DK Quiz Food Answers

DK Quiz Sweeties

These are the answer for DK Quiz Sweeties Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz Sweeties ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. I’m a three letter sweet that comes in a special dispenser. What am I?
  2. PEZ
  3. These sweets are found at a special time of year. What is it called?
  4. Easter
  5. What sugary powder is sucked up through a straw?
  6. Sherbet
  7. I’m a delicious peppermint walking stick often found at Christmas. What am I?
  8. Candy cane
  9. This tasty tooth-breaker is often found at the English seaside. It is called…
  10. Rock
  11. A Twix bar is made of marshmallow and mint.
  12. False
  13. I’m a typical hard lolly that lasts a long time, and this is what I look like. I’m a…
  14. Boiled sweet
  15. What has a sour shell and a fizzy middle?
  16. Sherbet Lemons
  17. Barley Sugar was first invented in the 17th century to help people avoid travel sickness.
  18. True
  19. This chewy type of wild animal is called a Gummi…
  20. Bear
  21. What are the boiled sweets with white and black stripes called?
  22. Bulls Eyes
  23. The Everlasting Gobstopper was first sold in the UK in 1976.
  24. True
  25. I’m made of sugar and almond paste and can take any shape. What am I?
  26. Marzipan
  27. This chew comes in red and black and looks like rope. It is…
  28. Licorice
  29. These little round sweets have a chocolate middle. What are they called in the UK?
  30. Smarties
  31. What are similar sweets called in the US?
  32. M&M’s
  33. What bar is made from nougat, roasted peanuts, caramel, and milk chocolate?
  34. Snickers
  35. Which chocolate bar sounds like it comes from space?
  36. Mars
  37. What is this sweet?
  38. A Lollipop
  39. Which English sweet has a striped mint shell and chewy toffee inside?
  40. Mint Humbugs

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  • DK Quiz Answers
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