Swords and Sandals 2 Redux – eGames.com LLC

Swords and Sandals 2 Redux

Swords and Sandals 2 Redux

Experience one of the top-rated Free games on the App Store, Swords and Sandals 2 Redux! Developed by the innovative team at eGames.com LLC, this Adventure game provides a unique gaming experience like no other. With a content rating of 12+, it’s perfect for a wide range of players. Since its initial release on 27th January 2017, the game has seen numerous updates, with the latest version launched on 29th January 2021.

Are you a fan of Adventure, Role Playing, games? Then Swords and Sandals 2 Redux is right up your alley! You won’t be able to resist its appeal.

User Ratings of Swords and Sandals 2 Redux

Over 362 players have rated Swords and Sandals 2 Redux. Join them and share your thoughts!

How Much Does Swords and Sandals 2 Redux Cost?

Good news! You can download Swords and Sandals 2 Redux on your iOS device absolutely free!

Swords and Sandals 2 Redux Release Date

Eager to know when Swords and Sandals 2 Redux first graced the App Store? It was launched on 27th January 2017.

When Was Swords and Sandals 2 Redux Last Updated?

The latest version of Swords and Sandals 2 Redux was updated on 29th January 2021, ensuring a more enjoyable gaming experience for all players.

Where Can I Download Swords and Sandals 2 Redux?

To get started with Swords and Sandals 2 Redux, head over to the official Apple App Store.


A Glimpse into Swords and Sandals 2 Redux

Swords and Sandals Gladiator,

Are you ready to unleash hell in the gladiatorial arena?

The world’s favourite gladiator game has returned, bigger and more action packed then ever. Swords and Sandals 2: Emperor’s Reign returns, remastered with all new graphics, music and powerful new skills and Arena Champions.

Enter the Arena of Doomtrek and do battle with the best gladiators in the realm. Game features:

  • Fast turn based tactical combat with over 30 different battle skills to learn.
  • Wizard or Warrior? Create and level up your gladiator, learning devastating attacks in the process.
  • Wield powerful over 200 different weapons and armour pieces on your journey to greatness.
  • 20 Arena Champions both classic and new to fight against, including the formidable Pharaoh King, the
    classic favourite John the Butcher and the exciting pro wrestler Ultra Flavius!
  • 6 Arenas to do battle in from the underground Battle Pits to the heights of the Emperor’s Palace.

*** NOTE ***
This is a FREE game with a one-time In App Purchase to remove advertisements and unlock higher level tournaments.

What’s New in the Latest Update?

Find out what’s new in the latest version of Swords and Sandals 2 Redux updated on 29th January 2021:

  • All battle skill essence costs have been HALVED

  • Increased the base hit chance of all arcane offensive skills by 15%

  • Reduced the difficulty of enemies on hard/ironman and sprint modes

  • Halved the distance gladiators can be knocked back / pushed in a single hit

  • Halved the rate at which strength affects knockback power

  • TAUNT attack and defend hit chances now properly scales with Charisma instead of Magicka stat

  • Increased the chances of successful TAUNTS doing physical damage (instead of enraging/stunning etc)

  • Increased the damage of successful TAUNT attacks to 8-16 HP per Charisma point put into taunts

  • Reduced hit chance of any one single attack to 90% (down from 99%) unless stunned/resting etc

  • Resistance values now max out at 80% (down from 99%) unless a gladiator has 100% resistance ( which means they are IMMUNE)

  • Enemy gladiators can now no longer be of equal to / higher level than the reigning Arena Champion’s level

  • Increased the chance of gladiators falling into spiked pit to 10% per turn spent

  • Ghost Tournament Champions now have unlimited Essence as an added challenge

  • Damage to enemies now is cumulative. If an enemy has 25 armour and you do 100 damage, not only does the armour go down to 0, you also take an extra 75 points of damage.

  • Added a shake screen if you one-shot your enemy.

  • Gold rewards for rolling a 20 when resurrecting have been reduced to 50 gold + 25 gold per level

  • Made damage splat image popups smaller

  • Removed knockback effect from Molten Death spell

  • Reduced damage of enemies in all difficulties except normal

  • Reduced max health of enemies in all difficulties except normal

  • Magic Missile cooldown improves with each point spent on skill

  • Removed error logging for most users as it throws up too many ‘false flag’ errors that do not affect the game but still show up in error reports

  • Removed elemental resistances. These were stats introduced in S&S V that ended up affecting gladiators in S&S 2 ( because they use the same engine/codebase ), so gladiators would be immune to some of your spells and you had no way to combat it. (You only have ‘magic’ resistance in S&S 2.

  • Changed how magic resistance works. Spells that fail to hit now show a "MISS" icon (instead of RESIST). Successful spells damage is reduced by whatever your magic resistance is. (A fireball spell that hits for 200 damage against a character with 50% magic resist will only do 100 damage, for example)

  • Fixed a bug where Falcon Eyes skill used melee damage instead of ranged damage values

  • Increased damage power of Winters Core per point spent on skill

  • Fixed a bug where the game forced you to start up in Fullscreen mode even after you had chosen Windowed mode.

