : The Ragnarok on your iOS device absolutely free!

Space Core : The Ragnarok Release Date

Eager to know when Space Core : The Ragnarok first graced the App Store? It was launched on 12th April 2021.

When Was Space Core : The Ragnarok Last Updated?

The latest version of Space Core : The Ragnarok was updated on 14th May 2021, ensuring a more enjoyable gaming experience for all players.

Where Can I Download Space Core : The Ragnarok?

To get started with Space Core : The Ragnarok, head over to the official Apple App Store.


A Glimpse into Space Core : The Ragnarok

The prelude to the space war!

Take absolute space power and annihilate your enemies.
Expand your territory and build a space fleet!

feel the fantastic in this game

· · · · · · Game Feature · · · · · · ·

» Fully customizable spacecraft
» Conquer stations
» Find Blueprint of spaceships
» Epic space battle
» Exploration and trade

Pioneer the unknown universe!

Developer – Best Space Game Developer South Korea

What’s New in the Latest Update?

Find out what’s new in the latest version of Space Core : The Ragnarok updated on 14th May 2021:

» Station bug fixed
» Other minor bug fixed

We will keep updating this game for your better experience.
If you have any problems with playing our game
please send us email [email protected]

User Reviews on Space Core : The Ragnarok

Looking for more information? Read a comprehensive review of Space Core : The Ragnarok below:

A very good game but is there more stages to the game ?

Great graphics, awesome game play Please add new sectors/content.

We have taken over all the stations but it wont let us move on to another sector.

It’s so thrilling to take over all the enemy bases, and we love the taste of power! LOL.

This game is an awesome concept and different from others on App Store , biggest prob is we’ve made multiple base upgrades maxing some and they still dont show a shield or fire any sort of weapons. Still its a simple game and its fun to play.

We’ve beaten all the outposts in sector 1, and now we cant get any more blueprints since enemies stop spawning giving the game a halt until sector 2 opens, we think it would be a good idea for periodic enemies from Outside the sector, like the black market which rolls through town, a heavily guarded convoy for getting blueprints.

It does seem like theres other sectors, but we cant get past it and we’ve tried twice. The enemies can leave the sector you cant get upgrades for the base unless you are on. Its a cool concept, but once you get started it once you get into the swing of things it ends because you can really snowball in sector one.

Got to play tutorial after we finish the app kick us out after every time the app finish downloading.

This game is awesome, Im not very far in but we dont know if we are allowed to put multiple ships of our own out to control.

It was fun at first, upgrading and working our way up just to find out we can even command multiple ships, that kinda ruined the whole thing, Bc you work to get all these materials just to get a ship and you cant even have a fleet with ships you make. You have to watch an ad to get a fleet to help you fight.

First off the game is great. The only thing that is wrong is that when we upgrade the bases the shields are not working.

The difficulty is tremendous. We will increase the score if we can learn how to play.

This game seems like it has some bugs that could be fixed without too much difficulty. The one that annoys us most is that you cant upgrade bases with guns or shields unless you pay core to finish the research: if the base research finishes when you arent there the benefit doesnt happen and the upgrade cant be researched again. It also seems like you cant get passed sector 1, there might be more sectors? And sometimes docking at bases can cause issues, and why can you click to dock at enemy bases? But cool concept.

Great game, but it crashes after a few minutes wiping out all progress and starting us at square one with zero modules. An empty defenseless ship! Argh!

Bases still dont build turrets when you invest in them. Only one that does is the tutorial base and it is most likely due to it being programmed to already have one when you start. Upgrading resource collection rate does increase but the number in the station doesnt reflect current level of collection.

Well this is definitely a niche game and its a very cool sci-fi theme, we find it extremely scummy that the developer is dishonest with the amount of premium currency things cost, such as expanding the research, module, or ship crafting slots. The game gives you 120 of these credits for free, and each slot costs 50. So after buying one slot, why does the game say we have 35 credits left, instead of 70 like it should? You can try this out yourself by completing the tutorial and then buying one additional slot, which says it costs 50 but charges you 85 premium credits instead. Very shady, dishonest, and scummy.

We paid for no ads and promptly beat the first sector in a couple of hours. Only to find out there is nothing else to do and for now the game is over. Misleading and disappointing. Cant imagine people spending $ on this to find out the game is like 25% complete with no warning.

Game seemed decently fun until functions started disappearing. Engine that used to have a hyperdrive function? Not any more. Multiple sectors to fight in? All gone but sector 1. Only giving it 2 stars because it was fun while it lasted… But done with the game after barely 2 hours… No updates after 4 weeks. No response to support queries. Deleting after sending this.

We got this game back in may bought no adds and finished the first and only sector in a couple hours. With nothing left to do in game we were hoping for some updates because the game seems to be quite fun. Now its November and still no updates, game appears to be abandoned.

After sitting in sector 1 for 3 full days researching and not having any more fragments or enemies, and unable to progress to a new map, we uninstalled the game and reinstalled and the restore purchases button doesnt work. Maybe in the future this will go back up in star rating but until simple progression and in-app purchases are fixed, the game isnt worth playing even if it is fun.

This game is a terrible rip off of a much better game called hades star.

Only 1 thing worse than a pay-to-win grindfest game- one that tries to hide it. Without spending money or watching a ton of ads, its basically impossible to progress passed 20% of the game, if that.

We like this game, we really do. The problem? To get rid of the INCESSANT ads and usually the same one OVER AND OVER, you have to spend $7.00. We would rather, if we were to spend money, to spend it on stuff, not just to get rid of ads, but other stuff. Its ridiculous. We are going to delete this just because it seems like for every press of something, there is an ad.

We dont really see anything fun.

We made a purchase and havent received. Games great but paying for items and not receiving makes for deletion. The bugs are also problematic.

Downloaded game on 06-19-21 onto our iPhone 7. During the tutorial it crashed upon seizing the base. Every restart afterwards would immediately crash. Downloaded game two more times but had the same exact results. We will keep checking back for any reply. Thank you.

This game is awesome once you get past the first few minutes it really picks up. But the biggest problem is only being able to have one active ship. Having two would make it so you dont need to keep chasing after ships to stop the attackers. And it would allow you to do attack and defend at once.

3 stars is for how the game currently is. It does have a very basic but solid foundation and if the devs continue working on this game it could be one of the best.

Well this game would have gotten 5 stars but unfortunately it stopped working after the last update! We cant move our ship! We cant play the game! Every time we move the ship to near a station it stops! Help! This game was so much fun but now we cant even play it.

We completed the first sector, however the next sector hasnt open yet?

While the ads free purchase was nice, once you beat sector one there is no more gameplay. Cant reset, no more enemies to fight, nothing more to do. Progress just stops. Blah.

Reviewed the game before, wasnt too impressed. With the new updates, we love it. Excellent gameplay, even if its a little slow. The future looks very good for this game.

Initially rated the game a 3 but recent bug fixes addressed the main problems. Kind of like the old Star Ranger game or a real time version of the very old Trek games. Game collects resources while offline which helps. Controls still need a little tweaking, its hard to get your ship to head to a base under attack from the overview map. Maybe add a move to button for the base you highlight on the overview map.

This game is terrible with the user interface and we cant build ships or do any of the basic functions could be a good game but is just terrible to play right now.

Tried to give this game a shot for about 30 minutes- is far but the User Interface seems broken- cannot do some of the basic things required to play the game- the tutorials & help section are a little lack luster too.

We really love this concept. It is a bit difficult but challenging keep up the good work.

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