DK Quiz Natural History Answers

DK Quiz All About Behaviour

These are the answer for DK Quiz All About Behaviour Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz All About Behaviour ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. What do ordinary spiders like to eat?
  2. Moths and flies
  3. Woodlice produce defensive chemicals to make them taste foul to most predators?
  4. True
  5. Although water boatmen live in the water they breathe air.
  6. True
  7. What do woodlice need to do in order to grow?
  8. Shed their external skeleton
  9. This would be the ideal habitat for which insect?
  10. Mosquito
  11. What are the stages of metamorphosis?
  12. Egg, larva, pupa, and adult
  13. How do grasshoppers sing?
  14. By rubbing their wings
  15. What can’t earwigs stand?
  16. Open spaces
  17. Only female crickets sing.
  18. False
  19. What do woodlice breathe through?
  20. Their gills
  21. Which insect laid these eggs?
  22. A ladybird
  23. Hawk moth caterpillars multiply in weight 10,000 times in how many days?
  24. 20
  25. An aphid can give birth without even mating.
  26. True
  27. Which of these spiders isn’t suited to life in a tank because they need lots of room?
  28. Garden spider
  29. How do woodlice like their homes?
  30. Dark and damp
  31. What does this type of ladybird eat?
  32. Mildew
  33. A caterpillar has more muscles in its body than a human?
  34. True
  35. Where would you find the sting in this insect?
  36. Its tail
  37. Which insects are known to cling to flies to catch a ride?
  38. Pseudoscorpions
  39. What do grasshoppers mainly eat?
  40. Grass

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