  • Fixed a bug where gladiators did not play their special ‘spiked’ death animation when falling onto spikes

  • Potential fix for enemies sometimes receiving 2 turns in a row

  • Fixed a bug where enemies appeared to half leap/half fumble (then get cut off) randomly during the battle

  • Fixed a bug where choosing the helmet of a defeated Ghost Champion would give you the next champion’s helmet

  • Fixed a bug where Arena Champion Gaiax appeared to have two eyes instead of one

  • Fixed a bug where duels were reported as being deathmatches and yield animations were not playing

  • Fixed a bug where arenas sometimes scrolled past where they should and sky was visible behind

  • Fixed some jittery camera bugs while in the arena

  • Fixed a bug where the first fight after a loss to a Ghost Champion would be against a ghost regular gladiator

  • You can now choose Redux backgrounds or classic backgrounds seperately from redux / classic shopkeepers to customize just how you want your game to look. Just toggle these from the * Settings screen ( you may need to set this manually the first time you load the game again.)

  • Fixed a bug where the game would tell you it was nighttime but the town background showed daylight

User Reviews on Swords and Sandals 2 Redux

Looking for more information? Read a comprehensive review of Swords and Sandals 2 Redux below:

We really did enjoy the game buy we did not like the fact that we will have to pay in order to continue but maybe one day we will bit we loved every bit of it we could play.

Ahhhhh the age of flash games. Good times. There is an issue we have run into, where we enter a shop, and when we exit, the screen just goes black. Help.

We love this game and we’ve been a fan for ever since yall started but can yall please fix the loading screen glitch every time we leave the armory? Thanks!

Swords and sandals 2 was our favorite computer game growing up besides big name games like club penguin, toontown, bloons tower defense, etc. It just confuses us why this developer choose to change everything that seemed to work well in swords and sandals 2. Dont change the layout and graphics and characters builds so much. Keep the characters consistent and game consistent like it was successful previously. You could add more swords, axes, bows, spells, armor. Create a different emperor. Make new bosses. Guarantee this could even make a great xbox or playstation game. Theres just so much potential.

We have loved this series of games since we were little! This is the ultimate gladiator game, and we have played many, even expensive ones. This is probably our favorite game of all time. We are 22, and just wanted to let you know some people really appreciate you.

This game is incredible. After its most recent update so many improvements and bug fixes were made, any past complaints are gone. This game is nearly perfect. Allowing you a long lasting strategy game on your mobile device. Its a thing thats hard to come by nowadays. With the new update so many new play styles have become viable, adding a ton of new replay-ability. If you were burnt by this game in the past, nows the time to check it out. Understand that all the negative reviews that plague this game are from another era when this was just a bad port of a flash game. Mobile users just dont update their reviews after patches and bug fixes. Now S&S is running smoother than ever. Countless hours of fun. Ps. Try a Taunt build with all Charisma. Can be fun!

But we dont like how u can only play so far for free and when u actually get good have you to pay.

We dont care about the bugs, we feel it gave it more character. Been playing this game since we were ten and found the flash game. Now we’ve played it on mobile and this game just holds a special place in our heart. Trust us. Get the game, its worth it.

We love this game sm, our only issue is that everytime we buy something from the armory, our screen goes black and when we close, we have to restart from the day we were at. Is there any fix for this?

We use to play this game on our computer when we were younger and we were excited when we saw it got added to mobile. We grinded through all of the bosses but when we got 3 away from the Emperor our character maxed out. No better weapons or armor in the shop to buy, no more skill points to spend, no more progression besides playing. And with the tournaments brings 12 duels each its pretty frustrating not being able to level up anymore. Other than that its a really good make of the game we use to play.

The game continues to run but its just a black screen. Pretty annoying.

It is just like the old game! A little too much, this game carries over bugs and glitches from the original, and we still love it.

The game is really good but theres a bug in the game where when you exit the shops the game wont load. Please fix this bug because we can hardly even progress meaning we cant get new weapons or armor due to the fact we cant even buy anything. If we did buy something and exit the shop. Our screen goes black and the game soft locks itself.

Love the game, but when we purchase something in the armory or the sword shop and we go back to the main menu it gives us a black screen.

Fun game but there is a bug when you enter any store and the screen just goes black when you exit.

This game brings us back to 2008, in college lit courses playing swords and sandals. Glad to be playing it. Since we used to play it back in the day we figured Id support and buy the full app. It was great, started off with gear and all that. Now we are at the point where we have to upgrade to keep competitive. The problem is the app freezes every time we purchase a weapon or armor. Other than that its fun. Basically we are stuck at this skill level for this character, need to start over. We will see if we are able to progress through the game as promised with the full purchase.

Loved it we used to play this game on our computer years ago!! We have one question though and Im curious to know if anyone has experienced this but we feel like the game lagged out or something because we completed about 6 or 7 tournaments and dont know how to advance in the game. We purchased the Maximus edition too and we literally reached level 60 and it says all we have to do is fight the emperor but like the game never progressed us forward is this normal? We really want to continue with the story but idk what to do now Maximus edition mentions 20 tournament so Im confused any help? Also we never got the Maximus armor either so Im kinda bummed about that. Thank you!

