DK Quiz Natural History Answers

DK Quiz Famous American Natural Landmarks

These are the answer for DK Quiz Famous American Natural Landmarks Question and Answers, Cheats, for Easy , Medium, Hard on all level of the game. This game is developed by Dorling Kindersley at Dorling Kindersley Ltd.

What is the solution for DK Quiz Famous American Natural Landmarks ?

We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here, currently the best answer we found for these are:

  1. Which colossal American natural landmark was formed 17 million years ago by the Colorado River?
  2. The Grand Canyon
  3. Which mammoth monolithic rock stands 72 m (236 ft) high on Oregon’s Cannon Beach?
  4. Haystack Rock
  5. How many tourists does the North American Niagara Falls attract every year?
  6. 12 million
  7. Nearly 7,000 years ago the collapse of Mount Mazama created Crater Lake. In which US state can it be seen?
  8. Oregon
  9. Which US national park spans Wyoming and parts of Montana and Idaho?
  10. Yellowstone National Park
  11. How high are the Yosemite Falls of America?
  12. 740 m (2,427 ft)
  13. Which of these US Presidents is not shown on Mount Rushmore?
  14. Richard Nixon
  15. Which state has 36 landmarks, more than any other in the US?
  16. California
  17. What is the name of the national park in Maine, America?
  18. Acadia National Park
  19. America’s Alaska Range is home to which glacier?
  20. Black Rapids Glacier
  21. America’s Rainbow Bridge is 84 m (275 ft) across and 88 m (289 ft) high. Where can you go to see it?
  22. Utah
  23. Established in 1929, in which US state does the Grand Teton National Park sit?
  24. Wyoming
  25. In the US, what is the name of Yellowstone National Park’s most famous geyser?
  26. Old Faithful
  27. The highest mountain in the United States is…
  28. Denali
  29. Hawaii’s Makalawena Marsh dried up in 2010 and was struck from the list of US National Natural Landmarks.
  30. False
  31. Which of these is not a rock formation in the American Southwest’s Monument Valley?
  32. Lady Luck’s Ladder
  33. Which president designated Devils Tower as the first National Monument in the United States?
  34. President Theodore Roosevelt
  35. It is estimated that 300 tourists go missing in Indiana’s Pinhook Bog every year.
  36. False
  37. On the border of which two US states does the Hoover Dam sit?
  38. Arizona and Nevada
  39. Mono Lake features large limestone spikes sticking out of the water. In which US state is it located?
  40. California

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