Survivor Z – Silver Pine Software

Survivor Z

Survivor Z

Experience one of the top-rated Free games on the App Store, Survivor Z! Developed by the innovative team at Silver Pine Software, LLC, this Role Playing game provides a unique gaming experience like no other. With a content rating of 12+, it’s perfect for a wide range of players. Since its initial release on 10th February 2013, the game has seen numerous updates, with the latest version launched on 4th May 2021.

Are you a fan of Role Playing, Entertainment, or Strategy games? Then Survivor Z is right up your alley! You won’t be able to resist its appeal.

User Ratings of Survivor Z

Over 275 players have rated Survivor Z. Join them and share your thoughts!

How Much Does Survivor Z Cost?

Good news! You can download Survivor Z on your iOS device absolutely free!

Survivor Z Release Date

Eager to know when Survivor Z first graced the App Store? It was launched on 10th February 2013.

When Was Survivor Z Last Updated?

The latest version of Survivor Z was updated on 4th May 2021, ensuring a more enjoyable gaming experience for all players.

Where Can I Download Survivor Z?

To get started with Survivor Z, head over to the official Apple App Store.


A Glimpse into Survivor Z

Survivor Z starts out as a text based RPG, and transforms into a real world Massive multi player RPG that utilizes real world location data and hundreds of hours of cloud based content that keep players engaged longer than any game out there. New challenges added via the cloud and player rivalries will keep this game on the home screen of your iOS device.

From Ed Anderson, the creator of "ZDAY Survival Simulator", "Survivor Z" is a text-based Role Playing Game set 311 days after the ZDAY apocalypse has wiped out 90% of the world’s population. Gameplay begins with an exciting strategy-based prologue, where the player has to make it home to the safety of their ZDAY bunker. Then, fast forward almost a year, running low on food and water, our survivor is forced to emerge, only to find that the world has changed. The population is decimated, and the dead roam the earth in incredible numbers. Every decision a survivor makes can be the difference between life and death, and even the most seemingly trivial mistake can mean doom.

Excellent Player resources and help from the developers can be found on player forums:

Gameplay in Survivor Z expands on the concept of its predecessor, "ZDAY Survival Simulator". While relying on the familiar text based model, Survivor Z introduces a vastly improved and incredibly robust game engine that gives the survivor complete control over their weapons, inventory, and armor. In addition, players can use their items in context to complete challenges, as well as find an ally with non-player character survivors in the game.

Survivor Z is the first game of its kind, combining the intellectual challenge of a text based RPG with the fast paced action of a board game. But Survivor Z doesn’t stop there, in addition to being a very entertaining adventure game, Survivor Z adds another dimension by utilizing cloud based game content that will continually provide survivors with new updates and challenges, and uses location based services to transform the landscape around the survivor into the post apocalyptic world of Survivor Z.

Survivors will find real world location challenges like the Newark Cinema in Delaware, Restaurants in Portland, Oregon, and even the Buddy Holly museum in Lubbock Texas to name just a few, as well as hundreds of other challenges that can be found in any town in the country. Everyday coffee shops, fast food restaurants, hardware stores and malls are all transformed to become the backdrops for survivor strongholds, hidden troves of weapons and supplies, and dangerous traps set by rival survivors. No matter where you go when you are playing Survivor Z, you are in the realm of the undead, and no place is safe.

Once the player has fought through the fictional game content, the real work begins. The player can search real world locations to find new challenges, unlock new stories, and try and build strongholds to protect against attacks from the undead and rival survivors. Players fight to take and hold onto territory and resources as they struggle to survive. The more your influence grows, the more powerful you will become. Scavenge for supplies, craft fortifications and traps to protect your interests. It you against the world.

**Note: This game requires an internet connection to play, and location services to be enabled.

What’s New in the Latest Update?

