Rent Please! Landlord Sim

Last updated on June 1st, 2023 at 10:20 pm

Rent Please! Landlord Sim

Rent Please! Landlord Sim

Rent Please! Landlord Sim is one of the best Free to play game in the App Store.
Developed by Shimmer Games Co., Ltd., Rent Please! Landlord Sim is a Simulation game with a content rating of 9+.
It was released on 26th October 2022 with the latest update 30th May 2023

Whether you are a fan of Simulation, Casual, games, you will find this game interesting and will absolutely like it.

What is the rating of Rent Please! Landlord Sim ?

18,808 people have rated 1.2.2

What is the price of the Rent Please! Landlord Sim ?

It is free for download on iOS.

When was the Rent Please! Landlord Sim released ?

Rent Please! Landlord Sim was released on 26th October 2022.

When was the Rent Please! Landlord Sim updated ?

The latest updated date of Rent Please! Landlord Sim on 30th May 2023.

Where can Rent Please! Landlord Sim be downloaded ?

You can download the game Rent Please! Landlord Sim from Apple Official App Store.



As a good landlord, how will you build your community?
Of course, It’s not an easy move.
The tenants’ demands are varied.
How will you respond to their needs?
Meeting their needs may bring you surprises!

-Game Features:
· Experience the Joy of Being a Wealthy Landlord
Feel tired of the reality? Try Rent Please!- Landlord Sim and create your dream community. You are a wealthy landlord who owns the whole community. Everything is under YOUR control.

· Meet Various Tenants with Different Stories
You are not alone here among attractive tenants in the community. You are their landlord and also a friend. Communicate with tenants and share their life fragments. If you are willing to help, you can give your advice when they are in trouble.

· Unlock Different Types of Room
Decidophobia? It’s not a thing here. You can unlock all of the rooms here. The single apartment/the couple apartment/the sea house, and more await you to unlock.

· Explore Two Maps with Distinctive Styles
Do you prefer a comfortable coastal town or a fashionable city with nightlife? Each map has its features and themes. You can experience a completely different lifestyle on different maps.

· Design A Private House that Belongs to you
Everyone needs their own private space. So we have created dedicated private areas for our landlords—Independent gardens, spacious rooms, and decorating options that you can completely customize.

Updated on 30th May 2023


  1. Released the new area of Mornington
  2. Added 1 facility: Sweet Dessert
  3. Added 1 public facility: Music Café
  4. Added 2 new room types and furniture
  5. Added a new set of furniture for the landlord’s home
  6. Added 4 new tenants and 4 new stories of them
  7. Added 2 new pets and 4 new pet furniture
  8. Added 2 new landmarks
  9. Added 8 new home renovation plans for the landlord’s home
  10. Added 5 new store packs

Rent Please! Landlord Sim Review

Its fun when your bored at night or js during the day when you have nothing to do.

The game is better than EVER!! Been playing for MONTHS and Im HOOKED! Thank you for listening and fixing all problems with the game!

We love this game so much. We’ve been playing it for a little over a week and have so many positive things to say. 1) No ads unless you choose to watch them (for rewards). We’ve played (and deleted) games where there is an ad every 1-2 minutes of gameplay. In this game, theres a little man you can click on to watch ads for a reward, which scales with your progress. 2) Gems- in a lot of games, gems are nearly impossible to get without paying money. However, in this game, you get 15 free ones a day, they are redeemable for ads, and on top of that, you get gems for watching a certain number of ads for rewards (and its not an insane amount, its the 2nd/4th/7th ad you watch, resetting daily). 3) Speed up time. 99% of idle games have a skip till morning button with the watching of an ad. This game? You can make the speed run 3x normal at any time. For FREE. It recharges on its own, however if you use it all you can watch an ad or use gems to refill it. So obviously, there are a ton of other great things you can do in this game, like decorate a house, people watch, or look at tenants reviews (which is super helpful). This game is very interactive for an idle game. We just wanted to point out that this game is not grabbing for your money, and is very fun to play- we can play for 1 minute or 1 hour! So umm hit the download button? Why wouldnt you?

