State of Survival World Event 4 Amethyst Season

State of Survival: World Event 4, Amethyst Season

Welcome to World Event 4, Amethyst Season in State of Survival.

World Event 4, Amethyst Season

We have re-scheduled World Event 4, Amethyst season in States 211-234 and the State 19-96 to Feb.14.

  • The Amethyst season was arranged to start this week. However, there would have been a limited pool matching those States in SvS this week. To ensure the SvS game experience of those States, we decided to delay the World Event 4 for 2 weeks so all those States would have a larger pool of States to be matched with in State Warfare.
  • Based on our research during the developer Q&A, more players in the Merged States would like to wait a bit longer for SvS in next round rather than immediate SvS against the other merged States only.
  • Taking all the aspects above into consideration, we have finally decided to reschedule the Amethyst Season to Feb.14 in State 211-234 and 19-96.

We apologize for the late explanation and confusion brought by the changes.

In-game notification regarding the changes will be issued soon.


You may have noticed something different when you launch State of Survival.

Nothing changed in the game itself, we’ve just decided to make our parent brand, FunPlus, more visible.


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