Call of Duty®: Mobile Announcing Season 3: Tokyo Escape

Call of Duty®: Mobile Announcing Season 3: Tokyo Escape

Official Update : Call of Duty®: Mobile Announcing Season 3: Tokyo Escape

Call of Duty®: Mobile Announcing Season 3: Tokyo Escape.

Watch the official update for Call of Duty®: Mobile brought to you by Activision Publishing, Inc., enjoy.

It’s official, a new season is releasing later this week and we are honored to announce that it is called Season 3: Tokyo Escape! This theme pays homage to both modern and feudal Japanese aesthetics, which you’ll be able to see clearly displayed in our…

According to a video posted to the Call of Duty: Mobile YouTube channel, the latest update to the game, which is known as the Call of Duty®: Mobile Announcing Season 3: Tokyo Escape, has arrived.

At the time of writing this, the update has been viewed more than 1384589 times. This clip has more than 22045 likes.


"👀", Bobby Plays commented.

"I Love This Seasons Theme!😍⚔️"


Follow use and don’t miss out on all the fun and action!

Interesting comments by other players

Bobby Plays: 👀

Kvleofficial Gaming: I Love This Seasons Theme!😍⚔️

Godzly: 🔥🔥

Soup Sus: This season gon be a banger

AkShAY ✓: Season 3 BattlePass Is Going To Awesome

Yusuf T-Deen: Finally, the Japanese theme we’ve all been waiting for!
Hell yeah COD mobile

Can’t wait to see the characters ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Sleepless Man: I’m so excited for this season 🙂

shekhar jha: Epic season + epic maps thank you cod team

Void: This season looks like Hype 🔥🔥

Pigeon Force: This season is lit🔥🔥
Hope the bugs are removed 🤞🤞

Doggo: I’m probably sure they will add the hachi (katana) in the battle pass 😍 so excited ❤️

Nick: Loveing the season thanks for the leaks 💗

KyleNamite: Cod mobile never fails to amaze us with unique concepts for each season

Aditya Gupta YT: Guys I love cod and the development team as they are giving updates more frequent

Dragos Rumega: This will be probably one of the best looking seasons

Proto Luke: Been here sense season 1 and I still play this game because it is amazing. Just gets better and better. Shoutout to the development team. 👍

My username is ProtoLuke if Anyone wants to play.

Electronikah Official: Now this could be a season worth grinding for!

Ratul Hasan: No theme can beat the theme of season 6 😍😍

Rick TheWise: I am excited to listen to this season’s theme music……it could be epic !🤩

King Leo: This might be the best season!!!❤️


  • YouTube Channel: Call of Duty: Mobile
  • Game Developer: Activision Publishing, Inc.


We are in no way affiliated or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc. or Call of Duty: Mobile. All videos, images and rights to respective owners