We love the new Version, we play this almost everyday.

We liked the game we just feel like it was a bit different from the ads.

Love the game, however it crashes a lot which is irritating.

This game is so good we could play it all the time.

Im waiting for more things to come in and for the speed button at the bottom to work. Still really fun!!!

We love this game SO much. Its so rewarding and super fun. This graphics are amazing and its super user-friendly. If youre going to download any game, download Rent Please! Its the best game we’ve ever downloaded and its so fun to see your property progress!!

Worked great the first 2 levels, then once we got to the third, Ibe been at a standstill waiting on 1380 pet reviews.

Its the perfect idle game, and its so much fun to play. It lets you choose to watch ads for rewards, and it makes it worth it to watch. Its such a pleasant game, that just watching us play it made our sister and fianc download it too! Hats off to the creators and developers, we look forward to more games in the future made by Shimmer.

This game is really fun we’ve put a lot of hours in it so relaxing to play but as well as stressing the way you get to decorate the apartments the more you level up and the buildings you get to make like laundry places or diners and many more, many of our friends like this and we also think you would too.

And we wasnt prompted to by the game either. This is our honest review. We love this little game! We rarely play any games because theyre stacked with micro transactions or impossible to play past two minutes without being swamped ads. This game is balanced in its ads. You are not forced to watch, you are visited by a cash man every few minutes that will show you the reward youll receive if you choose to watch a short ad. You can decline if you want to. The rewards are helpful in progressing through the game and not limited to only in-game money rewards. He will also visit with Diamond rewards, which is the micro transaction currency for the game. You do not need to pay to enjoy this game. The mechanics are smooth, the dialog of your tenants is adorable, and its just a lot of fun!

This game is fully like an addiction. Like worst than cookie run kingdom. But its like so fun! And unlike some idle games where waiting can be really boring, we sometimes just play to watch the little people go about their days and do different stuff. We really love watching them dance in the aerobatics square. And the idle earnings are really great! This is genuinely a game that we dont think Ill ever get bored of. That being said, the game of course has room for improvement, for example, being able to see more than 3 quests at once, although we wouldnt want to be able to see all of the games quests, we would love if you could see maybe 5 or 10 at once. Either way its a really great game!

We love the game, been playing it for almost 2 months now. However, we dont like that the purchase options are only for 30 days at a time. Seems too much like a money grab when every other game has it as a one time purchase. We havent spent any money because of that but easily would if it was a one time purchase. Just food for thought.

This game lit fr , we just dont have time for them talking ab the bed hard when its max level. That is obsurd and ungrateful. Other than that , great game.

For starters, we really love and enjoy playing this game. We wasnt going to write a review just yet but we were forced to because of a glitch we noticed for some time now where the diamonds arent accurately correct. We could supposedly gain more diamonds from watching a video but it diamond amount stays the same. When it should be going up and we feel its messed up some purchases and Gains of the diamonds. We also recommend detailing more about the rules and having the option on everything so it could show or tell us what to do exactly. At times you dont understand what its asking of us to do or how. Other than that we havent seen anything else wrong with the game. Its been very fun to play, hope these changes are made soon.

This game is one of our absolute favorites! Its run very smoothly for us, the graphics are adorable, and its very easy to earn gems! Most games will make it impossible to fully enjoy the game unless you pay real money, but not this one. Because of cash daddy and watching ads (as well as earning extra gems for watching a number of ads) you can actually enjoy everything this game has to offer! We especially like that cash daddy offers cash as well, making it so you can play the game for an extended amount of time instead of checking every 4 hours for rent (which you can double which is another of our favorite features). TLDR: its easy to earn gems and cash, and you dont need to pay to get the full experience! ^^!! Very fun game.

