Word Rebus Level 68

_ _ _ C A B L E S _ _
_ B O O B Y T R A P _
_ _ F U N F A C T S _
N I E C E _ B O H R _
N I G H T L I F E _ _
P I P E R _ O F F A L
_ F O O T S T E P S _
M O T E L _ G E N U S
_ _ A C R O B A T I C
_ S T E W _ R H I N O
_ C O N C R E T E _ _
_ B A C K W A R D S _
_ _ A L A S K A _ _ _

Find the complete solutions and cheats for Word Rebus Level 68, available on iPhone, iPad, Android, and other platforms. All solutions come with accompanying screenshots to make it easier for you to clear each level. This game is brought to you by Joy Vendor Limited.

Solutions for Word Rebus Level 68 ?

We’re continuously working to manually find and update the most accurate solutions. As of now, the best answers we’ve found are listed below:

  1. Wires covered in plastic or rubber that carry signals


  2. Hidden weapon set off by an unsuspecting person


  3. Random, interesting, and truthful trivia pieces


  4. The daughter of one’s brother or sister


  5. 922 physics Nobelist Niels


  6. A city’s afterhours entertainment; e.g. bars and clubs


  7. An itinerant musician


  8. Butcher shop byproduct


  9. The more you take, the more you leave behind


  10. Travelers’ inn


  11. It comes above species and below family


  12. An _________ performance involves impressive gymnastic feats that require agility and balance


  13. Crock-Pot dish


  14. Thick-skinned zoo animal with a horn


  15. Composite material made of cement, gravel, and sand


  16. In the direction of the rear


  17. In this US state, the sun doesn’t set for more than two months


  18. COUCH

  19. COFFEE

  20. POTATO

  21. BREAK

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