Alliance Campaign

Alliance Campaign

Alliance Campaign

Alliance Campaign, also called AvA Event, is held on the weekend, every other week.

Gather enough ore to perfect the Doomsday Device, and show your steel-like will before the invaders arise!


Registration Period:

Tap the Event Center and choose Alliance Campaign, only the alliance leader can represent the whole alliance and register for the Alliance Campaign.

The leader can cancel the registration at any time during the registration period.

Requirements for registration:

a) Only the leader can register or cancel

b) The alliance needs to reach a certain power

c) The alliance needs to hold an Alliance HQ

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Matching Period:

After the registration, all alliances registered will be matched into different groups by the system. The matching list will be ready before the alliance campaign starts.

For some situations, your alliance may fail to be matched:

a) Alliance HQ is destroyed during the matching period

b) Alliance Rank (power) has dropped out of the top 10 during the matching period

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Campaign Period:

When the campaign starts, ore will be distributed to each alliance according to how many alliance buildings they hold. The more alliance buildings (Alliance HQ, Tower, War Room, etc…) an alliance holds, the more ore will be distributed at the beginning.

During this period, as soon as an alliance building is demolished, the ore left in the building will be distributed to the other alliances in the group.

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From the event button on the lower right side, you can check the alliance list and the status of the alliances such as the current ore amount, score, ranking, etc. You can choose an alliance and go to the coordinates or teleport to the area nearby and attack. You can also garrison in your alliance building to defend your ore from being robbed. However, you can only send one troop at most in a march or rally against a rival alliance building.

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There are two types of rewards, alliance rewards according to alliance score and individual rewards according to individual score. The alliance leader can distribute the rewards to alliance members manually after the campaign ends.


Detailed Rules:

1. Only Alliance Leaders can register their Alliances for the Alliance Campaign. Eligible Alliances will be sorted into groups with a set of opponents from different Regions based on their levels of power.

2. Alliances must have an Alliance HQ to register. If the HQ is demolished while Alliances are being matched, the Alliance will be disqualified.

3. Members who join after registration won’t be able to participate. Members who leave their Alliance won’t be able to continue participating in the event.

4. Once the Alliance Campaign begins, Magnetic Ore will be distributed based on the number of active buildings (HQ, Towers, and War Room) an Alliance has. The fewer the buildings an Alliance has, the less Ore it gets!

5. If an Alliance building is demolished during the Campaign, all its Magnetic Ore will be automatically distributed to other participating Alliances.

6. Alliance buildings can hold a limited number of Ore. Once the amount held is over the limit, the speed with which the Ore can be looted will increase, and attackers will gain benefits. The greater the amount of Ore stored, the greater the attacker benefits – but the less Ore, the greater the defense benefits!

7. When the Ore stored in a building reaches its lowest limit, it can no longer be looted by other Alliances.

8. During the Alliance Campaign you can teleport into opposing Alliances’ Regions to loot Magnetic Ore from their buildings, but looting them won’t affect their normal status.

9. When you occupy the Magnetic Ore reserves of an opposing Alliance’s building, you will gain a certain amount of Magnetic Ore at regular intervals. The Ore you loot will be sent to your Alliance’s buildings.

10. Alliances will gain points at regular intervals based on the amount of Magnetic Ore they hold. Points will be awarded one time for each interval. You will not be able to gain Ore by attacking opposing Alliance members.

11. Troops killed in the Alliance Campaign (including battles for Alliance buildings) will be treated as injured, and all injured troops will be taken to your Region Hospital.

12. Alliances can pay Gold to track an opposing Alliance and see the location of all its members for a set period of time.

13. You will not be able to gather resources or occupy tiles in other Regions. You cannot attack Commanders in other Regions who aren’t part of the Alliance Campaign, and they won’t be able to attack you.

14. Alliance Rankings will be based on points earned by the end of the Alliance Campaign, and rewards will be distributed based on ranking.

15. Commanders will gain points at regular intervals related to the amount of Magnetic Ore they are defending or looting. Individual points will be based off of each Commander’s total troop power used for defending or looting Ore, and Individual Rewards will be based on those points.

16. When the event is finished, all Alliances and Commanders who earned enough points will gain rewards. Alliance Leaders can assign Alliance Rewards to individual members on their Alliance page.

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