Currently like playing this game and just started 8/10 so far.


We love this game its awesome but when you get to the city it is SO hard to earn enough money for things and that makes the game boring for us. :(

Wehn you get the game make sure to not skip the tutorial it will not be very fun. Also there will be a speed up button on the bottom yes dont tap it HOLD ON IT we learned this by reading another review haha. Also remember to not maste your money and try to get all the needs before the decor and the fun stuff! We hope you enjoy the game it is actually really fun.

This game is absolutely incredible, one thing that a lot of games have but this one doesnt is its pretty difficult. Most games are the same thing over and over and you can complete very quickly with this we have even playing for a good amount of time. Lots of fun surprises and we can agree with the fact that doing apartmentments over and over again can get boring but there are so many other things to do if you get bored like decorating your home. So we definitely recommend this game and we dont really have anything against it!

We love the aspect of certain residents like certain things and have specific needs. Like how boomerangers care about laundry most and comfy beds. We see myself upgrading every room to look the same but its more fun when they request certain things. We wish it was more tailored to their specific needs. We also wish you could Swap apartments and 2. Move around map more efficiently rather than drag. Or just stay focused on one area youre developing. 3. Also why are they called couple apartments rather than shared **** The pros is the game is good for adults, the complaints arent super PG theyre relatable! And has funny little scenarios. Really fun game. Our new residents interacted with our old map for the first time in weeks and it made us jump for joy. We want to see them using these facilities too! (Newbie)

This game is really fun we just love evicting these single mothers in need.

It was a huge favorite of ours for so many reasons. And it just stopped working one day So sad. But it was so good we had to give it a good review. The game itself is awesome but the servers or whatever runs it need some haaaalp. So servers one star.

This game is amazing. We’ve been seeing ads on tiktok for this game a lot so we just decided to download it. Best decision ever. Easy to earn money and doesnt have ads.

Im loving it so far ads arent bad optional so good.

Press for 3x speed up doesnt work we like the game though.

We actually like this game! Pretty fun, just wish there were a few extra things. Our biggest problem is when you open the app, you collect the coins you made while not playing the game and have the option to watch an ad or pay 10 diamonds to double the amount. Sometimes we choose to double the coins by watching an ad BUT about half the time we do that we dont get double the coins. Watching 30-45 Second adsto get what we couldve gotten without watching an ad. Please fix this.

This game is very good with the ads its like 90% game 10% ad. The game is fun its just not very much like the ad. We also dont really understand some of the comments about the staff in the NEIGHBORHOOD. Other than that GREAT GAME!

Honestly we really like the game, and we think it could be a popular game that a lot of people play as long as you keep updating and improving it.

We love this game a lot and we spend hours on it. Even when we just have to sit there and watch our money go up. We like that the characters have routines because we liked to guess who does what next. But, after a wall it gets a little boring. We wish the characters would talk to each other and interact so we can watch them have conversations. We don’t like that they’re just individuals who lives next to each other. We would want to watch them make small conversations and friendships. So please, consider this. Other than that, the game is great.

Its a fun game even if the upgrades are a little too expensive. However, everyone we exit the game, the satisfaction index reverts back to the start of mornington and will not increase.

We love this game we would seriously recommend it if you like things like this, but we feel like it moves a little slow . Everything is so expensive, and it makes it a little stressful sometimes, but other than that we love it !!! It is sooooo much fun! Love harts !

Lets start with how great this game is. Not only does it have great animation and graphics, but it also has different things, such has little quests, a diner, a exercising area, a letterbox system, and SOOO much more! This game is fun for almost all age groups. We played this for a week and we have LOVED it so far. Our first issue? None of the ads work. When Cashdaddy comes, not a single ad pops up. When we want to skip the apartment building, no ads come on. Perhaps you could fix this issue? We looked at the reviews and seen many complaints about the ads. Also, the 3x thing-a-ma-bob? It doesnt work. We press it continuously and it wont work. We dont know if you have to purchase something in order to use it or not, but please fix that issue. Despite these issues, this game has great potential. Like we said, good graphics and adorable little characters and animations. We hope this game will improve and continue to be an amazing game.

