EnigmOn Walkthrough

Enigmon Level 8

Enigmon Level 8

This is the walkthrough for Enigmon Level 8 Solutions, Cheats, Answers for iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle, iPod Touch and other device by EBR Inaya.

What is the solution for Enigmon Level 8 ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. Plug your headphone on, you need to listen by using headphone.
  2. Turn it slowly until you heard stronger sound.
  3. After you heard the stronger sound, tap the lever once.
  4. Turn it to another side and wait for the stronger sound, tap the lever.
  5. Do it again and you need to pull the lever 3 times.
  6. Try more.

Some people are looking for these:

  • Enigmon Level 8
  • Enigmon cheat Level 8

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