Find out what’s new in the latest version of Survivor Z updated on 4th May 2021:

Defect fixes

User Reviews on Survivor Z

Looking for more information? Read a comprehensive review of Survivor Z below:

Man we’ve been playing this game since highschool, we’re 23 now lol we wish you guys didn’t stop, or maybe even make something new, i’d love to see more on this type of game.

This was a great game and still could be if updated with new content and story.

Ok Im just gonna get it out this game has some flaws like how you know if something does a lot of damage or if you have everything to craft something but overall its a good game its just sad they havent updated it in a while because there could have been so much more.

We absolutely love this game and we spent money on it a couple days ago we bout one or two of the content pack along with the riot gear lv 2 and also the last swat one you can but. But we died and the items that we paid real money for are lost with the rest of our inventory. We want a refund on our items so that we can get paid to peacefully playing this game.

This game was amazing when it first came out. It was basically thats times Pokmon go.

We’ve been playing this game on and off since we were 15, so about 7 years now. We’ve gone through countless characters and accounts since then and we’ve found two things extremely frustrating. The current, unable to login glitch (there goes about a 2 year old character) and that youre unable to restore purchases made? Thats absurd. Great game otherwise, wouldnt have played it this long if we didnt fall in love with it.

We’ve played this game a TON but now it just says trouble logging in we’ve even reset our password, to no avail, when you click on the link for trouble logging in? It leads you nowhere but a broken page.

We used to play hours of this game and now we cant login anymore! It keeps giving us login error.

Holy Moses! Cant believe yall are still going! Keep up the great work!

We’ve been off and on with this game for years now, and it always sparks our interest and brings us back. We would love to see the revitalization of the game and continued updates. It seems like this game has long lost popularity and activity which is unfortunate due to the sheer amount of potential with this game. We try to make a purchase on the app every once in a while in hopes to support the creator and incite further development into the game even if we know its not enough. Cant wait to see if this game will continue to be worked on and Im hopeful that it does.

Decent game, but various features don’t work anymore such as clan chat and finding npcs. It’s as if the creators don’t care about the game anymore. Location spoofing is allowed too, so honest players will be forced into quitting due to certain players.

This app has the potential to take over Pokmon go and we hope it does there has to be a lot more things added in but for now itll keep you busy for a while.

Im currently 16 and we’ve had this game for years when we say years we mean like 6 or 9 years and the game is amazing and Im happy to see that they are actually updating it again cause they havent updated it for like 5 years but theres been 2 recent updates which is nice to see another thing we like is that its like Pokmon go but zombie survival and we hope they continue to add more updates cause this game has a lot of potential.

In the latest update, Im unable to see our stats on the profile page. The boxes are still there, just blank. If the developers see this, please fix this issues so that we may check our food supply and water and etc.

Hopefully youll respond, we only wanted too know if the Prison DLC was complete, it says that it comes in 3 parts we were just wondering if that mean 3 encounters or if Im going too wait for more too come. An answer would be nice. Thank you :)

This is sooooooo Fun we love it but it needs a update.

Our only problem is we can actually use the password reset, it never loads.

We’ve been playing this for about 4 years and it has changed so much we would love to see more updates again.

Dont get us wrong this game is amazing but it doesnt give m the option to create a safe house.

We played this game way back when we had an iPhone 4 we eventually went away from apple and got a Note 4 but we recently switched back we used to love playing this game but from what we can tell it is now dead and its saddening to see from such a great game.

Idk if this game was discontinued or not but god do we miss it. Way ahead of its time before Pokmon go or any other gps based games.

Very amazing game but needs more encounters.. But we’re supporting this game 100% More updates need to happen!

We usually get bored quickly with games but this game blows our mind as soon as we got to a certain point it opened up a map that’s what the location was for it literally shows were you are the places around you that you could search only game it is amazing we’re not deleting this app!

We cant log in or create an account help me.

We have had his game for over a year now. We have almost run out of challenges to play, so we buy more. The game has very fun challenges and even some funny moments. There is a glitch to get full health, so we don’t die and loose everything! Great game.