We think this game is really really good. Its just there should be a better way of getting money then having to watch an ad or getting a small amount of rent. Oh and also having to pay money for the actual money in the game maybe adding another use to the diamonds maybe you could use your diamonds and exchange them into money in the game.

We personally really like this game, it’s fun to play, but some of the ads in the game are really inappropriate we don’t know if you guys can control that or not but that’s the only problem we have with this game.

We cant explain how much we love this game! We love all the characters, the building, the graphics! Everything is just so amazing! We’ve been playing this game this past month, and we havent had any trouble. But with the money. We would be offline for a while, but when we come back to collect our moneythere is nothing to receive. Im not sure if this is some sort of glitch in the game or something with our phone. But this has happened a few times. We hope that this can be resolve. We also noticed that the House Villas only contain 3 characters. The nanny, the model and the book worm. We really hopes to unlock more new characters like the couple apartments! But of course we were disappointed. We expected for it to be a big family. Apart from the characters, the skin diversity is okay. We like how characters were added different ranges of shade! But, only a couple and the rest are white skinned. We would like the shade diversity to be WIDER! Apart from all that, we truly love this game. Its very relaxing and fun to play! We would like for a solution to be found to these problems. But we know that most wont be solved or solved at all. We really hope for new updates! We would be tuned! Thank you!

We love you and everything just one problem. Can you make less ads and more money?

Love the game but cannot play today for some reason. Try opening the app and its just black. We’ve closed the app completely, restarted our phone we havent deleted it because we didnt want to lose our progress.

Why wont our rent build up when Im not actively playing the game?

We love this game and it was really fun and the animation was adorable but the only thing that we didnt like was that it took up so much space on our phone it was like the only thing we could have Which was a disappointment but other than that great game wouldve been five stars if the game is a little bit smaller.

We’ve been doing playing this game for months now and Im annoyed by all the bugs we’ve been experiencing. Lately when we log in, the money that was accumulating while we were in idle stopped appearing we’ve spent real money on this game and its annoying to know that when we log into this game, theres a chance we wont get the idle amount.

We have been OBSESSED with this game the last few days and we love that there arent a ridiculous amount of ads and that they give you more than enough diamonds to refill the 3x speed tab however we do have a few complaints. First, we are so frustrated with how expensive new additions are once youve passed the first couple upgrades. For example Im trying to build 102, apt 2 and it costs $30,000 ??? We cant afford that. Thats about 30 hours of saving with no spending whatsoever with our current rent profits. And adding a vase to the desk or succulents to one single apartment costs THOUSANDS of dollars. Like how expensive can plants be? Second, the feedback/reviews from residents are not usually very helpful and sometimes two people will say the exact same thing but one will be positive and the other will be negative. We dont understand. Thats pretty much it, we generally enjoy the game otherwise and will definitely keep playing until we have everything.

Every once in awhile they will offer an ad for a reward, but you dont get the rewards no matter how many ads you watch.

We played this game for weeks and really enjoyed it, we believe we were on level 13 when our phone died while playing it. When our phone turned back on we were at a level 3 and hadnt even finished building the initial complex. We were so upset we at losing all of our progress that we deleted the game. The game does not do a good job of automatically saving (if at all) so if you enjoy it please manually save! We didnt even know it was an option until all of our progress was gone! Honestly its silly but we went through the five stages of grief afterwards lol. Very fun game, nice to play while youre watching TV or waiting in line somewhere. We just wish they have auto save turned on for everyone.

This game is really fun, but we cannot make it past level three, we have done everything, like completing all the tasks and making all of the places and rooms up to 100%, but the game level percentage still says 99%, and yes our ratings are 100% good. So while the game is fun its also being very slow or just not working.

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