Good game but crashes every time we have the old shopkeepers & the gear you get with buying the whole game is weak and provides barley any armor. Overall still fun just fix the game crashes and gear.

Could be really good. We bought the max upgrade and the game crashes every time we leave the sword shop. It just completely black screens and we have to restart. Please fix this bug, it is still happening when we try to use old graphics.

After we leave any store the screen black out. We can do battles just without armor which is pointless.

We just bought the ultratus edition and now the game is glitchy. It always crashes and blacks out every time we exit any of the stores. Please fix.

Yes,that makes perfect sense!!!! Send us in a tournament at level 3 while the enemies have greater stats than us!!! Oh and the only way we can get experience is to do the tournament? Such a smart move!!!

Should have just remade the old one instead of this ad filled game.

Wwaaayy to many adds people its ridiculous. Its like they force you to pay for the ads to go away.

Game keeps freezing after we leave a shop.

There is a glitch where when entering the shops to buy weapons/armor, youll get stuck in an infinite black screen and none of what you purchased will save. Everything else is pretty much spot on from what we can tell so please fix this.

Love this game, since we were a kid this has been the go to , sadly when we exit a shop screen turns black and have to close the app most of the time this game rocks but that detail messes it up,

We played this game as a kid and Im really happy its in the App Store today! We think overall this has never been a 5 star game so we cant really expect it to be one today but we would definitely like to see big fixes and balancing fixes. We like the new skill system thats introduced but its overshadowed by the fact that your progression of skill points cant keep up with the gladiators in the arena unless you know metas. This game wasnt really intended to be hard as much as it is luck based but Im over here dumping stats into our attack still and we still come up with %30 chances to hit endgame. The daily quest mechanic is really nice however its annoying to click through the day in order to access it. There should really just be a button to access the daily quest so we can quickly get random skill points when we are struggling. Overall high scores could be presented by how many days it takes for people to beat the arena that way there isnt necessarily a punishment for going on a quest but you should be striving not to go on them.

Its a good game but we dont think you should we have to pay to play through the entire game. We think they should just have just kept it how it was before.

After we got to tournament VI we went into a shop and our game refuses to load when we exit, we even started a new character, that didnt work, then we uninstalled and re-installed and it still was crashing! Please we love this game we remember playing it when we were 9, Im 21 now and Id love to continue playing, we even bought the ultimate edition so we dont want this to be a waste of money.

Loved this game as a kid. Would have loved to rate it higher if not for one really annoying bug. Almost whenever we leave a shop the game just black screens. We frequently have to force close and relaunch the game 5 times or more in a row, trying over and over to buy new armor or weapons before it finally works.

Fun game but after winning the tournament it is stuck on the end screen and every time we close app and reopen it still has us stuck on the ending you wont the tournament song.

Cant exit the weapon store show a black screen on it that all give it a check and Ill be back with the 5.

Game wont load when we exit a shop all we get is a blank screen Im in classic graphics ultratus mode if that helps.

Its really fun but we got to arena 3 then randomly got to 4 and it softlocked our game. We lost all our stuff.

Love the game, long time fan of the flash versions on most flash game sites. Our main issue is every time we leave the armory, the weapons dealer, or the potions place the screen blacks out and we cant do anything. Is there a fix ?

This is a good game, but it was annoy that we spent two days beating the first few tournaments and then that was it. We mean its your game and you want to make it pay to play the thats fine but its definitely not consumer friendly. Just our opinion.

Hey Im experiencing a black screen issues after we brought the Maximus edition. When we go to armory and buy something and leave the screen would go black and stay there please help.

Once entered any of the shops like armory or weapon store. We press leave and it stays black and nothing loads back. Please fix!!! We paid for the extra features and no ads too! We love this game and we cant even play it!!!

Loved this game growing up, never had a problem with the app until about a year or two ago consistently when it just starting bugging out mainly due to every time we leave a shop, the game freezes indefinitely. We cannot progress at all. Would love for this to be fixed so the game is playable.

Anytime we leave a shop the game stays in the black screen – we want to play but cant :/

Great game, but whenever you exit a shop the game freezes and it doesnt save what you buy. We would love this game if this major issue was fixed.

After we enter a store the game just crashes /:

The original was far much better than this remake, we feel the original was more straight forward, rewarding and fun. The old content is missed and if the original swords and sandals 2 was uploaded, we would play it everyday, even pay for it.

We bought the full game for $5 and now the game keeps crashing every time we exit a store. Super glad to see this game staying alive now as an app, but we feel conned out of money.

Game crashes any time we talk to a shopkeeper with a character over a certain level. Cant advance anymore.

For some reason we can’t get passed level three. Maybe its a glitch or maybe im doing something wrong.

Its a good game dont get us wrong. But literally after the third level they force you pay up if you want to play more.

Spent like 6$ on it for it to lag every time we leave a shop. Having to restart the game if we want to play more.

More pages for Swords and Sandals 2 Redux – eGames.com LLC