This is one of the best zombie games we had ever played! We spent along time into this playing into 3 days of this game we say you should play this game right NOW.

Would love to see more updates to this version of the game.

We love this game great way to pass the time as far phone games go but it needs a update with more encounters we feel like we’ve done all of them plus the micro transactions also Idk if it’s just us but we don’t think we get rewards for taking strongholds like the stuff that’s in them and we you don’t get a reward we don’t see the point also more crafting recipes and maybe a list of craftable things would be nice in game.

Used to play this game almost all the time until the servers went down or something. We kept getting a message about Something being wrong. It finally works again! YAY!

This game is fun and we love it. There’s only two problems though, there’s not that many people playing and the health system. We don’t live close to any hospital or anything. Also the game takes forever to heal your person. This game need a faster heal rate. We hate when you die and have to spend money to come to life. Add an update sometime soon too.

We’ve played this game on and off for a while now and in that time that we have played the game we thought it’s been really really good this is one of the few games and actually writing a review on but we think it deserves it.

This is a great game and we play it every chance we get it’s also pretty "realistic" except for the whole zombie thing. You should definitely try it out.

We love this game. The mechanics are amazing! Love it!

Good game but needs update and more content.

This game is above its pay grade. When its finished?!?!? We dont know! It has the potential to keep evolving! The fight scenes, the weapon, and cars. We wish we couldve been apart of this. We’ve been playing for 5 years. We wish it was on Android at one time. Keep up the good work.

It’s super fun and so much to do in it. Really just need to keep updating and adding new content. Keep up the good work!

We’ve been playing for a long time. We have multiple accounts, but the last thing we remember was seeing the hunting lodge come out. That was certainly a lot of fun since we found the Rv and all of the other wonderful loot. For such a popular game with a good fanbase, where are the updates? Good lord, this is the only game we play on our phone, and after 3 days we’re running out of content (per account). Ed and the team, you guys did a wonderful job and we hope you continue the updates.

We really love this game. It still takes some time from us every so often. However we feel like it has stopped. There hasn’t been any major updates as much as we love this game it feels like a dying horse. We would really love a fresh of breath air if you kept adding more features to this game! Hopefully this review isn’t lost.

Us and our friend loved this game and would play just about every day last year we wish they would continue development.

I. Love. This. Game. We really do. It has a realistic atmosphere, it’s fair, simple to play, and it isn’t pay to win. However, the combat system is ok at best. Sometimes, it takes us like 9 bullets to take out 1 walker, then 1 bullet for his friend, and about 5 for a small horde. It just doesn’t make sense to us. Other than that, keep doing what you’re doing because this game is just amazing.

We love this game! We want to be able to play it but it wont let us login in!

To be honest this is the only game we’ve ever constantly played since 2013. We love the app and love the community that’s has grown behind it. However there are so few players for such a good game. It’s our opinion that any game can always get improve. We know we’ve got like 5 people we know to play and it really spices up the game having locals near by. If your getting bored get your friends to play!

Best z survival game we’ve played on iOS and a very good choose your own adventure game. Problem however, needs updates. Multiplayer isn’t too great. We don’t really like the gps way of getting around if there are so few working cars, why can we use our car irl and get across town in 10 mins? You could use real road maps and use gps to find safe house, but you should have to find/craft vehicles to travel places. Crafting system is confusing. But we like the events. Just needs to be updated every once in a while.

Love this game for life. But we died in the cemetery challenge and used a second chance because we put in 2 and a half years of surviving,then we wasnt able to play the challenge anymore. Please allow replay ability. We’ve put quite an amount of money buying stuff on this game. A lot of fun.

This game is amazing we’ve been playing 120 days but . Theres no way to find a clan enless you go and find a stronghold *and what we hate is theres no official way to trade But other than that its great.

If your reading this, sadly the servers are gone. So rip this amazing game that we’ve sunk like $50 into because it was so good. Rip Survivor Z.

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